In recent years, the rate of depression among students has been increasing, and students' ability to self-regulate their emotions has become important. A high school class teacher held an activity and asked all students in the class to come up with several ways to relieve stress

2024/06/2711:02:33 psychological 1009

In recent years, the proportion of students suffering from depression has continued to rise, and students' ability to self-regulate their emotions has become important. A high school class teacher held an activity and asked all students in the class to come up with several ways to relieve stress and regulate emotions without violating the rules, harming others or themselves, and then the whole class summarized and ranked them. List the first few most commonly used methods and write them down on a small card to carry with you. When you're in a bad mood, just take out a small card and look at it. This might be a good idea.

As a teacher, it is very important to bring emotion management into the classroom and lead students away from depression. Today, psychological expert Professor Rong Xinqi gave the following 4 suggestions to help teachers lead students out of depression.

In recent years, the rate of depression among students has been increasing, and students' ability to self-regulate their emotions has become important. A high school class teacher held an activity and asked all students in the class to come up with several ways to relieve stress  - DayDayNews

1. Highlight the key figures who help solve depression

When there are students with depression in the class, other students may want to lend a helping hand but don’t know what to do. Sometimes instead, students come and say that their family members seem to have depression. , Therefore, students must first learn empathy and learn to soothe their emotions. Only after you know how to take care of yourself can you be able to take care of others to avoid unnecessary self-blame.

This is not only true between classmates, but also between teachers and students. When dealing with depression cases, it is best to include important people involved in the case and highlight the relationship circle of the depression case, such as friends and parents. Based on Professor Rong Xinqi’s more than ten years of psychological counseling experience, he found that especially when some junior high school girls suffer from depression, they must not ignore the role played by their fathers. If the father takes the initiative to care, it is often the decisive factor in getting out of depression.

2. Dark circles may be an important indicator of depression

Sometimes it is difficult for us to detect invisible depression, but sleep is one of the important indicators of depression. Teachers should be alert when they find that students have long-term poor mental health, frequent dark circles under the eyes or poor interpersonal relationships, or serious learning problems.

Long-term poor sleep can cause depression. It may be that depression continues to spread, leading to an imbalance in daily life routines. Poor sleep quality can also lead to poor mental health, which directly or indirectly affects class performance and even interpersonal relationships. Poor academic performance can come back again. This leads to even lower mood, triggering a series of vicious cycles.

In recent years, the rate of depression among students has been increasing, and students' ability to self-regulate their emotions has become important. A high school class teacher held an activity and asked all students in the class to come up with several ways to relieve stress  - DayDayNews

3. Gradually accept depression

When students with depression appear in the class, it is very important to lead classmates to accept them. Teachers can first integrate the theme of emotions into class group counseling activities, and jointly share and discuss the causes and situations of various emotions, so that students do not realize that the teacher is teaching a class with a depressed student.

can also help students clarify the difference between depression and depression, and guide the whole class to watch short films about depression. After watching, discuss freely to understand the specific symptoms of depression, and ask students to discuss what they know about depression and the emotional situation of depressed patients . In the final comprehensive discussion stage, students thought about what they could do for patients with depression.

4. Grasp every little hope

Some students perform well in all subjects, but there is one subject that is very poor. But because of this, those students who are seriously partial to subjects may plan to give up on themselves just because they score 30 points in the math test, even if I perform very well in other subjects, but it's easy to get into dead ends and feel like I'm not good enough.

In this case, the teacher can try to amplify the parts of the student's performance that are good. Even if the test scores are not good, but maybe the sports performance is outstanding, then start here. For example, if the student is good at swimming or particularly likes insects and plants, you might as well encourage him more. Students get close to nature, or contact their parents, arrange more outdoor activities, bask in the sun, go for walks in the countryside, and follow students' original interests to guide and inspire them, and gradually get rid of depression.

In recent years, the rate of depression among students has been increasing, and students' ability to self-regulate their emotions has become important. A high school class teacher held an activity and asked all students in the class to come up with several ways to relieve stress  - DayDayNews

Teachers are the guiding lights on students’ growth path. For students with depression, if teachers can find out things that make students strong and willing to do them, bring in the help of parents and friends, and use the guidance and treatment of psychological counselors, over time, they can finally Can rain and sunny days .The premise is - never give up any small hope, and continue to water it with love and patience. One day, depression will eventually evaporate from the campus! The original text of

is from Professor Rong Xinqi Studio. If you need to reprint, please obtain permission and indicate the source. If you have any questions, you can click on the avatar to send a private message.

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