Will a woman miss her ex-husband after a divorce? The words of the three women alert latecomers

2020/12/0423:36:08 emotion 1940

Will a woman miss her ex-husband after a divorce? The words of the three women alert latecomers - DayDayNews

For most people who step into the marriage palace, they think about the whole life, holding hands and growing old together. But in fact, being able to go to the end requires not only mutual understanding and tolerance, but also some fate.

So when a couple’s relationship breaks down and cannot go to the end, when a woman chooses to remarry, will she still think of her ex-husband?

1. Ms. Pang is 34 years old and will be happy when she is divorced.

My ex-husband and I were married at the beginning, purely because I was too stupid. I thought he was good to me and I am getting older. Then just listen to the marriage at home. It can develop slowly. After getting married,

found out that the two people thought differently. They didn't belong to the same category at all, and it was difficult to communicate with each other. Later they got divorced.

After the divorce, I was very happy, and I was not in a hurry to get married, so I didn't miss my ex-husband at all, and it was normal to be together without feelings.

Will a woman miss her ex-husband after a divorce? The words of the three women alert latecomers - DayDayNews

2. Ms. Wang 36 years old I don’t think about it, unless I hate him

, I definitely won’t miss my ex-husband. I think of it occasionally. Divorcing my ex-husband is the happiest thing I have ever done in my life. Being with him is not happy at all. He doesn’t care about me and he is very picky. What’s more, I’m so dedicated to my family and my children. He actually cheated. This is my bottom line. I will endure it. For a long time, but I couldn't bear to derail, so in the end I got divorced.

After the divorce, I felt that I could not meet a good man, so I didn’t take it seriously. I didn’t expect that the first man introduced by a relative would have a successful blind date. Maybe we all have similar experiences. His ex-wife also cheated. Together, I feel special happiness.

Will a woman miss her ex-husband after a divorce? The words of the three women alert latecomers - DayDayNews

3. Ms. Chang is 28 years old. I really miss my ex-husband's

. When I married my ex-husband, I was 22 years old. At that time, I just reached the legal marriage age, and I couldn’t wait to marry him. Later, we soon had a child. At that time, I loved him very much.

, no matter how good the love is, it is a mess if there is no material foundation. In the end, we have a lot of contradictions. The root of everything is lack of money. I start to feel wronged and I can have a better one.

In the end, I chose to divorce, and my husband agreed.

It didn't take long for me to find someone with good financial conditions. I didn't expect that after getting married, I would have all the housework and be angry with him. He was always righteous and felt that I was second-hand, so naturally I should listen to him. The longer

is with him, the more I miss my ex-husband. Although he has no money, he treats me like a baby.

Later, I divorced again and wanted to find an ex-husband to remarry, but he was already married. Seeing him and his daughter are very happy, I have no choice but to say, everything is fate!

Conclusion: Whether a woman misses her ex-husband or not depends on how well she is now. If she has a good life, she won’t miss it. If she has a bad life, she will miss each other very much.

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