A nosebleed in patients with hypertension should not be underestimated! Do these 2 points daily and actively prevent

2020/02/0314:54:16 health 444

According to reports, Liu Jin (a pseudonym), a 28-year-old guy in Hankou, attended a class reunion a few days ago and drank 4 taels of liquor during the period. When KTV sang soaring, the right nostril suddenly bleeds, and it flows more and more. After more than ten minutes, the bleeding continued, and Liu Jin gradually fell into a coma. His fellow students rushed to the hospital.

After examination, Liu Jin's right nasal sphenopalatine artery had pulsatile bleeding. Under the treatment of the doctor, the bleeding was successfully stopped. According to the doctor in the report, the cause of the patient's sudden nosebleeds is directly related to his high blood pressure and drinking. It turned out that Liu Jin found high blood pressure during his physical examination last year, but he didn't care about any obvious symptoms. He didn't take the decompression medicine. The weather has been relatively dry recently, and Liu Jin also felt that his nose was often dry and painful, but he didn't care. The attending doctor said that blood vessels in the back of the nasal cavity of hypertensive patients are poorly elastic, and blood pressure fluctuates greatly when the high pitch is high. It is easy to cause blood vessel rupture and bleeding, and it is difficult to stop the bleeding.

A nosebleed in patients with hypertension should not be underestimated! Do these 2 points daily and actively prevent - DayDayNews

Nosebleeds in hypertensive patients should be underestimated!

In life, nosebleeds are summarized by many people as "getting angry", but if a patient with hypertension has a nosebleed, it is not as simple as getting angry. Because hypertension itself is a single factor that can cause epistaxis. Nasal bleeding caused by high blood pressure is like a case in the news, and it is difficult to stop the bleeding.

Conversely, for unexplained epistaxis, blood pressure should also be measured. In addition, it should be noted that high blood pressure can not only cause rupture of blood vessels in the nasal cavity and cause epistaxis. It can also rupture the blood vessels in our cranium, causing craniocerebral hemorrhage, which is quite dangerous. If you have hypertension, you will have blood pressure fluctuations and nose bleeding. Need to be vigilant, it is best to go to a doctor for clear examination to reduce health risks.

A nosebleed in patients with hypertension should not be underestimated! Do these 2 points daily and actively prevent - DayDayNews

Although epistaxis has certain health risks, don't panic when it occurs. When a small amount of blood bleeds, you should first control your blood pressure and sit and lie down. Use gauze to stop the bleeding in the nostril, and then apply a wet towel or ice cubes to the forehead and both sides of the neck. If it is more precise, you should also consult a doctor if the bleeding stops in time. When the amount of bleeding is heavy, and not only the nosebleeds, but the blood also flows out of the mouth, you must go to the hospital immediately.

How can patients with hypertension prevent nose bleeding?

In life, nose bleeding caused by high blood pressure can be prevented and controlled. Patients with hypertension should pay attention to daily life:

1. Control blood pressure: Especially when the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, or when fatigue, lack of sleep, cold and cold, etc., pay special attention to changes in blood pressure, and timely detection to avoid excessive fluctuations.

A nosebleed in patients with hypertension should not be underestimated! Do these 2 points daily and actively prevent - DayDayNews

2, diet should be restrained: do not eat too warm and dry tonics, do not drink or smoke, it is best to do this, and if you can't, you should drink and smoke as little as possible. Do less breath-holding motions, and behaviors like blowing a trumpet are not good. If you have constipation, do not hold your breath too hard when going to the toilet, and avoid excessive breath holding that may cause rupture of the nasal blood vessels. In addition, because the temperature drops and the air becomes dry, you can put a humidifier or two more basins of water at home. Increase the humidity in the air and reduce the dryness of the nasal cavity.

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