Secret Huadiao Chicken Ingredients: Ingredients: 1 hen 1250g, 75g fat, 35g ginger, 35g green onion. Seasoning: 100g Huadiao wine, 50g oyster sauce, 125g light soup, 30g honey, 5g MSG.

2024/06/2123:22:33 food 1923

Secret Huadiao Chicken Ingredients: Ingredients: 1 hen 1250g, 75g fat, 35g ginger, 35g green onion. Seasoning: 100g Huadiao wine, 50g oyster sauce, 125g light soup, 30g honey, 5g MSG. - DayDayNews

Secret Huadiao Chicken


Main ingredients: 1 hen 1250 grams, 75 grams of fat, 35 grams of ginger, and 35 grams of green onions.

seasoning: Huadiao wine 100 grams, 50 grams of oyster sauce, 125 grams of light soup, 30 grams of honey, 5 grams of MSG.


1. Slaughter the chicken, put it into a boiling water pot and simmer for about 2 minutes, remove the fluff and dirt, then roll it again, take it out, and let it dry until the skin is dry;

2. Apply oyster sauce first, and then apply honey on it. on the skin; cut the pork fat into thin slices, put the remaining oyster sauce, honey, monosodium glutamate and second soup into a bowl, and mix into the sauce;

3. Heat the wok over high heat, put the pork fat slices on the bottom of the pot, and fry When fat is secreted, put the egg on its side on the meat surface, fry until the legs and flanks on both sides are slightly brown, add ginger and green onion, mix well, then add Huadiao wine, fry briefly, add the sauce, cover and bring to a boil over high heat, that is Remove from the fire, wait for the temperature to drop slightly, then return to the stove, repeat this 8 times. Turn the chicken 3 times, that is, take it away from the fire twice for each side of the stew; repeat the simmering for about 12 minutes, take it away from the fire for the last time, wait for 3 minutes, then remove the lid and remove the ginger. , green onions and oil residue, take out the chicken, cut into pieces, assemble the chicken shape when putting it on the plate, pour the original juice on the noodles and serve.

Note: Huadiao chicken is braised and roasted repeatedly, as many as 8 times, which takes about 12 minutes. It is very delicious and the meat is crispy and tender, so it is authentic.

Secret Huadiao Chicken Ingredients: Ingredients: 1 hen 1250g, 75g fat, 35g ginger, 35g green onion. Seasoning: 100g Huadiao wine, 50g oyster sauce, 125g light soup, 30g honey, 5g MSG. - DayDayNews

Baiyun Pork Knuckles


Boneless Pork Knuckles 500g.


415g of sticky meat powder html, 10g of watermelon meat, 41g of xanthan gum html, 1 piece of fish film.


50g sweet vinegar, 450g apple cider vinegar, 50g marinade, 20g sugar. Production by


1. Coat the boneless pork knuckles with meat powder (contains TG enzyme, which can re-glue the pig knives) and wrap them with plastic wrap rolls. Poke holes with toothpicks and put them in the refrigerator to rest. Wait 360 minutes.

2. Put the frozen pork knuckles into a sealed bag , vacuum , put it into a low temperature machine at 75 degrees, simmer it at low temperature for 120 minutes, pick it up, put it in ice water for 15 minutes, pick it up, and set aside.

3. Add xanthan gum and isinglass flakes to the seasoning, mix well in a small pot, bring to a boil, remove from heat, let cool and set aside.

4. Cut the prepared pork trotters into thin slices, place them in a basin, garnish with watermelon meat and flowers, and pour the sauce over them. Serve.

Secret Huadiao Chicken Ingredients: Ingredients: 1 hen 1250g, 75g fat, 35g ginger, 35g green onion. Seasoning: 100g Huadiao wine, 50g oyster sauce, 125g light soup, 30g honey, 5g MSG. - DayDayNews

Pan-fried tuna with sauce


Imported tuna 200 grams of cracked black pepper 30 grams of black sesame seeds 20 grams of brandy 10 ml of sea salt, butter and homemade sauce


1. Defrost the tuna naturally and change the knife, add Marinate with a pinch of sea salt, black pepper and brandy for half an hour. Saute black pepper and black sesame seeds over low heat until fragrant. Set aside.

2. Melt the butter in a pan, add the tuna, and fry over low heat until cooked through.

3. Brush a layer of homemade sauce on the fried tuna, sprinkle with cracked black pepper and black sesame seeds, change the knife and put it on a plate, pour a little more homemade sauce, and garnish slightly.

Description: The homemade sauce is made by adding 100g of Thousand Island dressing , 100ml of Kewpie salad juice, 30g of condensed milk, 20ml of lime water and an appropriate amount of black pepper in a bowl, mix well.

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