People who have a bad stomach eat less 4 kinds of stomach-damaging vegetables and 4 kinds of warm-stomach vegetables, and the stomach disease will heal quickly

2020/09/2613:24:07 health 436

Where does the nutrition needed by the human body come from? It must come from food, but the human body cannot obtain nutrients directly from food, but must be digested and absorbed through the digestive system before they can get what they need.

When talking about the digestive system, then you must mention the stomach. As an important member of the digestive system, the stomach can be described as a place of "inclusive of all rivers". Regardless of the small stomach, it is very inclusive, and it will eat you. All things are absorbed.

However, it is also very delicate. If you don’t pay attention and often eat food that hurts your stomach, then it will get sick and will not be able to work well and your body will not get sufficient nutrition.

Since our stomach belongs to the digestive organs, to protect it, we must take a good diet. Although vegetables are relatively healthy, there are several kinds of vegetables that can ruin the appetite. If you eat more, it will cause more serious stomach problems.

People who have a bad stomach eat less 4 kinds of stomach-damaging vegetables and 4 kinds of warm-stomach vegetables, and the stomach disease will heal quickly - DayDayNews

People with bad stomachs should be wary of the "rotten stomach king" among the 4 vegetables.

1 and broccoli

Broccoli is recognized as a healthy vegetable. It is rich in vitamin C and has anti-aging effects, and it can supplement calcium and improve the body. Immunity, but the high content of soluble dietary fiber in broccoli is not friendly to the stomach. This fiber can only be decomposed in the large intestine and produces a lot of gas. Broccoli also contains gas-producing sugars similar to beans. .

People who have a bad stomach eat less 4 kinds of stomach-damaging vegetables and 4 kinds of warm-stomach vegetables, and the stomach disease will heal quickly - DayDayNews

2, Leek

Leek is also called long lettuce, aphrodisiac, which can warm the kidney and yang. Most people don't know that leeks are bad for the stomach. Leek is not easy to digest. If you eat too much, it will stimulate the delicate gastric mucosa, cause damage to the gastric mucosal barrier, and aggravate stomach pain. Therefore, some patients with gastric disease will have stomachache after eating leek dumplings. For unknown reasons, they learned that leek should not be eaten more after they went to the hospital.

People who have a bad stomach eat less 4 kinds of stomach-damaging vegetables and 4 kinds of warm-stomach vegetables, and the stomach disease will heal quickly - DayDayNews

3, tomato

Tomato is also a kind of vegetable that patients with stomach problems should avoid. Because tomato contains a lot of acid, eating more will stimulate the stomach to secrete more stomach acid, causing pantothenic acid heartburn. In addition to not being able to eat more tomatoes, stomach patients should also control tomato sauce.

People who have a bad stomach eat less 4 kinds of stomach-damaging vegetables and 4 kinds of warm-stomach vegetables, and the stomach disease will heal quickly - DayDayNews

4, garlic, onion

garlic and onion are highly irritating, and can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort, flatulence, abdominal pain and other phenomena when eaten raw. Therefore, if patients with stomach problems want to eat, they must be cooked before eating, so as to destroy the substances that can cause stomach upset.

People who have a bad stomach eat less 4 kinds of stomach-damaging vegetables and 4 kinds of warm-stomach vegetables, and the stomach disease will heal quickly - DayDayNews

, what kind of vegetables should someone with a bad stomach eat?

People who have a bad stomach should eat more vegetables that warm their stomachs.

1, pumpkin

, pumpkin

is warm and sweet, rich in pectin, suitable for people with a bad stomach, often eat

2, white radish

3, cabbage

4, yam

People who have a bad stomach eat less 4 kinds of stomach-damaging vegetables and 4 kinds of warm-stomach vegetables, and the stomach disease will heal quickly - DayDayNews

. Habit, three meals on time, eat only seventy percent full one meal, do not eat cold, spicy, irritating, rough and hard food that can hurt the stomach.

Do not drink alcohol, drink less strong tea and coffee, drink more hot drinks, such as hot milk, black tea, honey water, etc., and eat more warm foods.

When the weather becomes cold, care should be taken to protect the stomach and warm the stomach to avoid cold stomach.

should pay attention to keep a happy mood and avoid bad emotions aggravating the development of stomach problems. After a meal or before going to bed, you can rub your hands and massage clockwise 64 times along the navel to nourish your stomach.

In addition, people with stomach problems should strengthen their awareness of daily maintenance and regular physical examinations. People with frequent stomach upsets should pay attention to gastroscopy.

In short, people with stomach problems must start with their daily diet and stomach care. If the stomach is well maintained, they will be prone to health and longevity.

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