Children with autism are often associated with aggressive behaviors, including self-injury and attacks on others. If there is no timely intervention, it will bring great obstacles to the children's integration into school and society. Research shows that aggressive behavior in au

2024/06/0301:41:33 psychological 1813

Children with autism are often associated with aggressive behaviors, including self-injury and attacks on others. If there is no timely intervention, it will bring great obstacles to the children's integration into school and society. Research shows that aggressive behavior in au - DayDayNews

Children with autism are often accompanied by aggressive behavior, which includes self-harm and attacking others. If there is no timely intervention, it will bring great obstacles to the children's integration into school and society.

Studies have shown that aggressive behavior of autistic children is the main cause of parental stress and also increases the risk of child abuse.

Children with autism are often associated with aggressive behaviors, including self-injury and attacks on others. If there is no timely intervention, it will bring great obstacles to the children's integration into school and society. Research shows that aggressive behavior in au - DayDayNews

The reasons for the occurrence of aggressive behavior in autistic children are not yet clear. Some studies have shown that the more serious the condition of autistic children, the higher the incidence of aggressive behavior in children.

Behavior is also a form of communication. Most children with autism like to use non-verbal behavior to express their needs. When the children's needs are not met, aggressive behavior becomes their form of expression.

Children with autism are often associated with aggressive behaviors, including self-injury and attacks on others. If there is no timely intervention, it will bring great obstacles to the children's integration into school and society. Research shows that aggressive behavior in au - DayDayNews

Family training diary:

Maomao is a child with a bad temper. Whenever he is unhappy, he will vent his emotions by throwing things in his hand, hitting his mother on the head, or biting people around him. Maomao's mother would criticize him for this behavior, but it would not have any effect.

Recently, my mother discovered that every time she takes Maomao out to play, as long as there are other children around Maomao, Maomao will throw the sand in her hands at others. If a child comes close, she will hit them. When her mother goes to stop her, Maomao will stop at that time. But if there are children approaching, Maomao will still hit other children. Now, whenever Maomao goes to the park, those children will quickly stay away, for fear of being beaten by Maomao.

Children with autism are often associated with aggressive behaviors, including self-injury and attacks on others. If there is no timely intervention, it will bring great obstacles to the children's integration into school and society. Research shows that aggressive behavior in au - DayDayNews

Contest Dad said:

1. According to the material, Maomao has serious emotional and behavioral problems and cannot effectively control and vent his emotions, and even criticism from his mother has no effect.

This may be due to the fact that autistic children lack corresponding cognitive skills and are unable to understand their parents' behavior and language. When faced with stressful situations, they are unable to adjust their expectations of stress through social cognitive skills and cannot release stress in social interactions. caused. This has nothing to do with the language ability and IQ of autistic children, but it still requires active intervention and training from parents.

Children with autism are often associated with aggressive behaviors, including self-injury and attacks on others. If there is no timely intervention, it will bring great obstacles to the children's integration into school and society. Research shows that aggressive behavior in au - DayDayNews

2. In the material, Maomao hitting her mother and attacking other children are a type of aggressive behavior. Because some of the children's needs are not met or they suffer setbacks, they release negative emotions such as anger, dissatisfaction and hatred through aggressive behavior. .

When a child has bad emotions, he must pay attention to the child's needs in a timely and reasonable manner, provide timely comfort, and avoid aggressive behavior. Many children's aggressive behavior exists for a long time, which requires certain means and methods to intervene to control and improve children's aggressive behavior.

Children with autism are often associated with aggressive behaviors, including self-injury and attacks on others. If there is no timely intervention, it will bring great obstacles to the children's integration into school and society. Research shows that aggressive behavior in au - DayDayNews

3. Maomao is unwilling to play with other children. You can consider whether Maomao has suffered setbacks in social activities with other children, which has led to Maomao being unwilling to interact with other children and using aggressive behavior to avoid direct interactions with other children. exchange.

This has led to Maomao’s low social participation, and it will be more difficult for children to develop advanced social skills in the future.

Children with autism are often associated with aggressive behaviors, including self-injury and attacks on others. If there is no timely intervention, it will bring great obstacles to the children's integration into school and society. Research shows that aggressive behavior in au - DayDayNews

Our suggestions:

1. Behavioral teaching strategies

The content of behavioral teaching mainly includes replacement skills, emotion regulation skills, self-control skills, tolerance skills and general adaptive skills (such as communication skills, social skills, self-decision-making skills, leisure skills, etc.) .

Parents can train their children to replace negative behaviors with other positive behaviors. When children encounter unpleasant things, parents should promptly help and guide their children to vent or express their emotional needs through reasonable channels.

Children with autism are often associated with aggressive behaviors, including self-injury and attacks on others. If there is no timely intervention, it will bring great obstacles to the children's integration into school and society. Research shows that aggressive behavior in au - DayDayNews

Parents can learn by telling social stories to their children or directly watching relevant videos. For younger children, parents can create relevant scenarios and train their children to master positive communication methods and skills through games.

2. Develop rules and contracts

Parents can make an agreement with their children in advance. Once their children attack others, parents can make their children aware of the cost of attacking others by withdrawing their children's favorite items or activities.

When children behave aggressively towards others, parents need to calm down . After calm down, they can actively communicate to guide their children not to do this behavior. Parents should also reward their children in time when they behave positively.

Children with autism are often associated with aggressive behaviors, including self-injury and attacks on others. If there is no timely intervention, it will bring great obstacles to the children's integration into school and society. Research shows that aggressive behavior in au - DayDayNews

3. Lead children to participate in more outdoor sports

When children cannot socialize normally among peers, parents need to lead their children to actively participate in outdoor activities in a timely manner. Through sports, they can increase contact with other children and reduce autistic children's negative attitude toward other children. People's resistance psychology, reducing social pressure , and increasing children's positive emotional experience.

Parents should also talk to their children frequently, guide their children to self-reflect, help their children analyze the reasons for their emotional problems, and promptly propose solutions to their children on what to do if this happens again next time.

Children with autism are often associated with aggressive behaviors, including self-injury and attacks on others. If there is no timely intervention, it will bring great obstacles to the children's integration into school and society. Research shows that aggressive behavior in au - DayDayNews

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