Written in front: "Me and Us" series, member introduction: id - small book, ego - self, superego - big super Superego - acting on the principle of pursuing pleasure, self - following the principle of reality , Superego---A small booklet for acting according to moral principles: B

2024/05/2416:24:33 psychological 1617

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"Me and Us" series, member introduction: id -small book, ego-self, superego-big super super

id---acting on the principle of pursuing pleasure, self- --Follow the reality principle, superego---Act according to moral principles

Little notebook: Dachaochao, I saw that Xiaoxin next door is on summer vacation, and I really want to go out to play ducks. Let's leave as soon as we say, let's go together Look for poetry and distance.

大超超: Impulse is the devil. You cannot let others carry the burden for you for the sake of your own poetry and your future!

Zizi: I am also physically and mentally exhausted. I really want to take a vacation and go to the mountains, away from the crowds, high-rise buildings, and intrigues, but I have to work to pay off the mortgage and earn living expenses...

Recently, the company has begun to cut costs and lay off employees. I heard that big companies outside The factory has been in the process of rolling layoffs...

My parents will be here in a week. Last year I agreed to take them on a trip...

The result of the new contract negotiated last week has not yet been determined... … All this makes me so anxious.

Anxiety has become a necessary emotion for modern people. It can be attached to various events and can also be transmitted/transmitted to various groups of people. How to recognize anxiety? How to coexist healthily with anxiety? How to regulate anxiety? This is a theme of self-exploration.

1. The nature of anxiety

Anxiety is a complex emotion intertwined with tension, uneasiness, worry, fear and other feelings. It originates from the conflict caused by the competition between the id, ego and superego for limited psychological energy. Anxiety is a defense mechanism, its function is to send danger signals to the self so that the self can take corresponding measures.

2. Classification of anxiety:

Psychoanalyst Freud divided anxiety into three categories based on its three dependences on the self: realistic anxiety, neurological anxiety and moral anxiety.

1. Realistic anxiety: Anxiety caused by dangers and threats that exist in the real environment. It is proportional to the degree of the real threat. Such as campus bullying, layoffs, upcoming public examinations, etc.

2. Neurotic anxiety: It occurs due to the constant fear that the self cannot control instinctive impulses and will lead to adverse consequences. At the same time, it shows external coping behaviors or symptoms (such as tension, avoidance, etc.). Its usual manifestations include dissociative anxiety, Phobia, panic disorder .

3. Moral anxiety: the guilt, shame, guilt/guilt, etc. experienced due to fear of one's own conscience or fear of being punished when doing something that violates moral norms. It is caused by superego constraints The anxiety caused;

3. Adjustment methods

Anxiety is not entirely a bad thing. It usually brings about two reactions, fight or flight. General anxiety can stimulate potential to create high performance or avoid harm; excessive anxiety can cause Psychological and physical pain, such as physical stomach pain , neurological headache, sore throat , insomnia, decreased appetite, etc.

has mastered self-regulation skills, which can appropriately relieve anxiety, adjust one's psychological state, and avoid emotional harm:

1. Accept anxiety and set a dedicated anxiety time for it - 30 minutes to 1 hour:

is here During the time, you can freely associate and describe, speak or write about the things you are anxious about, which is the unconscious consciousness in psychology. When you really think about and describe your anxiety, you will find that a lot of what you are anxious about is the illusory future. Or panic due to the impact of past events;

2, further specify the anxiety:

list the listed anxiety source events and specify the plans into action plans, existing resource preparations, responsible persons, planning cycles, budgets, etc., when After you specify the anxious event, you will find that you may be immersed in the action plan and forget about anxiety;

3. Focus on the present:

lists two types of events, future and past, implying that the future has not yet come and the past has passed. Shift your attention to the problems that can be solved at the moment. It is best to start with simple/easy things. Don't stop, start with easy things and then difficult ones. Use simple results to improve your confidence and relieve anxiety.

Don't be in a hurry, take your time and everything will pass.

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