Where are your squats? Squat distance between feet determines the effect of squat training

2019/10/0106:50:11 lose 2165

Squat is a training exercise for the lower limbs, but if the lower limbs are subdivided, they include several muscles, including the gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, quadriceps and gastrocnemius.

The training effect that everyone pursues when practicing squats is different, which can be roughly divided into four types:

1. Girls, build up hips without thick legs.

2. Boys, raised lower limbs to explode and finished dunking.

3. Elderly people, slow down knee degradation and strengthen knee joints.

4. Greasy middle-aged male, promoting testis.

Where are your squats? Squat distance between feet determines the effect of squat training - DayDayNews

So at this time, you will find that using the same squat action can accomplish these different training effects? Can't.

Among the factors that determine the effect of your squat exercise, the distance between your feet has the greatest influence. That is, how wide your feet stand determines the usefulness of your squats.

Let’s analyze the effect of squat standing distance on the effect of squat exercise. I hope it will help everyone.

Where are your squats? Squat distance between feet determines the effect of squat training - DayDayNews

Narrow squat to improve the explosive power of the lower limbs

The narrower the distance between the feet, the worse the stability of the body, and the lower the center of gravity. At this time, it is very dependent on our core strength to maintain stability.

The core strength mentioned here is actually the core strength of the waist and abdomen, which is often referred to as the supporting strength of the lower back.

Where are your squats? Squat distance between feet determines the effect of squat training - DayDayNews

The greater the back waist support, the stronger the coordination and stability of the body, and the better the explosive power of the lower limbs, so for those who want to improve their bounce and flexibility , To practice narrow squats more.

For example, street fitness players usually practice squats, or single-leg squats. In most cases, they will use the parallel squat method.

Where are your squats? Squat distance between feet determines the effect of squat training - DayDayNews

Operation method:

1. If you are squatting with bare hands, stretch your arms forward to do it, so the action will more stable.

2. If you are using a weight-bearing squat, use the front-neck barbell squat method, that is, put the barbell on the front deltoid muscle.

3. To improve explosive power, it is best to use distributed volume training, that is, practice five groups a day and practice five days a week.

Where are your squats? Squat distance between feet determines the effect of squat training - DayDayNews

Wide squat to create full buttocks

The wider the distance between the feet, the more stable the body will be, and the greater the range of hip joint motion, regardless of Whether it is hip adduction or hip extension, we can exercise our gluteus maximus.

So girls practice squats, mainly wide-distance squats. The best distance is if you raise your hands flat and your elbows and toes are on the same straight line perpendicular to the ground.

Where are your squats? Squat distance between feet determines the effect of squat training - DayDayNews

Another advantage of wide-distance squat is that the center of gravity of the body is at the midline, so this action puts very little pressure on the core and knees and can be used for high-volume training.

When many female trainers in the gym do squats, they usually do wide squats.

Where are your squats? Squat distance between feet determines the effect of squat training - DayDayNews

Means of operation:

1. If we squat with our arms, we just need to straighten our back.

2. For weight-bearing squats, use a high back bar to squat behind the neck, that is, press on the trapezius muscles, not too low.

3. In order to build the hips, we use the centralized volume training method, which is the muscle building method, and practice once a week, and practice 20 sets at a time.

Where are your squats? Squat distance between feet determines the effect of squat training - DayDayNews

Mid-distance squat, the knees are stable, rely on it This is a mid-range squat, of course this is not strict.

In the mid-distance squat state, the quadriceps muscle occupies a very important dominant position, and the quadriceps muscle can strengthen the knee joint.

So we do the knee strengthening exercises such as squatting against the wall and static squatting, all of which are hip width.

Or stand on one leg, with one foot standing on a vertical line with the hip on the same side, so that the knee is more neutral.

Where are your squats? Squat distance between feet determines the effect of squat training - DayDayNews

Therefore, when we carry out knee strengthening training, we must be hip-width apart, keep the knee neutral, and increase the participation of the quadriceps.

For the elderly, the squat distance should be the same width as the hips. For rehabilitation players, the squat stance should be hip-width apart.

Where are your squats? Squat distance between feet determines the effect of squat training - DayDayNews

Alright, let’s share here about the squat squat distance. Finally, someone may ask what kind of squat should be done by a greasy middle-aged person, just wide.

I am Wangwang Master,

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