After July, the weather gradually becomes hotter and the precipitation also increases. The humid and sultry summer makes people lose their appetite. At this time, you might as well make a bowl of appetizing noodles. It is delicious and easy to make. It will instantly whet your ap

2024/05/2513:24:33 food 1663

After July, the weather gradually becomes hotter and the precipitation also increases. The humid and sultry summer makes people lose their appetite. . At this time, you might as well make a bowl of appetizing noodles. It is delicious and easy to make. It will instantly whet your appetite. , you might as well try it.

Next, I will recommend 4 homemade noodle recipes for everyone. They are simple and easy to make, suitable for all ages, and can be made every day.

Tomato and egg noodles

After July, the weather gradually becomes hotter and the precipitation also increases. The humid and sultry summer makes people lose their appetite. At this time, you might as well make a bowl of appetizing noodles. It is delicious and easy to make. It will instantly whet your ap - DayDayNews

As a well-known pasta, tomato and egg noodles meet the different needs of the human body. In the hot summer, a bowl of watered tomato and egg noodles instantly relieves the high temperature caused by the heat. Tomatoes contain vitamin which can delay aging of the human skin. At the same time, eating more pasta can also protect the skin. gastric mucosa promotes gastric digestion.

▶Recommended recipe: Tomato and Egg Noodles

▶Ingredients: tomatoes, eggs, onions, garlic, noodles

▶Ingredients: sugar, salt, water, light soy sauce

  1. Chop the prepared onions and garlic into an empty bowl. Prepare the eggs in advance, heat the oil in a pan, add the beaten eggs into the pan, and fry them before taking them out of the pan.

2. Wash the tomatoes, remove their skin, cut into pieces, stir-fry in a pot, and add appropriate amount of salt for seasoning. Add the scrambled eggs and stir-fry.

3. Add an appropriate amount of water and wait until the water in the pot boils before adding the prepared noodles. At this time, when the noodles are almost cooked, it is appropriate to add salt and light soy sauce for seasoning, and finally sprinkle with chopped green onions.

Hot and sour cold noodles

After July, the weather gradually becomes hotter and the precipitation also increases. The humid and sultry summer makes people lose their appetite. At this time, you might as well make a bowl of appetizing noodles. It is delicious and easy to make. It will instantly whet your ap - DayDayNews

Hot and sour cold noodles are a simple and easy-to-make noodle dish that is deeply loved by everyone. The essence of hot and sour cold noodles is the perfect combination of spicy and sour. The strong smell of vinegar will instantly increase your appetite. It is well known that vinegar helps human digestion and promotes metabolism in the body. At the same time, its biggest effect is to relieve fatigue. In the hot summer, fatigue always comes one after another. Why not eat a bowl of sweet and delicious hot and sour cold noodles to relieve fatigue.

▶Recommended recipe: Hot and sour cold noodles

▶Ingredients: peanuts, coriander, millet spicy, noodles, garlic, onions

▶Ingredients: sugar, salt, water, light soy sauce

1. Cut the prepared garlic and onions Place into a bowl. If you like spicy food, you can add an appropriate amount of millet chili into the bowl, add oil to the pot, and sprinkle it into the bowl after the oil is hot.

2. Add light soy sauce, salt and vinegar to the bowl to season, mix well and set aside.

3. Fry the prepared peanuts until cooked, weigh out and set aside. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put the noodles into the pot, and after they are cooked, put them in cold water and take them out, sprinkle with the prepared ingredients, and top with the fried peanuts.

Hot-dry noodles

After July, the weather gradually becomes hotter and the precipitation also increases. The humid and sultry summer makes people lose their appetite. At this time, you might as well make a bowl of appetizing noodles. It is delicious and easy to make. It will instantly whet your ap - DayDayNews

Hot-dry noodles are one of the most famous snacks in Wuhan. The first stop for every tourist who travels to Wuhan is to taste the famous local hot-dry noodles . Noodles are rich in carbohydrates, which can replenish nutrients lost in the body due to hot weather. At the same time, it can also replenish nutrients and energy needed by the human body. Why don't you hurry up and make a bowl?

▶Recommended recipe: Hot dry noodles

▶Ingredients: onions, garlic, noodles

▶Ingredients: sesame paste, salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, chili oil

1. Prepare an empty bowl and put 1-2 spoons of sesame paste in it, add water and stir. Add salt and chicken essence to taste while stirring until evenly mixed.

2. Take the pot, chop the onion and garlic, add it to the pot and stir-fry until fragrant, take it out in a small bowl.

3. Add 500 ml of water to the pot. After the water boils, add the prepared noodles.

4. Take out the cooked noodles, sprinkle with the prepared sauce, and finally add the fried green onions. A bowl of authentic Wuhan hot dry noodles is ready.

Saozi noodles

After July, the weather gradually becomes hotter and the precipitation also increases. The humid and sultry summer makes people lose their appetite. At this time, you might as well make a bowl of appetizing noodles. It is delicious and easy to make. It will instantly whet your ap - DayDayNews

Saozi noodles are a special delicacy in Shaanxi Province. They are famous for their fresh flavor but not greasy . Many tourists come here just to taste Shaanxi specialties. Saozi noodles contain a lot of minerals, which can promote spleen and stomach digestion , supplement capacity, enhance the body's own immune function, and a bowl of fragrant Saozi noodles can enhance the feeling of fullness in the stomach, avoid overeating.

▶Recommended recipe: Saozi noodles

▶Ingredients: pork belly, carrot, green onion, black fungus, noodles, ginger

▶Ingredients: flour, chili powder, salt, chicken essence, cooking wine, cinnamon, star anise, alkali noodles, vinegar

  1. handfuls Chop the pork belly, add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot, put the chopped pork belly into the pot and stir-fry, add an appropriate amount of water, when the water in the pot gradually becomes thick, add appropriate cooking wine, ginger, salt, and chicken essence for seasoning.
  2. Stir-fry for about 5 minutes, then turn off the heat, weigh out and set aside. Add 500 ml of water to the pot, put in the noodles, and take them out after they are cooked.
  3. To make side dishes, wash the prepared carrots and black fungus and cut them into small pieces. Add them to the pot and stir-fry. Add appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence for seasoning. Stir-fry until cooked and serve.
  4. Remove the noodles and sprinkle with the prepared side dishes and pork belly.

The above are the 4 types of pasta I recommend to everyone. They are delicious and easy to make. Eat a bowl in the humid and sultry summer and instantly get rid of the humidity. Why not hurry up and make a bowl to relieve the sultry heat in the summer.

It’s a hot day and I have no appetite. I recommend 4 homemade noodle recipes. They are simple and easy to make and you can change them every day.

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