The disease has exploded in old age! Keep in mind "Don't sleep twice, stay away from Sanshui", and cheer for longevity

2021/10/1517:17:13 health 2308

"This person, he is just like being abandoned when he gets old. There is something wrong here or something wrong there. It hurts here or there. It's better to die." I believe many people have heard this from the older population. Sentence. With age, the body is getting worse and worse, 's body is getting worse every day , often back pain after 60 years old Behavior has long since become the norm. The disease has exploded in old age! Keep in mind

With the increase of age, physical fitness is also decreasing, At the same time, The function of various organs of the body also declines 1. This is one of the reasons that lead to disease outbreaks when people get older. In fact, in real life, many diseases can be avoided. However, most elderly people do not develop good living and eating habits. This is another cause of disease outbreaks after people get older. After

The disease has exploded in old age! Keep in mind older , do not sleep two feel healthier

1, not sleep after dinner sleep

Most elderly people usually have nothing to do.As long as they feel sleepy after lunch, they will go to bed for a while, but this behavior greatly increases the risk of illness in the elderly.

After eating , a lot of blood in the body will flow to the stomach to help the stomach digest food and absorb nutrients. At this time, the blood fluid volume in our brain is reduced, and the blood supply of is prone to be insufficient. This is very unfriendly to patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. and can easily threaten the life safety of to . If you want to go to bed after lunch, it is best to go to bed with and then half an hour after the meal.

The disease has exploded in old age! Keep in mind 2, I can’t sleep

as the old people feel that their physical strength and energy are not as good as before. Feel tired and weak from time to time. I believe it is not difficult to find that many elderly people are still talking about housework with you one second before, and then fall asleep the next second. nap for a while really helps to improve their energy and spirit,But if they sleep regularly and irregularly, it will also increase the burden on the body.

This impermanence sleep can disturb the normal sleep habits of the elderly, especially those who often suffer from insomnia at night. They often sleep impermanently, which will cause more and more serious insomnia. In addition, dizziness, headache, chest tightness and shortness of breath may occur after waking up, which is not conducive to improving their energy and spirit.

The disease has exploded in old age! Keep in mind 3 away from the water, for longevity booster

1, drink freshly boiled water

freshly boiled _ The water of span2span is not suitable for the human body to drink too much, especially the water whose temperature is above 65℃ of . World The World Health Organization has classified such beverages as secondary carcinogens.

Long-term drinking can increase the risk of oral cancer. Drinks with too high temperature can damage the esophageal mucosa after entering the human body, increase the burden on the body, and easily burn. As the age grows, elderly people become less sensitive to temperature, etc. .If frequently drinks 6 5 hot water above degree, it is easy to scald the esophageal mucosa, and the risk of oral cancer will increase over time.

The disease has exploded in old age! Keep in mind 2, does not drink overnight tea water

_20span1 Water tea is reluctant to throw it away, and continue to drink it the next day. Often doing is very harmful to the health of .

tea After being fermented in water overnight, the tea polyphenols in the tea will combine with the substances in the air and produce some unhealthy substances, especially at high temperatures. Therefore, drinking tea overnight can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, from nausea to diarrhea, which can cause serious harm to the body.

The disease has exploded in old age! Keep in mind 3, does not drink cold water

1 spanVarious organs of the body have different degrees of failure. Gastrointestinal function of the elderly is not as strong as young people Drinking cold water can easily cause gastric cramps, which may cause stomach cramps, heartache and brain . The disease has exploded in old age! Keep in mind

After getting older, the mentality is more peaceful and healthier

2span1 span Calm and calm is of great benefit to our cardiovascular health. It can also calm our minds, keep our internal organs healthy, and circulate .


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