Have you ever been greedy for the exotic food in the Philippines on your mobile phone, but felt uncomfortable because you couldn’t eat it? Do you like sweets, but are tired of the common desserts around you? You want to try the exotic desserts from the Philippines but have no way

2024/06/2905:08:33 food 1022

Have you ever been greedy for the exotic delicacies on your mobile phone Philippines , but feel uncomfortable because you can't eat them? Do you like sweets, but are tired of the common desserts around you? You want to try the exotic desserts from the Philippines but have no way to buy them? Or maybe you have longed for some Filipino desserts, but are unable to fly to the Philippines to enjoy them due to the epidemic? Today, the editor will introduce you to some simple Filipino delicacies, so that you can taste the delicious exotic flavors at home. The production method is extremely simple, you just need to have your hands on it.

Have you ever been greedy for the exotic food in the Philippines on your mobile phone, but felt uncomfortable because you couldn’t eat it? Do you like sweets, but are tired of the common desserts around you? You want to try the exotic desserts from the Philippines but have no way - DayDayNews

Philippine simple dessert: Taho

If compared to domestic delicacies, Taho is equivalent to our sweet tofu. It is said that the delicacy tofu brought by Chinese immigrants to the Philippines slowly evolved into Taho through the fusion of local Filipino tastes.

As a classic snack in the Philippines, TAHO is usually made with tofu, sago, tapioca pearls and brown sugar. Some Filipinos even eat it as breakfast. As Filipinos' love for TAHO deepens, the flavors have also expanded from the basic brown sugar flavor to include strawberry flavor, purple sweet potato flavor, etc. Taho sold on the roadside is also very affordable, and can often be purchased for less than 50 html per pesos .

Have you ever been greedy for the exotic food in the Philippines on your mobile phone, but felt uncomfortable because you couldn’t eat it? Do you like sweets, but are tired of the common desserts around you? You want to try the exotic desserts from the Philippines but have no way - DayDayNews

The way to make Taho at home is also very simple. First, you need to prepare silken tofu, black syrup, sago and pearls. After steaming silk tofu, cooking sago and pearls, pour them into a cup together with syrup, and a cup of simple home Taho is completed.

Filipino simple dessert: polvoron

If you like to drink coffee or tea, you might as well try making a polvoron to go with afternoon tea, it can be a perfect match. From preparation to completion, it only takes about 15 minutes. It is a very simple and quick dessert.

To make polvoron, you need to prepare two cups of flour, half a cup of chocolate cookies , one cup of flour, half a cup of sugar and half a cup of butter. First, crush the chocolate chip cookies and set aside. Then add the flour to the frying pan and toast over medium-low heat, remembering to stir constantly during this process. Afterwards, place the baked flour in a bowl and set aside.

Have you ever been greedy for the exotic food in the Philippines on your mobile phone, but felt uncomfortable because you couldn’t eat it? Do you like sweets, but are tired of the common desserts around you? You want to try the exotic desserts from the Philippines but have no way - DayDayNews

Then, melt the butter, pour in all the previously prepared ingredients, and stir them until they look like wet sand. Pour the rest into the mold and compact it, and a portion of polvoron is completed. If you have children at home, it is a very suitable choice to do it together as a parent-child activity.

Philippine simple desserts: Pastillas

Speaking of domestic milk candies, the ones that most easily come to mind are White Rabbit or Wangzai milk candies . When it comes to Filipino milk candies, the most popular ones that come to mind are Pastillas. Its full name is Pastillas de Leche. Pastillas means Spanish milk, and Leche means pills or tablets. When combined together, it means milk tablets.

Have you ever been greedy for the exotic food in the Philippines on your mobile phone, but felt uncomfortable because you couldn’t eat it? Do you like sweets, but are tired of the common desserts around you? You want to try the exotic desserts from the Philippines but have no way - DayDayNews

To make this milk candy, you need to prepare 400g of sweetened condensed milk, 2 cups of milk powder and a quarter cup of white sugar. Then sift the milk powder and add the condensed milk and stir evenly, then pour the white sugar on the plate, and evenly coat the cylindrical milk powder ball with white sugar and it's complete.

Originally this candy was only made in the rural areas of Bulacan in the Philippines, but later became loved across the country, and its taste also changed accordingly. From the original milk flavor, it has developed into the current purple yam , jackfruit, durian, mango, etc. Some people will also add cheese, peanuts or chocolate to it. Interested friends may wish to add some of their favorite ingredients when making it, and a new flavor may be born.

Philippine simple desserts: Mango ice cream

Speaking of which fruits are famous in the Philippines, mango must be one of them. In the hot summer, making mango ice cream at home is also the choice of many families in the Philippines.

Have you ever been greedy for the exotic food in the Philippines on your mobile phone, but felt uncomfortable because you couldn’t eat it? Do you like sweets, but are tired of the common desserts around you? You want to try the exotic desserts from the Philippines but have no way - DayDayNews

The ingredients you need to prepare are very simple: two mangoes, a can of sweetened condensed milk, and two cups of heavy cream. First, blend the mangoes into a puree. Then mix it with condensed milk and heavy cream. Then use the medium-high setting of the mixer to blend for about eight to ten minutes.Then you just need to put it in the refrigerator to freeze, and you can harvest homemade mango ice cream in about six hours. If you have friends who like other fruit weapons, you can also try it with other fruits.

The above three desserts are very common classic dessert snacks for civilians in the Philippines. For friends who are inconvenient to go abroad and are greedy, you might as well buy the materials and make it at home. These three kinds of desserts are almost all you need to have hands on, so there is no need to be afraid of overturning. Even children can try to make them. If you have friends who have made it by themselves, you may wish to share your experience with the editor and other friends in the comment area below after completion.

Have you ever been greedy for the exotic food in the Philippines on your mobile phone, but felt uncomfortable because you couldn’t eat it? Do you like sweets, but are tired of the common desserts around you? You want to try the exotic desserts from the Philippines but have no way - DayDayNews

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Note: This article is an original work by Feiyanfei. Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited

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