Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time.

2024/06/2420:18:32 food 1876

organized a dinner party last month and invited more than a dozen fans to eat together.

One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift-a can of home-brewed green plum wine.

said it was brewed according to my recipe, so it was considered as a job.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time.

couldn't hold it back today, secretly opened it, and found that the wine was already quite beautiful. Deep amber color, clear without any turbidity, and the plums are naturally wrinkled.

The sweetness and sourness are just right, the plum aroma is very clear, and it tastes so good that even experienced drinkers can’t fault it.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

took a few sips and quickly sealed the lid. After all, these kind of thoughts should be carefully treasured.

I cannot share the wine made by the girl with everyone, but I have prepared a special summer limited surprise for everyone to share -

Home-brewed jasmine green grape wine + rose peach wine

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

Sunshine green grape and peach, They are all summer styles that cannot wait for us.

It is round and full, watery, sweet, and has its own unique fragrance. It is perfect for making fruit wine.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

But after drinking too much basic fruit wine, I always want to try an advanced one.

So this time when making wine, I also added the secret weapon to enhance the aroma - flowers.

Jasmine is fresh and elegant, paired with green grapes; rose is warm and sweet, paired with peach, it is a dreamy combination~

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

After brewing green grape wine/peach wine, take a glass, fill it with ice cubes, and pour it down.

The coolness is carried by the fragrance of flowers and fruits, blowing on your face, and the air is full of drunken sweetness.

On days with temperatures approaching 40°C, such a small sweet wine is undoubtedly a better placebo than milk tea.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

The method is still very basic. When broken down, it is fruit + petals + wine + sugar mixed and soaked.

After many debuggings, I came up with the best ratio of ingredients as follows. You can just copy the homework

100g petals, 750g fruit, 1L wine, 250g sugar

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

Now that the most important ratio is clear, you can complete it step by step.

First of all, fruits and petals should be washed with cool boiled and thoroughly air-dried , otherwise they will easily deteriorate.

It would be better if there were high-quality freeze-dried flowers, which would save the steps of cleaning and air-drying, making it more friendly to novices.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

The base wine is the highlight and determines the tone of the finished product.

Remember to choose a light-flavored wine, which is clear and light, so that it can support the sweetness of flowers and fruits.

What I used here is Gu Yangkang, which is easy to buy on Taobao~

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

In addition, the degree of the base wine is preferably around 40 degrees.

Firstly, the flavor and aroma of flowers and fruits can be fully extracted;

Secondly, high-strength liquor has a preservation effect, and there is no risk of fruit and petals rotting.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

If you really can’t tolerate high-alcohol wine, you can also use Jiujiang Double Steaming with a concentration of 29.5%.

The palatability will be improved, but the extracted flavor will be weaker and the shelf life will be halved accordingly.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

This time’s flower and fruit wine is slightly different from the previous green plum wine. The fruits have been cut in advance and should not be soaked for a long time.

Therefore, after soaking for 25-30 days, you have to filter out the pulp and petals, refrigerate the wine, and drink it within 2 months~

PS: If the liquor used has a low alcohol content, it is best to drink it within 1 month after filtering. It’s over.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

Spring pear , summer lotus, autumn osmanthus, winter plum blossom...

You can follow this recipe and mix it with seasonal fruits to make wine, and you can set up a four-season bistro at home

- Rose water peach wine+ Jasmine green wine-


Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

Rose peach wine: 100g fresh edible rose petals, 750g peach pulp, 250g rock sugar, high-quality white wine 1L

Jasmine green wine: 100g fresh jasmine, 750g sunshine green wine, 250g rock sugar, high-quality white wine 1L

This recipe is for sealed jar with a capacity of 1500ml

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews tablespoons = 1 table spoon = 15ml

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews small spoons = 1 tea spoon = 5ml


Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews. Pinch off the receptacle of the jasmine flower, clean the jasmine flower with cold white water, and spread out the air-dried water

There will be a receptacle of the jasmine flower. Remove the green and astringent taste and the brewed wine will have a purer aroma.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews. Wash the roses with cold boiled water and spread them to air-dry the water.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews. Add a little salt to the peach, rub off the fluff on the surface, rinse with cold boiled water, dry the water and cut into pieces

Rinse the green stems with cold boiled water, dry them and cut them in half.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews. Spray the jars with edible alcohol for disinfection.

If there is no edible alcohol, you can steam the jars for 3 minutes, then turn them upside down to dry.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews. Put the fruits in the jars one by one. , flowers, rock sugar, and finally pour in white wine.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews. Seal and refrigerate in the refrigerator for 25-30 days. Then filter out the wine. The wine can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 months.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

After brewing the wine, I can’t help but check it out every day. .

Watch the rock sugar slowly sink to the bottom and melt, the flowers and fruits float up, the color becomes darker day by day, and the flavor is slowly released. You will be happy when you open the lid!

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

Previously recorded states of green plum wine in different periods

About a month later, the wine was still clear, but it had been stained with translucent cyan and intoxicating crimson.

You can drink it now. The spiciness of the liquor has become softer, and every drop is tainted with the fragrance of flowers and fruits.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

Jasmine green wine is light and melodious, rose peach wine is soft and sweet, and the subtle fruit acid ripples in the mouth, stimulating the mouth and tongue.

It was as if a clear rain fell in my hot body.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

However, the alcohol content of this wine is on the high side, so it’s not a good idea to drink too much.

You can use it as a base wine, add ice cubes, sparkling water or cold brew tea to dilute it and drink it. You can also cut some fresh fruit into it.

It not only enriches the taste, but also reduces the alcohol intake. It is suitable for those who are not good at drinking.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

Only those who have tried it will understand the joy of wine making.

Every step cannot be rushed or rushed. Every layer requires careful observation and full devotion.

In an era where everyone wants to watch movies at twice the speed, these moments when fast forwarding is impossible are extremely precious.

Last month, we organized a dinner party and invited a dozen fans to eat together. One of the lovely girls brought a heavy welcome gift - a can of home-brewed green plum wine. She also carefully warned that it was newly brewed on April 29 this year, so it would take some time. - DayDayNews

Just like the sentence in " The Little Prince ": The time you spend on your roses makes your roses so important.

Thanks again to the friend who gave me green plum wine~

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