The 30 most complete tropical exotic fruits in history, many people have never seen

2020/04/0714:52:46 food 2304

We all know that tropical areas are rich in fruits, like lychees, mangos, dragon fruits, durians, pineapples, coconuts, etc. that we usually know are all tropical fruits. In fact, there are many tropical fruits that many people have never seen. Never heard of its name. For the little friends who love to eat fruits, how can they miss the opportunity to know it? Come on, follow the editor to learn more, and then I will introduce you to the 30 most popular exotic fruits in the tropics, each of which is fascinating!

1, Brazilian red fruit

, also known as red fruit

, is native to Brazil. The flesh is juicy, slightly sour, and edible. It is mostly used to make soft candy. It can also be planted in pots, and the fruit will be full of red fruits. It is very beautiful. It is said that only Brazilian nobles can grow it.

The 30 most complete tropical exotic fruits in history, many people have never seen - DayDayNews

2, yellow dragon fruit

Huanglong fruit is the best in the dragon fruit family, with high sugar content, good taste, and the skin color is yellow and white. The immature fruit is green with long, sharp thorns on the skin, and the thorns will fall off when fully ripe.

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3, bergamot

is called bergamot because it looks like countless fingers, slender and curved, so it is called bergamot. The fresh fruit is golden in color, beautiful in appearance, and has a sweet and rich smell. It smells of a mixture of lemon and citrus. It can be used Soak in water to drink, boil the soup, pickle with salt and dry it can be eaten as tangerine peel. Because of the "blessing" meaning of bergamot, many Chinese in Southeast Asia will buy some bergamot as a tribute during the Lunar New Year.

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4, Cassiopeia

This is a kind of fruit that grows on the trunk. It looks like a grape. It is also called "vine grape", but it is slightly larger than ordinary grapes. Each ripe fruit is shiny and dark. It is juicy and translucent, tastes a bit like mangosteen, and has the fragrance of custard apple. It has a high nutritional value. According to statistics, it is rich in 15 nutrients such as water, vitamin C, and calcium.

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5, leper grape

, also called golden melon, golden lai melon, fat bitter melon, looks like mature bitter gourd, but the color is orange-yellow, which is particularly attractive. Unlike bitter gourd, it has bright red inside. The fruit pulp tastes sweet.

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6, black persimmon

, black persimmon is different from the persimmons we usually see. It has two varieties, one with black outer skin, which tastes the same as usual persimmons; the other has green outer skin with flesh inside. It is black. The pulp is not only dark like chocolate, but also tastes like chocolate. The taste is soft and melts in the mouth. It has the feeling of eating chocolate pudding, but it does not have the high calories of chocolate, but it is sweet and delicious. The content of various trace elements, especially vitamins, is about twice that of ordinary fruits.

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The 30 most complete tropical exotic fruits in history, many people have never seen - DayDayNews

The 30 most complete tropical exotic fruits in history, many people have never seen - DayDayNews

The 30 most complete tropical exotic fruits in history, many people have never seen - DayDayNews

7, Pandanus fruit

Pandanus fruit is very beautiful, a bit like a pineapple, breaking this "fake pineapple", not only smells of flowers, but also very sweet to eat, because there are more residues, so it is Just like eating sugar cane, chew and spit it out.

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8, breadfruit

breadfruit looks like a close relative of jackfruit, and it can be eaten in a variety of ways. In addition to "toasting bread" and cooking bread soup, the seeds inside can also be eaten, chewing like peanuts.

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The 30 most complete tropical exotic fruits in history, many people have never seen - DayDayNews

9, wood apple

is similar in size to grapefruit, and smells a strong scent. The outside is hard and not like fruit, but when the shell is opened, there is dark brown flesh inside, sour and sweet, delicious and relieving heat. Wooden apples can not only be eaten with a spoon, but can also be drunk as juice. This brown drink appears on the breakfast table in Sri Lanka almost every day.

The 30 most complete tropical exotic fruits in history, many people have never seen - DayDayNews

The 30 most complete tropical exotic fruits in history, many people have never seen - DayDayNews

10, the mysterious fruit

looks a bit like the cherry tomatoes we usually eat, but the core is relatively large, and it tastes only slightly sweet fruit. The reason it is called "mysterious fruit" is because it contains a lot of mysterious fruit. , Can completely disturb the taste buds of the tongue, within an hour after eating it, you will find that any sour thing will feel very sweet.

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11. Penglai banana

The ripe Penglai banana fruit smells like pineapple or mango, but it tastes like banana soft and walnut fragrance. However, Penglai banana contains a lot of calcium oxalate, so friends with sensitive physique should be cautious when trying to eat it!

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12, cactus fruit

The cactus fruit is the fruit of the cactus. Although it is covered with thorns, it is particularly delicious and juicy. It can also be drunk as a juice. There are many small seeds in the cactus fruit, which are said to be good for beauty and digestion. Moreover, different cactus species have different fruit color and taste. The green taste is refreshing, and the purple-red is juicy and sweet.

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The 30 most complete tropical exotic fruits in history, many people have never seen - DayDayNews

13. The fruit of the cucurbita

is oblong, with many soft spines on the surface, which are red when ripe, and the red flesh inside is a bit similar to the leper grape mentioned above. Because the flat seeds look like soft-shelled turtles (turtles) and are made of wood, they are called soft-shelled turtles. It should be noted that the seeds of Momordica charantia are Momordica charantia, which is a traditional Chinese medicine for external use, and its seeds contain toxic saponin. After human consumption, it can cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. If you feel uncomfortable, seek medical attention immediately. Therefore, you should pay special attention not to eat seeds when eating or when there are children.

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The 30 most complete tropical exotic fruits in history, many people have never seen - DayDayNews

14, dragon palace fruit

dragon palace fruit grows in bunches, small spherical shape, light yellow skin, shape like loquat, slightly smaller than loquat, the flesh is divided into petals, crystal clear and white, much like mangosteen, smell similar to longan, peeled and ready to eat, large and sweet The taste is a bit like lychee, but the flesh is more tender, more watery, sweet and refreshing. It is said to be the favorite fruit of the princess of Thailand. This fruit is not easy to keep fresh, so it can only be tasted locally.

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The 30 most complete tropical exotic fruits in history, many people have never seen - DayDayNews

15, red durian

are currently only produced on the island of Borneo in Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia. Malaysian Mohd Soft spent 20 years experimenting with durians and successfully cultivated purple, red and orange durians. Therefore, the blood-red durian we saw is only a member of the "mutant durian" family. The taste of red flesh durian is very similar to golden pillow durian, but it is firmer and has a strong caramel flavor.

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16, Sabah fruit

The skin of the Sabah fruit

is like a short version of jackfruit with soft spines on the body. This fruit is only found in Sabah, so it is nicknamed "Saba fruit". The skin of the ripe Sabah fruit is soft and soft. You can break it apart with your hands without any tools. The flesh inside looks like a mini jackfruit, but the color is milky white, all attached to the branches. It has a strong taste like durian, so it is also a banned item in public places.

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17, sapodilla

is called sapodilla because the fruit of sapodilla looks very similar to the human heart, so it is called sapodilla. The sapodilla just picked from the tree is a bit hard and will be ripe after a week or so. Press it with your fingers It's a bit soft and ready to eat. Its skin is brown, and the flesh is yellowish brown. It is juicy after being soft and very sweet, and the flesh is a bit like eating pears. Milk contains saponin, which is extremely viscous and is an important raw material for making chewing gum base.

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18. Snake skin fruit

is named "snake skin fruit" because the skin looks like snake skin. The flesh is sweet and sour, the flesh is full, crisp and delicious, the core is small, and it has a light aroma. It is one of the varieties with the highest potassium content in fruits, and it is also rich in pectin, which is very beneficial to the human brain and has the reputation of "fruit of memory".

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19, custard apple

is also called sugar apple and Buddha head fruit. It is named because it looks like the head of a Buddha statue. The flesh is milky white or cream yellow. It tastes sweet and soft, with a dense and creamy texture. The taste is like ice cream. It is rich in nutrition.

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The 30 most complete tropical exotic fruits in history, many people have never seen - DayDayNews

20, water coconut

is also called "Yadazi". It is delicious and can be eaten raw or pickled. The taste is similar to coconut. It is a rare palm plant that can live in water and is a very ancient relict species. . The fruit of water coconut looks like a big meteor hammer, hard and black. After splitting, the inside is white and tender jelly-like flesh, the contrast is extremely strong.

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The 30 most complete tropical exotic fruits in history, many people have never seen - DayDayNews

21, Xiandu fruit

is also called Shantuoer, it looks a bit like mangosteen, the unripe Shantuoer will be a bit astringent, but the flesh is very sweet. It is yellow when ripe, and the outer flesh is hard and slightly sour; the core is very soft, smooth and sweet. Filipinos like to eat it with salt. In the market, Shantuo is always in short supply and is an authentic and popular fruit.

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22. Milk fruit

is also called star apple. It has a purple-red skin after maturity and a sweet taste. Its peculiarity is that no matter cutting leaves, fruits, or branches, it can overflow with milk-like white milk. Named "Milk Fruit". It is often used to make ice cream, but it is a very high-end fruit in Vietnam.

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23 and Luoshen fruit

are mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. They are naturally aromatic, slightly acidic, bright in color, ruddy, tender and endless aftertaste. The fruit is rich in anthocyanins, pectin, fruit acids, etc., which have a good effect on promoting metabolism and relieving fatigue, which are generally rare in the domestic market.

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24, rambutan

, also known as Mao Litchi, not all mature rambutan fruits are red, but there are also yellow fruits. The flesh is yellow and white, translucent, juicy, crispy, sweet or sweet and sour, a bit like litchi. Rambutan fruits are rich in nutrients and can be eaten fresh and processed into canned food. In addition, they can also be used to make candied fruit, jam, jelly and wine.

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25, lotus mist

, also known as syzygium, the fruit shape is long or bell-shaped, the peel is colorful, its light sweetness is slightly sour, and there is a fragrance of apple. People regard it as a refreshing and thirst quenching Good fruit. The lotus mist is mainly eaten with fresh fruits, and can also be salted, candied, canned, dehydrated candied fruit or made into juice.

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26, black tiger

is also called Bufona fruit. Its appearance is a bit like the Pandanus mentioned above, but it is smaller than it. The flesh is like grapes, with a lot of pulp, sweet and fragrant, and the flesh is like lychee, milky white and fine, but the core Larger, it is a favorite wild fruit.

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27, durian honey

looks like jackfruit, but the smell is durian, smaller than jackfruit, so it is also called "little jackfruit".

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28, horned melon

has a fine and multi-seed flesh, which is gelatinous like cucumber, tastes sweet and tastes like a mixture of banana, lemon and cucumber. It has the effects of soothing the nerves and replenishing the brain, strengthening the heart and promoting blood circulation, which is very suitable for mental workers and the elderly.

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29, Colombian Dragon Ball fruit

Dragon Ball Fruit is an insectivorous plant, the shape of the receptacle secretes a special scented mucus, attracting comma-sized insects to suck, as a result, the small insects are stuck in the mucus, and after a period of time, they will be absorbed by the dragon fruit to nourish the fruit. Growing up, it is also called Cape gooseberry in many places.

The 30 most complete tropical exotic fruits in history, many people have never seen - DayDayNews

30, refers to orange

refers to the fruit of orange

, which looks like a sweet potato, and is like a plump sausage, but is only the size of a human finger. This is where the name "finger orange" comes from. Originally produced in Australia, it is mainly sour. Under the plain skin of the finger orange, there are many small caviar-sized pulps. The grains are crystal clear and look like caviar at first glance. Therefore, it is known as the fruit in the fruit. "caviar". In addition, finger orange has another name-"finger lemon". How many of these 30 exotic fruits have you seen above

The 30 most complete tropical exotic fruits in history, many people have never seen - DayDayNews

? Are you dazzled and drooling? I can't help it anymore. I haven't seen many of them. If you have the opportunity, you must taste it. It is really worthwhile to be a foodie! Welcome to subscribe and share

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