Fitness and banana have to tell the story, you will also like "banana" after reading it

2019/12/1121:10:13 lose 1385

People who exercise regularly will always eat some bananas before fitness. It is said that this can protect the muscles to a certain extent. If you don’t eat them, you will slowly consume the muscles you have developed during fitness. And eating bananas can avoid hypoglycemia. Is this rumor true? If it is true, please give me a few catties of bananas, and I will eat a few before working out!

Why eat bananas before fitness? Eating bananas before fitness can prevent too much muscle consumption.

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Eat a banana before you work out and wait for you to help you keep a lot of muscle. After a stronger fitness aerobic training, you will definitely lose muscle. Many fitness trainers do not recommend that you do aerobics on an empty stomach because of this.

Why do you eat bananas for fitness? Eat bananas before fitness to protect your "lean body mass"-muscles. You can eat bananas for 30 minutes before fitness.

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What are the benefits of eating bananas for fitness:

1. Fitness eating bananas can increase satiety: Whether you are in fitness Before or after fitness, a banana can increase the feeling of fullness. Eating bananas before fitness can prevent hunger from affecting the fitness exercise during fitness; eating bananas after fitness can relieve hunger after fitness.

2. Fitness eating bananas can quickly add energy: Bananas are rich in carbohydrates, glucose, fructose, vitamins, protein and other elements, and the monosaccharides and disaccharides contained in bananas are easily absorbed by the body , Can quickly replenish the lack of energy after exercise.

3. Fitness eating bananas to supplement the loss of potassium after exercise: When people exercise, especially when participating in high-intensity exercises, the energy in the body needs to be continuously consumed, and the body temperature of the person will also increase. . In order to maintain the balance of the body, the human body needs to expel the products of tissue metabolism in time and dissipate excess heat, and the human needs to sweat a lot. In this way, the human body not only has to excrete a certain amount of water and salt, but also a certain amount of minerals with sweat, of which potassium is the more important one.

4. Fitness eat bananas to increase blood sugar and avoid exercise hypoglycemia: When many people are doing fitness exercises, they may experience hypoglycemia caused by exercise such as dizziness, sweating, and wheezing shortly after exercise. Bananas are rich in sugar, protein, and a variety of minerals, which can increase blood sugar and avoid such hypoglycemia.

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What is the calorie of banana? It is said that for every 100g of bananas, the calories are about 93 kcal, which is not as high in sugar and calories as everyone thinks. In addition, bananas also contain carbohydrates, potassium, magnesium, vitamins A, B, C, E...In short, bananas are rich in nutrients, but the GI value (the degree to which food affects blood sugar) can only be regarded as medium, so The benefits of helping people lose weight are greater.

Friends who like to watch sports games should often see them on TV. Many athletes will eat bananas after the games. This is because bananas can greatly provide the human body with the required abilities. Generally speaking, two bananas can provide energy to maintain 90 minutes of vigorous exercise and supplement the body's needs.

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How to eat bananas for fitness? The interval is 15-30 minutes. It is not advisable to go to training after eating bananas before fitness. It will easily affect digestion and cause gastrointestinal discomfort. It is generally recommended to eat 10-15 minutes in advance.

And after the fitness training is over, muscle activity will make the body's blood supply a large amount of blood to the active muscles, and the blood flow of internal organs like stomach, intestines and other digestive organs will be reduced, and the function of digestion and absorption is also in In the inhibited state, gastric juice secretion is relatively reduced, and gastrointestinal motility is alsoIt will be weakened, which greatly weakens the digestion and absorption capacity. At this time, meals will only increase the burden on the intestines and stomach, and cannot digest and absorb well, which will easily cause indigestion. Therefore, it is recommended to rest for 15-30 minutes after fitness before eating bananas and other foods.

It seems that eating bananas for this fitness does have a lot of benefits, so I will bring some for fitness next time. Of course, if the goal is to reduce fat or gain muscle, it is better to make a diet plan.

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