What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious

2019/11/2501:50:09 food 449

Hello everyone, this is Shen Xiaoyi. Every day, I will share with you at least one cooking technique or experience of visiting the store. If you have a vision, remember to follow me and visit me every day.

Wen∣Luo Xiaoyu

My family is in a small border county in Sichuan, specifically a small village on the edge of the county seat. When I was young, I watched various vegetables and fruits from planting to harvest, and watching chickens, ducks, pigs and cows grow from childhood to adulthood. Groups may be tall and big, but now that I think about it, the most interesting and impressive thing is to pick mushrooms.

Because I watched cartoons when I was young, the little white rabbits used to pick mushrooms on the beautiful roads in the forest. Mushrooms were so dotted under the big trees on both sides of the road, so they walked around and picked them, especially beautiful.

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

I think mushroom picking is like this.

is actually not. Mushroom picking is usually in spring and summer, and you don’t want to pick it in any forest. We choose green forest, which is a forest full of green trees, where mushrooms can be found. , Which is the fungus in Sichuan dialect.

Also pay attention to the choice of weather. It is best to have just rained and then the weather clears. This time is when the mushrooms are skyrocketing. Only when you can pick fresh mushrooms, you can search all over the mountain and use a wooden stick. Open the way and sweep away the leaves in the forest, because many mushrooms just pushed out the fallen leaves when they first came out, so they happened to be covered by the leaves. This process is very strange and it feels like a treasure hunt.

I still remember clearly that there are many kinds of wild mushrooms, one with reddish surface called Rhododendron, another kind of grayish green called Mung bean, and the whole black one called Charcoal, and white one called Lime... Mushrooms also depend on luck. Sometimes a few friends go up the mountain together. I have not walked through them, but they can be picked after he walks behind. The growth of mushrooms is simply incredible.

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews


, ​​but because they don’t know the safety of wild mushrooms, parents only allow our sisters to go up the mountain to pick them, and they are not allowed to eat them. So every time we pick them back, we throw them away because there are too many things poisoned by eating wild mushrooms every year. I also don’t recommend eating wild mushrooms. According to data query, there are more than 1,000 kinds of mushrooms in China, among which more than 400 are poisonous, and there are more than 40 kinds of poisonous and lethal dangers. Some of them look too alike and are difficult to pass. When judging whether it is poisonous or not, villagers don’t buy dried ones, and they can’t judge whether they are dried.

is precisely because of this, and mushrooms are vegetables with very high protein content. Chinese medicine also has records: mushrooms are sweet and flat, can digest, calm the nerves, antibacterial, lower blood sugar, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, etc., so the cultivation of edible fungi , Naturally became a matter of natural development and rapid results.

As early as a thousand years ago, the ancients recorded the method of growing mushrooms. "Mushrooms are born in the soil, rustic and harmonious but grasses are born", "Ganoderma lucidum is like growing beans" .

In the Three Kingdoms period, it reached a level of vigor, and there is ample evidence that China was the first country to discover and grow shiitake mushrooms. Chen Renyu wrote a book specifically on how to cultivate mushrooms called "Bacteria Species". Z4z

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

bacterial spectrum

Yuanren's "Book of Wang Zhennong" also records the artificial cultivation method of shiitake mushrooms, which is the famous cut flower method to grow shiitake mushrooms. This method is still in use today.

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

chopped flower method to plant shiitake mushrooms

It can be seen that a small mushroom carries people's wisdom and expectations for good food. Today, the cultivation of edible fungi has reached a mature stage. The types of mushrooms available on the market are also numerous and complicated. If you are interested, you can grow your own. You can buy many strains and tutorials on shopping websites. Food blogger Plum Qi once recorded in the video that he planted mycelium on trees and harvested mushrooms.

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

Plum Ziqi's mycelium

However, I think we only eat so much every meal. It is not necessary to grow our own, but how to choose, how to buy, and how to eat must be mastered. Next, I will introduce the characteristics and eating methods of common edible fungi on the market.

shiitake mushrooms

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

shiitake mushrooms

are the second largest mushrooms in the world. They have a long history of artificial cultivation and are easy to identify. The whole shiitake mushrooms are round and the cap is light brown. The handle is short and the fleshy head is thick, so it can be cut into complete slices. z4When buying shiitake mushrooms at z

, ​​it is recommended to choose those with a round shape and no damage, which will be more fresh and tender. If the shiitake mushrooms are older, the surface will crack and the taste is not soft and delicate. There are many ways to make

shiitake mushrooms. You can basically use them at will. Stir-fried meat, stewed chicken soup, and stir-fry are all possible. They have a unique fragrance. Among them, there is a famous dish called mushrooms and rape. I believe everyone has done it.

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

shiitake mushrooms and rapeseed

shiitake mushrooms and rapeseed practices:

1, shiitake mushrooms and small rapeseed are washed, shiitake mushrooms are sliced, small rapeseed is divided into small pieces;

2, put the oil in the pot and heat, if the ginger and garlic slices are fried, add the shiitake mushrooms and stir fry, then Add the rapeseed and continue to stir fry, and finally add light soy sauce, chicken essence, and salt to taste. In addition to fresh

shiitake mushrooms, dried shiitake mushrooms are often sold. Soak them first when you buy them. Other methods are similar. Some people like dried shiitake mushrooms because they have a stronger flavor.

Pleurotus ostreatus

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

Pleurotus ostreatus

Pleurotus ostreatus should be a very common type of mushroom in the vegetable market, usually in clusters, each cluster has many Pleurotus ostreatus, the whole body is light gray, and the color near the stalk is whiter. The cap is relatively flat, maybe that's how the name Pleurotus ostreatus came from.

I think the taste of oyster mushrooms is not as strong as that of shiitake mushrooms, and they also have a light fragrance. The methods are also varied. The common ones are fried meat, broth, and deep-frying. I think deep-frying is an interesting method.

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

salt and pepper oyster mushroom

salt and pepper oyster mushroom practice :

1, wash the oyster mushrooms into finger-thin strips, drain the water;

2, beat two eggs in a bowl and stir into egg liquid, then add appropriate amount of flour and starch to stir Evenly form a batter;

3. Pour a lot of oil into the pan and heat it up, put the oyster mushrooms in the batter one by one and fry them in the oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper on the pan. It is both a vegetable and a snack.

Pleurotus eryngii

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

Pleurotus eryngii

Pleurotus eryngii is probably the largest single mushroom in the vegetable market, because it has the smell of almonds and has a smooth texture like abalone, so it got the name. The stalk of Pleurotus eryngii is thick and long, and the cap is small, almost the same as the diameter of the stalk, and some are even integrated into a cylinder. The stalk is white and the upper cap is light brown.

If you want to recommend the practice of Pleurotus eryngii, I recommend cold salad.

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

cold pleurotus eryngii

cold pleurotus eryngii recipe :

1, cut pleurotus eryngii along the length direction, steam for 20 minutes in a steamer, let cool and tear into strips by hand;

2, use millet spicy, soy sauce, salt, Vinegar, sesame oil, coriander, green onion and other seasonings are made into a cold sauce, poured on the oyster mushroom strips, and stirred well.

Flammulina velutipes

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

Flammulina velutipes

Strictly speaking, in addition to Flammulina velutipes, there is also Flammulina velutipes. The difference is the color. Flammulina velutipes is light yellow and cylindracea is white. However, there is usually no detailed distinction between them, and they are collectively called Flammulina. The stalk of

Flammulina velutipes is thin and long. The middle is hollow, the cap is small, and the surface is slippery, which seems to have a slimy feeling.

Enoki mushrooms can be eaten in many ways. They can be blanched and served cold, fried in egg batter, hot pot, or steamed. The only drawback is that it is strong, not easy to bite, and easy to get stuck in the teeth.

Here is a delicacy made with enoki mushrooms- chopped pepper chicken wings and steamed enoki mushroom .

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

chopped pepper chicken wings and steamed enoki mushroom


1, chicken wings are washed clean, chopped into pieces, blanched and drained for later use;

2, scallions, minced ginger and garlic, and chopped peppers are placed on the plate together with the hot oil to pour the aroma , Then add salt, sugar, and steamed fish soy sauce to make a sauce;

3, put the blanched chicken wings, mix well and soak so that they are evenly coated with the sauce;

4, remove the head of the enoki mushroom, wash it and place it on the bottom of the plate, and place it on top Put the chicken wings soaked in the sauce and steam it for 20 minutes. Z4z


What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews



are a bit like shiitake mushrooms, they are all short stalks, the cap is round and inward, and the shape is rounded. The difference is that the whole body is white. mouthThe texture of mushrooms is very similar to that of shiitake mushrooms. The texture is dense and thick, which can be sliced ​​and fried.

I usually use mushrooms, mainly when frying steak, as a side dish.

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

fried steak

clean and drain the water, pour a little oil in the pan, add the whole mushroom to a medium-low fire, sprinkle some black pepper and sea salt, and finally set the plate shape according to your own preferences. After the steak is fried, you can start eating Now, the mushrooms are round and round, and they are fried golden on both sides. With broccoli, asparagus, small tomatoes, etc., the steak looks a few higher grades, which is beautiful and delicious.

Of course, what I just introduced is just the most common ones, which can be bought in every vegetable market. In addition, there are seafood mushrooms, crab-flavored mushrooms, matsutake mushrooms, white jade mushrooms, etc. The way to eat them is similar. Meat, stir-fry, make soup...you can use your own cooking skills. But in general, mushrooms are not recommended to be eaten raw. Although they are not as poisonous as wild mushrooms, they are not as delicious as cooked food.

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seafood mushrooms

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

crab-flavored mushrooms

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

white mushroom

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews


In addition to the above fresh edible fungi, there are some usually dry goods, typically wood ears and white fungus.


What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews


usually referred to as fungus, black fungus, also called cloud ear, buy dry goods, need to be soaked in hair, soft texture, crispy taste, can be stewed soup, cold salad, fried meat. There are many varieties of

fungus. Different types of fungus vary in size and thickness. Generally, the smaller the meat head, the thicker it is, which is more suitable for stew and cold salad, and the larger one is more suitable for fried meat.

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

Fried yam with black fungus

Fried yam with black fungus :

1, wash and peel the yam and cut into thin slices, rinse the black fungus with boiling water and blanch them, and cut the green and red peppers into diagonal pieces.

2, pour oil in the pot, pour the yam and black fungus into the stir-fry, add a little water, add some salt to taste, and finally add green and red pepper pieces and stir-fry out of the pot.


What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

Tremella, also called white fungus, is a large flower, mainly used for stewing soup. In ancient times, Tremella Soup was a tonic. It was more expensive than bird’s nests. Tremella was more cost-effective than bird’s nests, so Tremella was also called "the poor's bird's nest."

The quality of the white fungus soup stewed by good white fungus is sticky and soft, which is related to the selection of white fungus. A good white fungus is naturally white or beige, with yellow-brown roots and no mildew or moth-eaten on the surface. Complete and shiny. But fungus is not as white as possible. The white fungus is smoked with sulfur and cannot be bought. At the same time, pay attention to smell, good white fungus has no peculiar smell.

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews

Tremella Soup

Quick Hand Tremella Soup Method:

Remove the stalks of the white fungus and put it in the pressure cooker, pour the wolfberry, red dates, rock sugar and cover the lid, adjust the pressure to the rice stall, and hold the pressure for 10 minutes. edible.

What are the types of mushrooms? Inventory of seven common edible mushrooms, how to make them delicious - DayDayNews


Mushrooms are rich in nutrients, you can eat more at ordinary times. Vegetables, as long as they are cooked, you can have more freedom to use. Anyway, they are delicious. Mushrooms are well done and more delicious than meat.

About mushrooms, do you have any good practices and suggestions? Welcome to share with me in the message area! If you like this article, don't forget to like, bookmark and repost. Welcome to pay attention to my headline number: i Shen Xiaoyi, yah!

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