"Post-2000" Professional Bridesmaid Witnessing the happiness of 41 new couples in 2 years Professional Bridesmaid What is a professional bridesmaid? The first time I saw this word, I was still very surprised. When I get married, aren’t the bridesmaids all my classmates or friends

2024/06/2221:20:33 news 1043

"Post-2000" professional bridesmaid, witnessing the happiness of 41 new couples in 2 years

Professional bridesmaid

What is a professional bridesmaid? The first time I saw this word, I was still very surprised. When I get married, aren’t the bridesmaids all my classmates or friends? What does this professional bridesmaid do?

Professional bridesmaids are more like wedding butlers. From accompanying the bride to take photos, changing clothes, performing talents, and toasting, until the wedding banquet ends at eight o'clock in the evening, the whole process is what the bridesmaids have to do.

Professional bridesmaid Xie Yuke

This is the 22-year-old Xie Yuke. A person who is currently doing well in the industry,

, like many college graduates, she looked for a job right after graduating from college. An accidental opportunity made her become a professional bridesmaid.

In the past two years, she As a professional bridesmaid, it can be said that she has to attend 1-3 weddings every month. According to her statistics, she has attended 41 weddings in two years, and her flight mileage has reached 140,000 kilometers. The customers served by

also come from all over the country. I am very happy. I feel that this career is suitable for me. I can make money and always face the happy moments of the couple. It is really wonderful.

Xie Yuke said that in fact, there are still some requirements for professional bridesmaids. First of all, the bridesmaid must be unmarried. , this is the requirement of many customers. Secondly, it is best not to be too tall and to bring out the beauty of the bride. Generally, it is best to be between 155cm and 173cm

. The day's work of a professional bridesmaid is similar to that of the bridesmaids we see at weddings. But the salary is very impressive. You can usually earn 500-2,000 yuan a day. This income is still very attractive.

This may be the most desirable reason for this job. You can make money and have fun. It's pretty good.

Someone What kind of person would look for a professional bridesmaid?

Generally, people who don’t socialize much on weekdays and don’t have many friends to hang out with, but they want to be lively when they get married, don’t want to be deserted,

plus professional bridesmaids can afford it, and there won’t be any unpleasant things, so professional Bridesmaids are particularly popular among the generation born after 2000, and the prospects of this profession are also very promising.

Many people worry that after being a bridesmaid too many times, and getting used to seeing many people’s important moments in life, they will feel that marriage is boring. In this way, for bridesmaids to get married It has become the most difficult obstacle to overcome.

In fact, this is a bit over the top. Girls are used to seeing romantic wedding scenes. They are more yearning for marriage and an expectation for this sacred occasion. How could it be possible? What about boring?

In the final analysis, marriage still depends on whether you meet the right person. If you don't meet the right person, every encounter will be a mistake, then it will not work let alone being a professional bridesmaid, or even being a month old.

In addition, I very much support Xie Yuke’s career choice.

html After 000, he has begun to work hard in the workplace. Choosing a career is a problem that every graduate this year cannot avoid.

2022 is destined to be an extraordinary year, whether it is our life, work, or employment. They are all extremely different, and college graduates may be the group that feels the most deeply this year.

I watched a video interview before. A graduate still failed to find a suitable job after submitting hundreds of resumes. Sighing, why is it so difficult in 2022? Although it is difficult to find a job every year, it is even more difficult this year.

Pragmatic and Flexible Employment

This epidemic will bring down many small, micro and medium-sized enterprises. This is a large container for employment, and it cannot accommodate many. People,

coupled with economic difficulties, many establishment units are afraid to expand their enrollment, and scientific research institutions cannot enter. In addition, with the expansion of college enrollment, tens of millions of people graduate every year. How can there be so many jobs?

No matter how high or low the occupation is, look for it first. If you are a hand-to-mouth person, you can't continue to eat your old age when you are the boss!

Today’s young people are working as takeaway boys, express delivery agencies, and Internet celebrities’ income is much higher than that of factory assembly lines. This is a short-term employment method. You can also try it.

Difficulties are temporary, and struggle is the main theme. We The courage to face life divides us into different lifestyles. We should cheer up and meet daily challenges. This is life

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