Why are all men like this without exception? In the beginning, they care and love you in every possible way. Even if they are not together, they will chat with you until late at night, make many phone calls, and give you a different feeling. Then you feel that you You are lucky,

2024/06/3018:15:33 emotion 1611

Why are all men like this without exception? In the beginning, they care and love you in every possible way. Even if they are not together, they will chat with you until late at night, make many phone calls, and give you a different feeling. Then you feel You are lucky, and you will wonder why you didn’t meet such a good man earlier. This is how your dedication begins. You begin to put all your love and energy into him. Who would you know that the freshness has passed? , he starts to get tired of you, gets tired of you, and starts to gradually alienate you, always saying that you are not good enough, making troubles unreasonably, not understanding people, and not understanding him. He also tells you that he has never changed towards you.

Why are all men like this without exception? In the beginning, they care and love you in every possible way. Even if they are not together, they will chat with you until late at night, make many phone calls, and give you a different feeling. Then you feel that you You are lucky,  - DayDayNews

Only you know that he is getting colder and colder towards you, no longer accompanying you, no longer caring, no longer warm, no longer caring about your details. He always takes a long time to reply to the messages you send, or speaks less and less. He is always indifferent to you, sometimes hot and cold, and you no longer rely on him. Although it is painful, you have to get used to it slowly. You can't adapt to his changes, and you can't tolerate his attitude towards you. He makes you collapse. It's very simple. It's the tone and attitude he uses when talking to you, his impatience, and all kinds of neglect and disregard. You've thought about it more than once, are all men like this? They stop loving you after the novelty has passed. Really? You clearly care about him more and more, but he is becoming more and more perfunctory, indifferent, and indifferent to you...

Why are all men like this without exception? In the beginning, they care and love you in every possible way. Even if they are not together, they will chat with you until late at night, make many phone calls, and give you a different feeling. Then you feel that you You are lucky,  - DayDayNews

Later you will find that his indifference is related to another person. In fact, behind all indifference, there is something new. When a man moves his mouth, your heart is moved, so flirting with you is just a novelty, but you fall into it. You have fallen into his trap. Once you are fascinated by him, he has already walked away and backed out. He turned around in a cool and relaxed way, but you are unable to extricate yourself in the same place and are in pain. This is a true picture of the relationship between a man and a woman. Men are always hunters and always like to hunt for beauty, but women are slow to warm up. At the beginning, men are infinitely attentive to you and frequently show you tender care, but women remain vigilant. Later, you fall in love with him. But he walked away and quit, leaving you alone, and you were alone to bear the heartache and thousands of arrows piercing your heart, so women really don't have to be too concerned about feelings, otherwise you will be the only one who suffers and gets hurt in the end.

Why are all men like this without exception? In the beginning, they care and love you in every possible way. Even if they are not together, they will chat with you until late at night, make many phone calls, and give you a different feeling. Then you feel that you You are lucky,  - DayDayNews

For all men who are either indifferent or indifferent to you, without exception, there is only one truth, that is, someone has replaced you. In fact, women are very sensitive. You can keenly feel whether a man treats you well or not. His perfunctory treatment and absent-mindedness towards you actually illustrate his attitude. You are dispensable in his heart, not because you are not good enough, but because another person has taken your place. This is a man. They are all very real. You are attentive to the things you like. Because there is a person who has attracted his new attention and he is chasing a new goal, so he will naturally neglect you and slack off. However, women always don’t understand. , he was obviously the one who took the initiative, he was the one who started chasing me first, why did he suddenly change into a different person? I didn’t hit him at first, he was the one who provoked me, but later, I hit him, but he passed the time. The feeling ran away.

Why are all men like this without exception? In the beginning, they care and love you in every possible way. Even if they are not together, they will chat with you until late at night, make many phone calls, and give you a different feeling. Then you feel that you You are lucky,  - DayDayNews

So we come to the conclusion that a man is a hunter, he likes to chase, his scenery is not with you, he is just a big carrot with a big heart, such a man is really not worthy of your affection, looking for a sense of conquest, looking for a sense of excitement , seeing that you took the bait, they went to trick the next one. Therefore, a clear-headed woman should understand that if you feel something is wrong when chatting, just delete it decisively and stop the loss in time. Anyone who treats you badly should be killed immediately, because he is not worthy of your kindness. As a person Women must be cruel, otherwise you will be trapped in a cocoon and your heart will be broken. Let me teach you a trick. Next time you meet a man, be the first to attack him. When he is passionately in love with you, get rid of him fiercely. This way It won't be you who gets hurt.

Why are all men like this without exception? In the beginning, they care and love you in every possible way. Even if they are not together, they will chat with you until late at night, make many phone calls, and give you a different feeling. Then you feel that you You are lucky,  - DayDayNews

In the world of love, women can never escape the trap of men's tenderness, sugar-coated bullets, sweet words, a few nice words will capture your heart, and the affectionate companionship will make you feel his affection, thinking that he is right for you. You were whole-hearted, but you didn't know that he was a hunter fishing for fish from a haystack. Italy had become dependent on him, but he pulled away. This is how a hunter chases. What made you feel completely disappointed was the tone and attitude in which he spoke to you. And his impatience, all kinds of neglect and disregard made your heart clench in the air, and you felt infinite resentment and sadness for the way he suddenly and inexplicably treated you.

Why are all men like this without exception? In the beginning, they care and love you in every possible way. Even if they are not together, they will chat with you until late at night, make many phone calls, and give you a different feeling. Then you feel that you You are lucky,  - DayDayNews

He takes away your soul and your heart. You are flustered and absent-minded for him, and every second is like a year. You want to know the news about him, and you will have random thoughts, guessing whether he is busy or something, Total insomnia and tears streaming down my face. Therefore, women who are caught up in emotions are very sad and pitiful. As the saying goes, it is better to change yourself if you worry too much. Only if you are strong and self-disciplined will you be able to make him unable to reach high and look down on people and things as if they are possible. But if you don't have it, you won't hurt yourself. It's not that you are not good enough, but that he doesn't deserve it! #Emotion##headlines##Marriage and Love Manual##Emotional Comment Award#

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