Cat's Claw—Resolve phlegm and dispel stagnation, fight cancer

2021/04/0222:00:08 health 2500

cat's claw is a commonly used medicine for the treatment of tumors in modern times. It is the dry root of the ranunculaceae plant ranunculus, which is usually harvested in May every year. It is called cat's claw because it looks like a cat's claw. Cat's claw is sweet, pungent and warm in nature. The flavor has the effect of dispelling phlegm, dispelling swelling, detoxification and swelling. Commonly used for scrofula sputum nucleus , boils, swollen venom, snake and insect bites.

Cat's Claw—Resolve phlegm and dispel stagnation, fight cancer - DayDayNews

Modern research has proved that cat's claw has obvious therapeutic effects on many diseases in clinic. Its main effects are:

1. Antibacterial

The main effect of cat's claw is antibacterial. It contains a variety of natural antibacterial ingredients, which can inhibit the activity of tuberculosis in the human body and improve the body at the same time. The activity of lymphocyte significantly improves the body's own antibacterial ability. Taking cat's claw in time when inflammation occurs in the human body can help the inflammation disappear as soon as possible, and it can also prevent bacterial infections when taken in normal times.

2. Anti-cancer

According to Chinese medicine, many kinds of tumors, nodules belong to the "qi stagnation syndrome". However, Chinese medicine believes that "phlegm is a thing, which rises and falls with the qi, and is everywhere", so the lesions may be in various parts of the body. Cat's claw has the effect of resolving phlegm and dispelling congestion, so it can be used to treat tumors.

Modern pharmacological studies have shown that cat's claw has cytotoxic effects, inducing cancer cell apoptosis, and anti-cancer pharmacological effects such as biological response modifiers. Animal experiments have confirmed that cat's claw has a certain anti-tumor effect. There are a variety of natural anti-cancer components in cat's claw, which can inhibit the activity of cancer cells in the human body. The natural polysaccharides and some anti-cancer components absorbed after taking cat's claw can prevent cells from becoming cancerous . In addition, the saponins and phenols contained in cat's claw can also shrink cancer cells in the body and keep the cancer condition stable.It can also prevent cancer from spreading.

3. Prevention of leukemia

Usually people eat some cat's claw in moderation to prevent leukemia. The medicinal ingredients such as ranunculus and harringtonine are all effective for leukemia cells in the body. It has obvious killing effect and can prevent the occurrence of leukemia. Taking cat's claw for leukemia patients can control the condition and prolong the life of the patient.


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