Sister Wan from Jiangxi retired this year. At the age of 50, she only has a 25-year-old daughter, Xiaoxiao. Now she is married to Hubei. Sister Wan finally has her own time and can enjoy her retirement life, so she plans to visit various parts of the country. The first stop was m

2024/06/3018:29:32 food 1291

Sister Wan from Jiangxi retired this year. At the age of 50, she only has a 25-year-old daughter, Xiaoxiao. Now she is married to Hubei. Sister Wan finally has her own time and can enjoy her retirement life, so she plans to visit various parts of the country. The first stop was my daughter’s husband’s house, where I wanted to see my daughter’s life in a foreign land. My daughter’s home is in Xianning, Hubei Province, which is only a four-hour drive from Sister Wan’s home. Known as the South Gate of Hubei, this area also has many scenic spots and specialties.

Sister Wan from Jiangxi retired this year. At the age of 50, she only has a 25-year-old daughter, Xiaoxiao. Now she is married to Hubei. Sister Wan finally has her own time and can enjoy her retirement life, so she plans to visit various parts of the country. The first stop was m - DayDayNews

Knowing that Sister Wan was coming, her daughter was so happy that she quickly made a table of dishes and waited for Sister Wan to taste it. Although my daughter married in a rural area, the conditions are not bad, and the family is relatively easy-going and get along very well. Now my daughter can take care of her children at home, and her mother-in-law and father-in-law both work in the town, so it is her daughter who cooks the meals on weekdays. Before she got married, Sister Wan's daughter was a good cook and often cooked delicious food for her parents. She was very virtuous, so when she came to Hubei, she quickly conquered her husband's family with her good cooking skills.

Sister Wan from Jiangxi retired this year. At the age of 50, she only has a 25-year-old daughter, Xiaoxiao. Now she is married to Hubei. Sister Wan finally has her own time and can enjoy her retirement life, so she plans to visit various parts of the country. The first stop was m - DayDayNews

However, when Sister Wan saw the food cooked by her daughter, she complained endlessly and lamented that girls are really outgoing. It turns out that the dishes on this table have no trace of Jiangxi cuisine at all, they are all Hubei dishes. You must know that Jiangxi people like spicy food when eating. It can be said that they are not happy with anything spicy. However, this table is basically filled with non-spicy dishes, Sister Wan. It’s inevitable to feel a little melancholy when I think that my daughter has already integrated into other people’s lives just a few years after she got married, forgetting that she has tasted the taste of her hometown for more than 20 years.

Sister Wan from Jiangxi retired this year. At the age of 50, she only has a 25-year-old daughter, Xiaoxiao. Now she is married to Hubei. Sister Wan finally has her own time and can enjoy her retirement life, so she plans to visit various parts of the country. The first stop was m - DayDayNews

In fact, the food on this table is not bad. There is crayfish, which is the favorite of Hubei people. The crayfish here are big and the meat is very fresh and plump. Sister Wan’s daughter just added some ingredients and simmered it in oil without adding chili. But because The meat is fresh, so it tastes good. A big bowl is very popular with everyone. There is also this pig's trotter meat, which was made by Sister Wan's family. The cured meat here in Hubei is very delicious. Every time she makes cured meat, she will send some to Sister Wan. This time, knowing that Sister Wan was coming, her mother-in-law asked her daughter to give the last bit of meat to her. The root-cured pig's trotters are stewed and stewed with peanuts until they are soft and tender. The wax-flavored pork trotters are full of flavor and salty. It can be used in a large pot.

Sister Wan from Jiangxi retired this year. At the age of 50, she only has a 25-year-old daughter, Xiaoxiao. Now she is married to Hubei. Sister Wan finally has her own time and can enjoy her retirement life, so she plans to visit various parts of the country. The first stop was m - DayDayNews

Sister Wan from Jiangxi retired this year. At the age of 50, she only has a 25-year-old daughter, Xiaoxiao. Now she is married to Hubei. Sister Wan finally has her own time and can enjoy her retirement life, so she plans to visit various parts of the country. The first stop was m - DayDayNews

Sister Wan from Jiangxi retired this year. At the age of 50, she only has a 25-year-old daughter, Xiaoxiao. Now she is married to Hubei. Sister Wan finally has her own time and can enjoy her retirement life, so she plans to visit various parts of the country. The first stop was m - DayDayNews

Hubei people like this kind of soup pot when eating. In addition to cured pig's trotters, there is also a pot of chicken stewed with mushrooms. It is the chicken raised by Sister Wan's family. The meat is fresh and the soup base is delicious. It is served with mushrooms to enhance the taste. , whether it is drinking soup or eating meat, it makes people feel very happy. In addition to these three hard dishes, Sister Wan’s daughter also fried a spicy chicken . It was said to be spicy chicken, but in fact there was no chili pepper. I felt that the chili pepper was just to enhance the flavor. The chicken was fried very delicious and the taste matched. Just enough to eat. There are also braised beef grandson's stir-fried pork green beans stir-fried with meat and so on. There is no chili in every dish. There is only one cold okra with a little minced garlic and millet on it. It is the only chili dish on the table. .

Sister Wan from Jiangxi retired this year. At the age of 50, she only has a 25-year-old daughter, Xiaoxiao. Now she is married to Hubei. Sister Wan finally has her own time and can enjoy her retirement life, so she plans to visit various parts of the country. The first stop was m - DayDayNews

Regarding Sister Wan’s complaints about her, Xiaoxiao completely disagrees. It’s not that she can’t bear to put in chili peppers, but that she has children at home and cannot eat spicy food. When she becomes a mother, she naturally has to think more about her children. Xiaoxiao said that she can make a The only reason why people in Jiangxi give up eating spicy food is probably their children. What do you think about this? (The material comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it)

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