Introduction: The hot summer is coming, remember to "do 2 more things, eat 2 more things", follow the old tradition, there are many benefits, summer is full of awns and summer is hot, which are all solar terms of summer. Now the first half of 2022 has passed, one-third of July ha

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Introduction: The hot summer is coming, remember to "do 2 more things, eat 2 more things", follow the old tradition, there are many benefits

Summer is full of awns, summer is hot and summer is connected. These are all the solar terms of summer. Now the first half of 2022 has passed, one-third of July has been completed, and the solar term is about to enter the summer season.

The Great Heat is the hottest day of the year. For the upcoming Great Heat, in addition to taking corresponding measures to avoid the heat, you must also remember to "do 2 more things, eat 2 more things". Following the old tradition, there are many benefits. Get through this difficult period of time peacefully.

Introduction: The hot summer is coming, remember to

Do 2 more things:

1. Sending the Great Summer Boats

Every year during the Great Summer, coastal areas of Zhejiang and other places have activities to send "Great Summer Boats". The fishermen took turns carrying the "Great Summer Boat", beating gongs and drums and setting off firecrackers. The streets were lined with people praying for blessings.

Finally, the Great Summer Boat was delivered to the dock, the ceremony was performed, and the prayers began. After the ceremony, the "Great Summer Boat" was pulled out of the fishing port by the fishing boat, lit on the sea, and went away with the water. This means that people have a good harvest and a peaceful life.

Introduction: The hot summer is coming, remember to

2. Appreciating lotus

During the hot season, hundreds of flowers bloom, especially lotus. As long as there is a pond, lotus will grow in wine. Many areas also have the custom of appreciating lotus, especially in the south and other places. Lotus flowers are bright and colorful, vying to bloom, which is a sign of the hot weather. Adds coolness to the summer. People in the northern region can also enjoy lotus flowers when eating after meals. Appreciating lotus flowers during the summer season symbolizes a happy life.

Introduction: The hot summer is coming, remember to

In addition to going out for folk activities when the weather is good, the diet should also be light. Because eating greasy and heavy-flavored food in the hot summer will not only make you sweat profusely, but also make it difficult for the body to digest, resulting in food accumulation. , so it’s better to eat lighter.

Eat 2 more things:

1. Cabbage

is also called cabbage. It is rich in nutrients and many trace elements, which can supplement the nutrients needed by the human body. And whether cabbage is served cold or stir-fried, there are countless delicacies made with it.

Introduction: The hot summer is coming, remember to

can make cold shredded cabbage. First cut the cabbage in half, tear the cabbage into small pieces, add the cabbage after the water boils, take it out and let it cool when the cabbage becomes slightly soft. Put minced garlic, chili powder, white sesame seeds in a bowl, pour hot oil over it, then add half a spoonful of light soy sauce, mature vinegar, oyster sauce, sugar, a little salt, mix well, and in ten minutes you will have a spicy and sour appetizing cold cabbage. alright.

Introduction: The hot summer is coming, remember to

You can also make cabbage vermicelli . First blanch the vermicelli in water, wash the cabbage, put oil in the pot, when the oil is hot, add chopped green onion and stir-fry until fragrant. Add the cabbage and stir-fry for two minutes, then add the peppercorns, a spoonful of soy sauce and salt, add the vermicelli and stir-fry for another minute. If you like the soup thicker, add some water. If you like the soup thicker, add some dark soy sauce for color, and stir. After frying for a few times, it's ready.

Introduction: The hot summer is coming, remember to

2. Bitter Melon

In summer, everyone likes to eat watermelon to relieve the heat. It is ice cold, thirst quenching and delicious. But in fact, the most refreshing and appetizing food in summer is bitter melon, which can dispel heat because its bitter taste can clear away heat. Eating bitter melon can stimulate your appetite. Whether it is made into bitter melon juice or stir-fried, bitter melon is the best ingredient to relieve summer heat.

Introduction: The hot summer is coming, remember to

Bitter melon juice: Cut two bitter melons, remove the seeds, and then squeeze the juice directly. Take out a cup, put a few ice cubes in it, pour in the bitter melon juice, add 35 ml of honey, half a lemon juice, stir evenly, and a cup of cool and de-flaming bitter melon juice is ready.

Introduction: The hot summer is coming, remember to

Bitter Melon and Pork Ribs Soup: Cut a bitter melon in half and remove the seeds. It is best to use ribs for the ribs. Pour in cold water into the pot and pour in rice wine to remove the fishy smell. After the water boils, blanch the foam, then add ginger slices and two green onions. , put some rice wine. Then take out the ribs, wash them with warm water, put them into the pot after washing them, add cold water, sprinkle some green onion, ginger, rice wine, white pepper , sprinkle with salt, pour it into the pressure cooker and cook for 12 minutes.

Introduction: The hot summer is coming, remember to

Blanch the bitter melon green to remove the bitterness, take a shower, pour the ribs in the pressure cooker into the pot, take out the green onion and ginger inside, add the bitter melon, break the oil, add some wolfberry, add some salt, and add some sugar Add freshness and simmer over low heat.

Chop green onions, garlic, ginger, and millet, add some sesame oil, soy sauce, some sugar, vinegar, and stir. This is a raw dish for dipping the ribs. On the other side, the ribs are also stewed. Take them out of the pot and drink some soup to reduce the heat. You can also use the ribs to dip into the raw dish, which is both meat and vegetable.

Introduction: The hot summer is coming, remember to

In fact, various places have their own customs during the summer season, and they also have their own dietary requirements. But no matter what you do or what you eat, it’s all about getting through the hottest day of the year with ease. So the hot summer is approaching, everyone should remember to "do 2 more things, eat 2 more things" and follow the old tradition, the benefits will be greater but not less.

Are you prepared for the great heat?

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