Text/Weichen The society is sinister and people’s hearts are complicated. It is not easy for anyone to survive in this society. When things are done right, no one remembers and no one is grateful. Once you do something wrong, you will be criticized in various ways. This is the da

2024/06/3020:26:32 emotion 1219

Text/Weichen The society is sinister and people’s hearts are complicated. It is not easy for anyone to survive in this society. When things are done right, no one remembers and no one is grateful. Once you do something wrong, you will be criticized in various ways. This is the da - DayDayNews


Society is sinister and people’s hearts are complicated.

It is not easy for anyone to survive in this society. When things are done right, no one remembers and no one is grateful. Once you do something wrong, you will be criticized in various ways. This is the danger of human nature.

There is nothing wrong with being an honest person. What is wrong is being too honest, showing your heart and soul to everyone, and telling everyone your words and opinions without reservation.

In life, honest people are the group that is most likely to be ignored, bullied and taken advantage of.

As a human being, you must be careful not to let people with ulterior motives take advantage of your honesty.

There is an old saying: "It is difficult to paint the skin of a tiger, but it is difficult to paint the bones of a tiger. You know the face but not the heart." When people are young, they always think that tigers are the most ferocious beasts. As they grow older, they will slowly discover that the human heart is more terrifying. exist.

is too honest and can be easily plotted.

If an honest person does not want to be tricked, he must know how to keep his own secrets when interacting with others, especially the following four.

Text/Weichen The society is sinister and people’s hearts are complicated. It is not easy for anyone to survive in this society. When things are done right, no one remembers and no one is grateful. Once you do something wrong, you will be criticized in various ways. This is the da - DayDayNews

Inner weakness

A person's maturity is to control his mouth and not talk nonsense, and a person's wisdom is to guard his inner weakness and not reveal it easily.

Deep in everyone's heart there is a weakness that others cannot know. The so-called strength means trying to keep yourself awake, restraining your emotions, and not caring about things that you shouldn't care about.

As a person, you must understand that you should not talk too much to others when your mood is not in a stable period, especially when you are depressed, you will definitely regret saying something.

Life is a game, whoever can't hold back first will lose.

The reason why honest people are easily hurt is because they are too honest, no matter who they are, they are defenseless and tell the truth.

As the saying goes: "You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others." You must be on guard when getting along with others. We may not lie, but we must choose to remain silent when we encounter things that are inconvenient to say.

Telling others about your inner weakness is equivalent to giving others a knife that can hurt you at any time.

Text/Weichen The society is sinister and people’s hearts are complicated. It is not easy for anyone to survive in this society. When things are done right, no one remembers and no one is grateful. Once you do something wrong, you will be criticized in various ways. This is the da - DayDayNews

Life planning

If you want to live a good life, you must plan.

Many people think that life planning is unnecessary. Even after planning, there is still no guarantee that it will be implemented as originally planned. For this reason, there is also a saying that "plans cannot keep up with changes."

As a result, many people simply stop planning in order to save trouble, and just go about their days with the mentality of taking things one step at a time, or simply messing up.

In fact, after years of experience, there is a clear gap between a planned life and an unplanned life. The importance of planning your life is self-evident.

It’s just that many honest people can’t control their mouths after the planning is completed, and happily share their life plans with others, completely ignoring the risk of leaks.

When talking about your life plans, it’s fine if you meet a friend who treats you sincerely. If you meet a villain who doesn’t like the good people around you, the ending will inevitably be disappointing.

Text/Weichen The society is sinister and people’s hearts are complicated. It is not easy for anyone to survive in this society. When things are done right, no one remembers and no one is grateful. Once you do something wrong, you will be criticized in various ways. This is the da - DayDayNews

Dissatisfaction and resentment

As the saying goes, diseases enter from the mouth, and disasters come out of the mouth.

As you live in this world, you must be careful when speaking, especially when expressing inner dissatisfaction and resentment.

People tend to say harsh words when they are impulsive. They may complain a few words when there is no malice in the first place, but if someone with good intentions hears them and then spreads them with embarrassment, they will inevitably bring unnecessary trouble to themselves.

People who are too honest do not understand the sinister nature of people's hearts. They think that what they say is true and not malicious, but they never think that their words may be taken out of context and used maliciously.

There are many "smart" people in this society who are good at using the trick of "borrowing a knife to kill". They do not express their inner dissatisfaction and resentment directly, but express their dissatisfaction through the mouths of others.

When the messenger has private thoughts in his heart, the words he conveys will inevitably change in flavor.Those honest people who are used as guns don't even realize what the problem is after offending others.

If you don’t want to be plotted against, you should control your mouth and don’t speak dissatisfied and resentful words easily.

Text/Weichen The society is sinister and people’s hearts are complicated. It is not easy for anyone to survive in this society. When things are done right, no one remembers and no one is grateful. Once you do something wrong, you will be criticized in various ways. This is the da - DayDayNews

Past events

Life is short and fleeting.

For everyone, what happened in the past is already the past. Those things of the past are past, and they should not be mentioned again, whether they were brilliant or dim.

As a human being, you must understand that you can never look back in life. Only by looking forward can you move forward better.

Old things can be kept in my heart and recalled alone, but they are never suitable to be shared with others, especially missed opportunities and regrets in my heart.

A wise man will not recall old things in front of others. If he can forget, he will forget it; if he cannot forget, he will hide it carefully. It's all over anyway, and bringing it up again will only add to the sentimentality.

The past is a person’s secret. Keep the secret well so that it will not be manipulated by others.

Never naively think that your relationship with someone is very close and can last a lifetime. Excessive trust often leads to disappointment.

Content source public account: Weichen [ID: weichenip] It is easy to meet the author by chance.

About the author: Wei Chen, a freelance writer and writing tutor. Often quiet, occasionally humorous.

hopes to bring you mental relaxation through words. I hope your life will be better after encountering my words.

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