Are there any sisters who like spicy food as much as I do? Hahaha, I don’t like spicy food. I made this spicy chicken dish today, it’s really delicious!

2024/06/2307:17:32 food 1507

Are there any sisters who like spicy food as much as I do? Hahaha, I don’t like spicy food. I made this spicy chicken dish today, it’s really delicious! - DayDayNews

Are there any sisters who like spicy food as much as I do? Hahaha, I don’t like spicy food. I made this spicy chicken today. It’s really delicious! It’s perfect with rice and can be served in seconds. It’s easy to make. Come on. Let’s try it together ~

Are there any sisters who like spicy food as much as I do? Hahaha, I don’t like spicy food. I made this spicy chicken dish today, it’s really delicious! - DayDayNews

Ingredients: chicken legs, green and red peppers, ginger and garlic


1 ⃣️ Debone the chicken legs and cut into small pieces ➕ 1 spoon of light soy sauce ➕ Half a spoon of cooking wine ➕ Half a spoon of oyster sauce ➕ 1 spoon of sweet potato starch (corn starch can also be used) )➕A little pepper, mix well and marinate for 15 minutes and set aside

2⃣️In a pan, sauté the ginger and garlic until fragrant, add the chicken and stir-fry until cooked, then add the green and red pepper and stir-fry➕1 spoon of dark soy sauce, half a spoon of salt and Sichuan peppercorn powder and stir-fry Sprinkle some sesame seeds evenly and it's ready to serve! A fragrant plate can be paired with several bowls of rice

Are there any sisters who like spicy food as much as I do? Hahaha, I don’t like spicy food. I made this spicy chicken dish today, it’s really delicious! - DayDayNews

Are there any sisters who like spicy food as much as I do? Hahaha, I don’t like spicy food. I made this spicy chicken dish today, it’s really delicious! - DayDayNews

Wow! I finally made it myself Pickled pepper bullfrog . The spicy and sour meat is tender! It's better than the ones outside. The rich aroma of perilla wraps every piece of meat. It’s so fragrant in one bite! Two bowls of rice are not enough for me hahaha

Are there any sisters who like spicy food as much as I do? Hahaha, I don’t like spicy food. I made this spicy chicken dish today, it’s really delicious! - DayDayNews

Ingredients: bullfrog, green and red peppers, ginger and garlic, pickled peppers, chopped peppers, purple peppers Su's cooking method:

1⃣️Cut the bullfrog into small pieces + 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of corn starch, a little salt and pepper, mix well and marinate for 15 minutes. Set aside

2⃣️Pour in a little oil and stir-fry the bullfrog until slightly brown, take it out and sauté the ginger and garlic. , pickled pepper, add 1 tablespoon chopped pepper and 1 tablespoon light soy sauce and stir-fry, then pour in half the beer, a little salt and dark soy sauce and stir-fry evenly. Add the bullfrog, add green and red pepper, and oyster sauce and simmer for three minutes. But, finally add some chicken essence and perilla, stir-fry evenly and it’s ready to serve!

Are there any sisters who like spicy food as much as I do? Hahaha, I don’t like spicy food. I made this spicy chicken dish today, it’s really delicious! - DayDayNews

Are there any sisters who like spicy food as much as I do? Hahaha, I don’t like spicy food. I made this spicy chicken dish today, it’s really delicious! - DayDayNews

Are there any sisters who like spicy food as much as I do? Hahaha, I don’t like spicy food. I made this spicy chicken dish today, it’s really delicious! - DayDayNews

The braised Japanese beans made by my takes too much rice! !

A dish that must be ordered when going out! Today I will make a simple and delicious Braised Japanese tofu is tender and smooth, sweet and sour~ The soup is so delicious when mixed with rice, you can't stop eating one bite at a time!


Japanese tofu4 roots, green and red peppers, fungus, corn starch


2 spoons of light soy sauce ➕ half a spoon of dark soy sauce ➕ 1 spoon of oyster sauce ➕ a little sugar and salt ➕ 1 spoon of corn starch ➕ half a bowl of water, mix well and set aside 2⃣️ Cut the Japanese tofu into cubes, add corn starch, heat the oil and fry until golden.

2⃣️Put in a little oil, add green fungus and red pepper and stir-fry until fragrant, pour in the sauce and add the fried tofu (turn over gently, otherwise it will fall apart), cook until thickened, remember to cook more when serving. Rice!

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