Boys take the 3 manifestations of a relationship seriously, and one of them means you have met the right person!

2020/12/0422:36:11 emotion 478

In this "fast food" society, many people have only just met for a few days, but they will say "I love you" and will love to die, but the feelings that come quickly like this often go quickly.

once saw such a comment on Weibo: "Most love at first sight is a matter of pleasure." The comment

also reminded me of this sentence: "For a person, we often start from the value of appearance and respect for talent. , It fits the character, is longer than kind, and finally character.”

Indeed, now is a society that looks at faces, but it is impossible for a person’s appearance to remain attractive all the time. The attractiveness of appearance is only temporary. It's just a sense of freshness. Once the freshness is over, the more the shortcomings of the other person are exposed, the more you will want to escape and escape the relationship.

Feelings like this can't actually be called love. Because true love is lasting, it is my heart that moves you, I want to keep guarding you, protecting you, so as not to worry about you.

Even after being with you, your shortcomings have been revealed one by one, but I still love you, because I love you, not because of who you are or how good you are.

is like the phrase the father said to his daughter in "Juneo": "Find someone who loves you as you are, whether it is a good temper, a bad temper, ugly or beautiful, and someone who is willing to love you all. "Z4z

I think love like this is true love, and it is also a very happy thing to be with someone who loves you like this.

Boys take the 3 manifestations of a relationship seriously, and one of them means you have met the right person! - DayDayNews

Regardless of whether you need it or not, he will always be a boy at

. If he has a real affection for you and wants to have a future with you, then after he is with you, he will take the relationship between you very seriously. This relationship.

saw this sentence in the circle of friends, and I felt very heartbroken: "No one will disappear, everyone will only contact the people you miss."

Indeed, adults today may be very busy and don’t have much free time, but , We will cherish the people who are important to us, and will often take the initiative to contact.

is especially for people you like and want to cherish. Even if they are really busy and have no time, as long as the other party sends a message to themselves, no matter how busy they are, they will find time to reply. Even if

just tells the other party: "I am very busy now, I will reply to your message later." Of course, he said that he will reply to you later, he will really wait until he is finished before actively looking for you.

, a boy like this who can give you a sense of security, undoubtedly has a heart for you, so it will be so appropriate and thoughtful, taking into account your feelings.

And if a boy does not love you as you think he does, then, when he is very busy, he may not pay attention to your message at all, or he may reply to you after I am very busy. No more then.

Boys take the 3 manifestations of a relationship seriously, and one of them means you have met the right person! - DayDayNews

He treats others indifferently, but gives you all his tenderness.

In "One Kiss", a "straight man" like Jiang Naoki really hit the hearts of many girls.

He treats others indifferently, but he is too gentle with his wife.

Yuan Xiangqin was stupid, but he said to his brother: "I know you don't like idiots, but don't bully my wife too much."

He told Xiangqin in the restaurant that it is not allowed to pack, but then secretly took it. The packed take-out box was placed on the counter, and he refused. He refused to spend the festival with Xiangqin, but that night he still brought her favorite chocolate cake.

Look, boys are actually very smart, provided that he loves you enough.

People who really like you, he will remember all your likes and dislikes while getting along with you, and he will carefully protect your sensitivity.

He can understand every subtext you say, and will do his best to do whatever you expect.

Indeed, if you don’t love enough, how can you be so dedicated and considerate to you. Only when you really love it in your bones, will you give you all your tenderness, and others will never enjoy such treatment.

Boys take the 3 manifestations of a relationship seriously, and one of them means you have met the right person! - DayDayNews

He understands your vulnerability,Will take care of your little emotions

There are really straight men in this world, and there are many "straight men with advanced cancer".

However, even such a boy will become gentle and delicate after encountering love, and love will cure his straight male cancer. When

is with the person he likes, even if he is straight, he will become very attentive. He knows you, understands you, and knows you, so he can detect your little emotions and take care of them. Your little emotions.

When you are unhappy, you may not need to say, he will hug you tightly, give you a warm and reliable shoulder, so that you no longer feel like a person.

may be such an insignificant behavior, but it can warm your whole world, and his behavior will tell you that no matter what happens, you still have him, at least at this moment, you are not alone.

This kind of love, although silent, can give you the courage and confidence to spend the rest of your life with him. With people who love you and understand you this way, you will really be spoiled as a happy little princess.

emotional message:

We all know that in this world, the probability of two people meeting is really very small, so please be sure to cherish the person who loves you very much and is willing to be nice to you.

Maybe he can't let you see all the flames and flowers, but he will give you his most sincere preference and pampering, and slowly accompany you through all the mountains and rivers.

A good relationship is worth cherishing, so when you meet the right person, you must cherish it twice, and don’t let not cherishing love turn love into regret.

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