Why is it difficult for men to save themselves from extramarital affairs?

2020/11/2810:28:04 emotion 713

Why is it difficult for men to save themselves from extramarital affairs? - DayDayNews

The first idea that a man might have an extramarital affair was not really lost and moved.

They just produce a sense of freshness, excitement and a little mutual affection. If they lose their concentration and forget their sense of responsibility for a while, they may come up with some romantic affairs.

According to this theory, when they wake up, they should always think of what they should do and what they should not do? But why is it so difficult for many men to save themselves from extramarital affairs?

Could it be said that after doing these things for a long time, have you given the true love to your extramarital lover?

is not necessarily because of the following three reasons.

Why is it difficult for men to save themselves from extramarital affairs? - DayDayNews

01. Having tasted the sweetness, it is difficult to look back.

Although women have the same gender, each person's personality, appearance, strengths, etc. are still different.

Marriage is to get along with a fixed opposite sex day and night and live face to face. After a long time, it will inevitably feel boring, boring, plain...the freshness is lost, and the trivial life will cause shock and destruction to the relationship between the two people. The man's heart If you are not satisfied with this, you will easily engage in extramarital affairs. The purpose of

is to go to the opposite sex outside of marriage, who is completely different from his wife, to find those advantages that the partner lacks in marriage, to satisfy one's desire for feelings and the characteristics of the opposite sex that oneself values ​​and want to have such a greed. Once

has tasted the sweetness, it is difficult to look back. They may not maintain a long-term relationship with a lover, but they can't help but retain a long-term cheating habit.

For them, even if marriage is the delicacy of mountains and seas, they will get tired of eating every day. Even if the extramarital lover is just a different side dish or even wild vegetables, it is always good to change the taste from time to time.

has such a view, how can they change the views they have developed and get rid of the opened doors of desire?

For men who are born with a lack of responsibility, meeting their true needs is the most important thing.

Why is it difficult for men to save themselves from extramarital affairs? - DayDayNews

02. Unwilling to be lonely and disagree with marriage

There is also a kind of man who cheats on sex because he is unwilling to be lonely and has a different view of marriage from the other half, and he does not agree with the quality of marriage, and he cannot get it from his wife. I want the happiness and joy I want, but I don’t want to keep this kind of marriage trying to compromise and waste time.

Then they will try to find the opposite sex outside of marriage who understands their own hearts, agrees with their own views, and is more in line with their mate selection requirements to satisfy their yearning and pursuit of marriage.

When they did not find such a woman, they were able to barely maintain the integrity and purity of the marriage. Once they really met the so-called confidant, it would be difficult to really look back after cheating.

After all, marriage has been proven to be unhappy. For a man who has no hope of communicating with his wife and repairing the relationship, keep the marriage intact.

is just because of parents, children, career, future, fame, and property, which does not prevent oneself from pursuing emotional comfort in a hidden way at the same time.

Why is it difficult for men to save themselves from extramarital affairs? - DayDayNews

03. Lack of love, unable to leave the gentle town

Since childhood, a man who lacks the warmth of a family, is more eager for love, marriage and family. A man who lacks love in marriage, relatively speaking, will lack a sense of loyalty and responsibility for marriage.

After all, a thing, a relationship, a person, only when he feels it is quite special and important, will he have a sense of value and cherishment.

does not give him enough love and trust for a woman, even if she is his wife in name, for a man, it is just a legal life partner.

If their current situation is not enough to choose a divorce, they are willing to put aside the relationship between the two people, and then go outside marriage to find a tender home. Once

is in such an environment, it is really difficult for them to leave. False tenderness is stronger than a cold marriage.

Because from this false tenderness, at least he can still get a little bit of happiness and comfort, but his wife can't provide this comfort.

Therefore, he is destined to only constantly seek continuous comfort from the gentle homeland. It is difficult to easily quit the painful marriage and the loyal partner who has no love. It is also impossible.

Why is it difficult for men to save themselves from extramarital affairs? - DayDayNews


There are many reasons for men to engage in extramarital affairs. Once Pandora's box is opened and then closed, it is impossible to return to the situation before the switch was turned on. There are some things in

, the marrow knows the taste, and when it is contaminated, you know where its magic is?

Of course, these things are poisonous, and the result of being addicted to them may eventually cause oneself to suffer and face punishment. But men are born to love poisonous things, smoking, drinking, beauty... the more addictive things are, the more they can't stop them.

But as an old saying goes, everything must have a cause, and a cause must have an effect! Happiness is difficult to obtain. Even if you meet the right person, you still need both parties to work together constantly to overcome the ups and downs and difficulties in life together.

is accustomed to slanting the sword, it is impossible to find real happiness and joy from the illusory extramarital affairs! Extramarital affairs are like opium. Even if they bring pleasure, they are short-lived. Long-term dependence on

will damage your body, numb your nerves, destroy your will, and ultimately ruin your life!


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