How to eat fitness dinner, these few details are very important

2021/06/2912:34:49 lose 406

It’s a good thing to be able to exercise

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It’s the most important thing to eat

Many people don’t know what to eat after working out

When they have a headache

I’m afraid that the training just now will be in vain After

, the editor will tell you how to eat it.

How to eat fitness dinner, these few details are very important - DayDayNews

It is better to eat well if you practice well.

If you don’t eat dinner, your fitness is in vain. I was thinking of waiting a little longer. I’m not hungry. The first time I waited, it was nine o’clock in the evening. The eating time and the sleeping time were too far apart, which was not conducive to the digestion and absorption of food, and obesity problems could easily follow.

When is the best time to have dinner? Before 8:00 p.m., there is more than 2 hours between the time to go to bed, and there is plenty of time for the body to adapt.

How to eat fitness dinner, these few details are very important - DayDayNews

Second, eat more meat and less vegetarian food for dinner

Those who do not eat well at breakfast and dinner, or those who are underweight, can eat better at dinner, eat more fish and meat , eggs , etc. Protein food, no need to eat so vegetarian for dinner.

3. Eat less dinner

The current situation of Chinese people is that many people get up late in the morning and then skip breakfast, and then eat a casual meal at noon, and eat a lot at night. This eating habit is very It's not good, people don't exercise much at night, and they still eat so full, it is easy to cause fat accumulation and obesity.

How to eat fitness dinner, these few details are very important - DayDayNews

Fourth, do not eat the staple food for dinner

Some people eat dinner carelessly in order to be slim and beautiful, almost no oil and rice, just drink water or eat fruit to fill their stomachs, but in the long run, it will definitely be detrimental to physical and mental health, Endangering the body immunity , The correct way to lose fat is to eat every meal but eat less staple food, strictly limit cooking oil, beverages and sweets, and eat low-fat foods such as skim milk, egg white , fish and shrimp, soybean products, etc. protein food.

The so-called "eating less" means eating less energy (mainly from fat and carbohydrates), rather than eating less nutrients (such as protein , vitamins and minerals, etc.). Fats come mainly from cooking oils, fatty meats, and oil-added staples; carbohydrates come mainly from staples and fruits.

How to eat fitness dinner, these few details are very important - DayDayNews

How to eat it?

Our human body usually consumes nutrients mainly from milk, eggs, lean meat, fish and shrimp, soybean products, whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits.

If you want to eat fruit at dinner, it is recommended that serve cut fruit at the same time as the dishes are served. The staple food is mainly coarse grains or whole wheat . It should be simple but not very rich, especially staple foods that do not add a lot of oil, such as oil cake , bread , etc.

Substituting porridge for rice (that is, instead of eating rice, instead of eating multigrain rice porridge) is also an effective measure to reduce energy intake. Eat more vegetables and vegetables with less oil and less salt.

Protein foods should be selected from lean meat, fish and shrimp, poultry and soybean products and other low-fat categories, steamed, stewed, stewed, less oil and less salt, and do not fry or over-oil.

How to eat fitness dinner, these few details are very important - DayDayNews

The recommended standard here is 50g of staple food: mainly coarse grains + 200g of vegetables + 50-80g of meat + fruit (in the morning and afternoon), less oil and less salt, to ensure a certain amount of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats.

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