Recently, I was watching the TVB version of "Dragon Movie", and Azi was on the list of things that netizens disliked. If Azi could travel through time and read the book "Psychological Counseling and Treatment", she would understand her problem because of her strong understanding.

2024/06/0823:06:32 psychological 1413

was recently watching the TVB version of "Dragon Movie", and in the barrage netizens hated it, Ah Zi was on the list. Some netizens even suggested that Ah Zi needs to see a psychiatrist and receive psychological treatment.

If Azi could travel through time and read the book "Psychological Counseling and Treatment", she would understand her problem because of her strong understanding.

In addition to explaining the counseling relationship, the book "Psychological Counseling and Treatment" also conducts an integrated analysis of counseling theories, including Freud psychoanalytic therapy, Adler individual therapy, and rational-emotional ABC therapy. , interactive therapy, behavioral therapy, etc.

Recently, I was watching the TVB version of

The author Professor Lin Mengping holds a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Illinois . He is the first expert in Hong Kong to receive the honor of "Asian Outstanding Scholar" awarded by the "Asian Federation Directors" in the United States.

Diagnose based on the content of Professor Lin Mengping's book. What inspirations does Ah Zi's experience give us?

01 People with too strong "self" are not popular with others.

In the drama, Ah Zi's pranks are annoying.

Xu Zhu and Ah Zi have no grudges. When they first met in the hotel, Xu Zhu was pranked by Ah Zi. AhZi thought it was fun, so she changed her chicken noodle noodles with Xu Zhu's plain noodles, causing Xu Zhu to unknowingly break the "vegetarian precept".

Recently, I was watching the TVB version of

Azi was very proud, but the audience was itching to watch.

If this was just naughty, then what she did to Chu Wanli involved "evil".

Azi teased Duan Zhengchun's retainer Chu Wanli with a fishing net, which made Chu Wanli feel insulted.

People in the world of martial arts can be killed but not humiliated.

Chu Wanli vented the humiliation he suffered by fighting fiercely with the four villains and vowing to protect his master to the death.

AhZi not only did not feel guilty or remorseful about Chu Wanli's death, but instead made sarcastic remarks. This makes the audience hate Azi even more.

The book mentioned that Freud divided the personality structure into: id, ego, and superego.

The id is the most primitive biological instinct and follows the "pleasure principle". id achieves instant gratification by eliminating stress and increasing pleasure.

Ah Zi's "self" is too strong, she only cares about her own happiness, but does not care about the feelings of others.

A truly mature person has a complete "self" and can find a balance between "id" and "superego".

02 People who adhere to the principle of "I am good and you are not good" will encounter obstacles everywhere in life

Azi was blinded by Xingxiu sect Ding Chunqiu with poison. When she knew that Zhong Ling's eyes were big and bright, she actually asked You Tanzhi to dig out Zhong Ling's eyes and replace them with hers.

This method is cruel and outrageous.

Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you, A Zi cannot understand that.

Her logic is: everything must serve her, no matter what price others pay, as long as she is comfortable, it is worth it.

Recently, I was watching the TVB version of

The interactive analysis therapy school mentioned in the book believes that there are four scripts in life:

"I am good, and you are good."

"I am good, and you are bad."

"I am not good, and you are good."

" I'm not good, and you're not good either."

Psychology believes that all troubles and troubles come from interpersonal relationships.

When Azi adheres to the interpersonal model of "I am good, you are not good", she is despised, spurned, and isolated. Lingjiu Palace The four kind-hearted and beautiful sisters all stood up for Zhong Ling and deliberately refused to give Azi bowls and chopsticks when eating.

Brother-in-law Qiao Feng was also disappointed and saddened by her. Although he still took care of her, it was only because of A'zhu 's instructions.

The life pattern of a person who has light in his heart and love in his eyes is "what's good for me, what's good for you". Just like A'Zhu, she can always live in Qiao Feng's heart.

People who adhere to the "I am good, you are good" model not only live calmly, but can also give this warmth to others.

03 Use active defense mechanisms to gain a peaceful life

The book "Psychological Counseling and Treatment" believes that in life, people will use some defense mechanisms, mainly to "ensure a certain degree of stability in their mood."

These active defense mechanisms can give people psychological satisfaction.

(1) Positively agree with

Azi admires heroes like Qiao Feng and hopes to be loved by Qiao Feng like her sister A'Zhu, so that she can learn from her sister A'Zhu's gentle and kind conduct.

In the book "Psychological Counseling and Therapy", the author mentioned that a physics professor had a trademark beard, and a student also grew a beard because he admired the professor.

In life, people will imitate others. These idols or role models are actually the power of "identity".

(2) Sweet lemon

Life is unsatisfactory, nine times out of ten. When something bad happens, "Sweet Lemon" helps people see the bright side.

When Azi saw her brother-in-law Qiao Feng rejecting her and being thousands of miles away, and the sisters from Lingjiu Palace treating her badly, this was actually a good time to reflect on her growth.

For example, a netizen was cheated because of a little greed. The negative aspect was that he lost hundreds of yuan, but the positive aspect was that he should stop being greedy. When encountering a similar situation in the future, no matter how ridiculous others say it, it will not change your mind. This avoids greater losses.

As the saying goes, what is lost is reaped in the east.

(3) Sublimation

transfers some behaviors to form more positive values.

In the whole drama, the audience's favorite part of Azi's plot is the part where Azi confronts Mrs. Ma . In the world of martial arts, evil people still need to be punished by evil people. It is true that one thing defeats another.

In life, if someone chatters all day long, people around you will think that they are noisy. At this time, TA can vent his emotions through writing. In the long run, he will not only satisfy his desire for expression, but also improve his writing skills, and maybe even start a writing side job.


There is a line in the movie "The Grandmaster ": In this life, people want to see all living beings, see the world, and see themselves.

Psychology is one of the ways to help people understand the world, understand others, and understand themselves.

Learn psychological counseling theory, help yourself to help others, and also help others to help themselves.

Note: The picture comes from the stills

text / sharp angle

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