Is it true that pumpkin and pumpkin seeds can lower blood pressure? Is there a basis for the statement?

2020/01/1010:18:11 health 2885

There is no information to prove that pumpkin and pumpkin seeds have a blood pressure reduction effect .

but pumpkin belongs to a kind of high potassium food . Potassium and sodium ions restrict each other and are called "potassium sodium pump". Potassium controls the osmotic pressure of cells and blood vessels, while sodium controls cells and blood vessels. External osmotic pressure. If a hypertensive patient has consumed multiple flavors of food, excessive intake of sodium ions may cause water and sodium retention, increase blood volume, increase extravascular osmotic pressure, squeeze blood vessels, and make hypertension worse , Potassium ions can be excreted from the body in combination with sodium ions to stabilize blood pressure, so high potassium food is that is very suitable for hypertension patients. Pumpkin has suitable calories and rich nutrition. In addition to higher sugar content, it is not a bad choice for hypertensive patients to eat properly.

Is it true that pumpkin and pumpkin seeds can lower blood pressure? Is there a basis for the statement? - DayDayNews

But this is not pumpkin, a vegetable has such an effect, many fruits and vegetables are actually not low in potassium, so hypertensive patients consume more fruits and Vegetables are very good for regulating blood pressure . Fruits and vegetables are also rich in dietary fiber and antioxidant components. Dietary fiber helps delay food digestion, stabilizes blood sugar, helps inhibit fat and cholesterol intake, and is beneficial for controlling sugar and fat. It is also common for hypertension patients. There are situations where blood lipids or blood sugar are not good. If blood sugar and blood lipid control are poor, the blood glucose, triglycerides and other components may also induce atherosclerosis, thrombosis, block blood vessels, and aggravate high blood pressure. Antioxidant ingredients help delay vascular aging, maintain blood vessel elasticity, and are beneficial to prevent some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The dietary guidelines also mention that adequate daily intake of fruits and vegetables can better prevent obesity and three high problems. Daily vegetables are recommended. The intake of fruit is not less than 500g, and the sugar content of fruit is high, so it is not advisable to eat more, but it can also ensure a daily intake of 200-350g.

Is it true that pumpkin and pumpkin seeds can lower blood pressure? Is there a basis for the statement? - DayDayNews

What about pumpkin seeds? pumpkin seeds are actually high potassium foods, which have a certain auxiliary effect on blood pressure reduction . In addition, pumpkin seeds are a kind of nut food, characterized by rich in oils, most of which are "unsaturated fatty acids" ", pumpkin seeds contain a certain amount of omega 3 fatty acids, rich omega 6 fatty acids, these polyunsaturated fatty acids are not only an important part of the retina, cerebral cortex, sebaceous glands, cell membranes, they also help regulate blood cholesterol The content can help increase high-density lipoprotein, accelerate cholesterol transport, and be beneficial to prevent hyperlipidemia. If it can better prevent the occurrence of hyperlipidemia and protect blood vessels, it is beneficial to reduce blood viscosity and is also helpful for preventing high blood pressure .

Is it true that pumpkin and pumpkin seeds can lower blood pressure? Is there a basis for the statement? - DayDayNews

Although pumpkin or pumpkin seeds have an auxiliary effect on blood pressure, but after all depends on diet therapy, it is impossible to get immediate results , they may only be very weak auxiliary functions, not Treat them as the main blood pressure reduction food. Pumpkin and pumpkin seeds are rich in nutrients, containing a variety of minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin A and vitamin B. Pumpkin and pumpkin seeds are rich in chromium and zinc, which also help the normal secretion of insulin. In short, they are beneficial to assist in regulating the three highs. However, because pumpkin is a food with high sugar content, it is not recommended to eat more. It is best as a staple food. You can consume about 50g at a time. As a nut food, pumpkin seeds are best controlled at about 10g per day .

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