I have heard this sentence: "If you have to say what makes a person rich, for those who love deeply, it must be missing." Missing is a very mysterious thing that follows you everywhere, silently. Haunted in my heart. Regardless of men or women, when they miss someone, they cannot

2024/06/3000:12:32 emotion 1774

I have heard this sentence:

I have heard this sentence:

"If you have to say in what way a person is a rich man, for those who love him deeply, it must be missing."

Missing is a very mysterious thing that follows you everywhere. It lingers silently in my heart.

Regardless of men or women, when they miss someone, they cannot help it, and it will always be accompanied by some different traces, whether it is behavior or words.

In daily life, if a woman sends you the following three sentences, it is just because she misses you. You must understand.

I have heard this sentence:

I'm so bored

A woman's loneliness is only willing to talk to the people she cares about.

And this kind of talking is more like coquettishness than complaining.

means: "I want you to accompany me."

When men and women get along, there is a really obvious difference in whether a woman likes a man or not.

If she doesn't like you, then don't act ambiguously like this, even contacting you will become a luxury.

When she contacts you, she will make it clear that it is because she is too bored, which only means that in her heart, you are the best medicine that can cure her boredom.

My friend Xiaojie asked me before, what is the psychology of a girl who always sends some pretentious words to herself?

Looking at the chat records between the two people, the girl had various reasons for chatting with Xiaojie: "I'm too bored" "Eating with friends is no fun at all"...

I just smiled and joked:

"This Is the girl interested in you? "

After hearing what I said, Xiaojie quickly explained in various ways. But his blushing face had betrayed his truest thoughts.

Not long ago, two people fell in love and got together.

Someone said:

"There must be such a person. When you contact me, a cloud-like tenderness will pass through your heart, and you will be pulled by the emotion in your blood. You will never forget it even if you are far away from home."

For women, they can When I am bored, I will think of you first, and I will always look for you when I am bored.

Then it can only be because you are a special existence in her heart.

And "I'm so bored" is another expression of longing.

I have heard this sentence:

Do you miss me?

Men and women often miss someone in different ways.

For men, they often express their needs positively. When they miss someone, they often say it directly.

But women are different.

No matter how much you like someone, you must maintain the modesty you should have.

It is precisely because of this that when they miss someone, they often throw the problem to the man, thus taking the initiative in their own hands.

The most common one is that women will ask men: "Do you miss me?"

I once saw a video like this:

A girl has been waiting for a man's call after get off work. She will read the phone eight times a minute, thus Make sure the phone is functioning properly.

But I waited and waited. An hour passed, but I still didn't get a word from the man.

So the girl took the initiative to send a message to the boy:

"What are you doing? Miss me?"

After receiving the man's affirmative answer, the girl was filled with joy, and then she went about her own business contentedly. Does the phenomenon of

look particularly familiar?

Zhou Guoping said:

"Love is a kind of never-ending longing. When there is love, there is care, and the care seems to be without reason, almost neurotic."

In fact, when the girl asks "Do you miss me?" When you talk, it's just because she is missing you and she is uncontrollable.

After all, if she didn't miss you so much, she wouldn't be able to express it so straightforwardly.

I have heard this sentence:

I'm going to find you

I like this passage very much:

"I want to meet you, you choose the location: forest, desert, the starry sky at the end of the world; grassland, seaside, alley with heavy morning fog, as long as you don't dream.""

The highest state of missing someone is actually that I can't wait to see you.

It is precisely because I miss you so much that chatting can no longer soothe my throbbing heart. Only seeing you and looking at you, Only by doing so can he feel at peace.

I read this story online:

There was a couple who were in a long-distance relationship.

On the day before Valentine's Day, the girl said to the boy:

"I'll go find you!" "

At that time, the boy only thought that the girl was joking. After all, traveling thousands of miles just to meet once was really not that cost-effective.

But on the early morning of Valentine's Day, the girl took the high-speed train in the dust and arrived in the city where the boy was. .

At the moment she saw him, the girl hugged the boy tightly. Although she didn't say a word, her deep longing was vividly reflected.

I remembered what Mr. Shi Tiesheng said:

"Time passes." It's early, but I don't want to leave you for a moment. ”

I miss someone so much that I can’t wait to see you.

If a girl can take the initiative to find you and actively want to see you, then it can only mean that she really misses you.

Encountered this Girl, you must not blame her for being pretentious.

After all, if she doesn't love you, let alone being pretentious, you won't hear even a sarcastic comment.

I have heard this sentence:

Missing someone cannot be hidden or stopped. .

When a woman sends you the above three sentences, she often misses you. I hope you must understand.


Author: Li Yuweiliang, a person who can be rational and emotional, and likes to express personal opinions through words. , a post-90s writer who brings you spiritual healing, emotional relief, and life insights.

I have heard this sentence:


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