Have you ever put yourself into the book you're reading (either in a character or a situation) and brought your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions with you? In fact, this is a powerful moment that may help heal some psychological problems or psychological disorders, such as dep

2024/06/0606:29:33 psychological 1329

Have you ever put yourself in the book you are reading (either in a character or in a situation) and brought your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions? In fact, this is a powerful moment that may help heal some psychological problems or psychological disorders, such as depression and anxiety.

Some mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, may make you feel "more clear-headed." This can leave you feeling isolated, and this unique sense of isolation can make treating mental illnesses like anxiety more complicated.

Now, Professor Rong Xinqi, a new concept psychology expert, will talk to you about how reading can help you reduce stress and anxiety?

Have you ever put yourself into the book you're reading (either in a character or a situation) and brought your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions with you? In fact, this is a powerful moment that may help heal some psychological problems or psychological disorders, such as dep - DayDayNews

Can reading help relieve anxiety?

Reading books is good for your mental health. When you read, you can recreate a sense of social engagement that involves identifying with people and finding common ground with others.

Because of this, bibliotherapy, or book therapy, is a powerful tool for helping people with anxiety and depression.

Bibliotherapy uses reading, dissecting and discussing books in a structured environment to improve mental health. According to a 2021 research survey, bibliotherapy may be beneficial for psychological treatment: anxiety, depression, sleep disorders , bipolar disorder , etc.

The Mental Health Benefits of Reading a Good Book

You don’t have to undergo formal bibliotherapy sessions with a counselor to reap the mental health benefits of reading a good book. Simple leisure reading can also help with self-care and mental health.

Even in remote areas, reading and book therapy are often available through: libraries, low-cost or free books, digital books, etc.

Have you ever put yourself into the book you're reading (either in a character or a situation) and brought your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions with you? In fact, this is a powerful moment that may help heal some psychological problems or psychological disorders, such as dep - DayDayNews

1. Reduce Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

Reading is good for our mental health, but it may be even more helpful for symptoms of depression and anxiety.

A small 2022 study suggests that reading fiction may reduce anxiety symptoms by increasing awareness of other people's feelings and improving problem-solving skills. Participants in the same study reported that reading also mediated symptoms of depression.

2. Reduce feelings of isolation

When you feel isolated, your world may seem "smaller," and reading can give you a more complete understanding of your place in the larger world.

In 2022, a study from Japan focused on how reading novels can help people experience hikikomori (hikikomori, extreme avoidance of social contact, usually mostly young men), which is a manifestation of social withdrawal.

According to the survey results, participants who read the novel reported less emotional stress and greater empathy. However, the study failed to find a link between novels and reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety caused by isolation.

In another small study conducted in 2022 with older adults living in nursing homes, participants reported that reading about what was going on in the outside world helped them feel less disconnected from the outside world.

Have you ever put yourself into the book you're reading (either in a character or a situation) and brought your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions with you? In fact, this is a powerful moment that may help heal some psychological problems or psychological disorders, such as dep - DayDayNews

3. Lift your mood

Reading a good book is a great way to lift your mood and create a feeling of hope.

A 2019 study of children aged 7-12 showed a relationship between bibliotherapy and an increased sense of hope. Hope can be a positive predictor of children's mental health, according to researchers.

According to the small 2022 study mentioned above, older adults living in nursing homes reported that bibliotherapy made people feel more optimistic.

4. Helping Children Cope with Sadness

Reading can help people, especially children, cope with sad emotions.

A small 2021 study of young children whose fathers died by suicide shows that bibliotherapy helps them:

Feeling less confused about their father's death;

Realizing they are not alone;

Opening up with the adults in their lives comminicate.

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