The term "split personality" sounds serious and dangerous to many people, but in fact it is a relatively common psychological phenomenon. Schizophrenia does not mean that a person has multiple personalities (dissociation), but rather refers to emotional apathy and unwillingness t

2024/05/2000:02:32 psychological 1458

The term " split personality " sounds serious and dangerous to many people, but in fact it is a relatively common psychological phenomenon. Psychological schizophrenia does not mean that a person has multiple personality (dissociated personality), but refers to emotional apathy and unwillingness to communicate with others.

I recommend you do a photo test, this will show if you are dealing with this phenomenon. So take a look at the photos below and point out what you see first.

The term

test transcript.

If you see a skull.

You are not prone to split personality. Your personality is homogenous in all three dimensions: Cognitive, Intuitive, and Emotional. You correctly perceive things and situations happening around you. Your emotions and behaviors are aligned with cognitive domains.

However, you tend to worry about unimportant things. You put psychological pressure on yourself. As a result, you spend more energy coping with stressful events. Stress can make you more active and take it to the next level, but if you can't "let go" of it at some point, it can have a negative impact on your well-being.

If you see two women...

You are a lonely person who doesn't feel the inner need to fall in love, start a relationship, or be the first to take the initiative to get to know the person you like. You have accepted your fate. You don't want to think about your emotions and you passively accept everything that happens around you. You don't communicate your feelings to others, so few people know what you think.

You need to be more proactive. Believe that happiness is not far away. If you work on improving your relationships, increasing your self-awareness, self-esteem, and communicating your feelings to others, your life will be painted in bright colors. Don't isolate yourself from new experiences or social activities. Only you will benefit from it.

Write in the comments what caught your attention first and if the description matches.

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