72. Treat judgment correctly When it comes to judgment, we always unconsciously think of it as other people’s opinions of us. But there is another kind of judgment that comes from oneself. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, both judgments have a certain impact on us.

2024/06/2509:11:33 psychological 1436

72. Treat judgment correctly When it comes to judgment, we always unconsciously think of it as other people’s opinions of us. But there is another kind of judgment that comes from oneself. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, both judgments have a certain impact on us. - DayDayNews

72, treat judgment correctly

When it comes to judgment, we always unconsciously think of it as other people’s opinions of us. But there is another kind of judgment that comes from oneself. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, both judgments have a certain impact on us.

Issues related to judgment

1. The interference of judgment on decision-making and problem-solving skills - we are prone to emo late at night, and this is also the time when we are most likely to impulsively make some regrettable decisions. At this time, emotions interfere with our judgment. Unable to analyze problems objectively and rationally.

 2. Judgment will cover up your initial emotions - when you preset other people's judgments of yourself in advance, we will unconsciously bring in our own subjective emotions. For example, if you feel that the teacher does not like you, you will begin to resist taking the teacher's class, and your grades will deteriorate. However, the actual situation is that the teacher does not express clear dislike for a certain student.

 3. Judgment will increase your loneliness - the more you care about the judgment of yourself from the outside world, the more you will want to distance yourself from others. Use this sense of alienation to prevent yourself from being affected. And what follows is that I feel increasingly lonely. Unable to interact normally with others. No matter how close your lover is, you will push him away. So you also fell into the thought cycle that he doesn't love me.

 4. Judgment makes your vision narrower - once you accept a certain setting, you will no longer think about other possibilities. All the thinking patterns were solidified.

 ❤Change judgmental thinking

 1. Make up your mind to let go of judgment - don't always make judgments habitually. It is a constraint for both oneself and others.

 2. Identify judgments and stay away from judgments - When you feel that you are affected by judgments, you must make yourself aware of what you really care about as soon as possible.

 3. Stop comparing yourself to others.

 4. Avoid using evaluative language - try to replace evaluative statements with sentences that express your own preferences. For example, you can say "I like apples better than bananas" instead of "apples are better than bananas."

When you learn to use the correct method to express your preferences and interests, to a certain extent, you also avoid us Conflicts with others over language. On the one hand, get rid of the bad habit of caring too much about other people's evaluations, and on the other hand, let yourself not doubt yourself because of too much self-denial.

72. Treat judgment correctly When it comes to judgment, we always unconsciously think of it as other people’s opinions of us. But there is another kind of judgment that comes from oneself. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, both judgments have a certain impact on us. - DayDayNews

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