In the "Thirty-Six Stratagems", there is a trick called playing hard to get. This means to temporarily "let the opponent go" and let him toss and "do it". After his mental breakdown, he will lose the ability to resist and he will be able to capture him. Many men, in order to win

2024/06/2412:40:33 emotion 1159

In the

In the "Thirty-six Strategies", there is a trick called playing hard to get.

means to temporarily "let the opponent go", let him toss and "act", and when his spirit breaks down, he will lose the ability to resist and he will be able to capture him.

Many men, in order to win the heart of a woman, will also use this trick in love.

For example, it is clear that he has a crush on a woman, but he will not pursue her directly. Instead, he will be hot and cold towards her, making her curious about him and gradually interested. Finally, the woman will come to him without him having to confess her love. .

But, is this trick really effective?

Not necessarily.

Nowadays, most girls are sober and independent.

As long as she has a little emotional experience, when you "play hard to get" with her, most likely she will immediately label you as a "scumbag".

Because, in their view, if you play tricks on her like this, you are undoubtedly belittling her IQ and playing with her emotions. She will see through your purpose at a glance, and she will not easily fall into your trap.

Therefore, if you really want to win a woman's heart, don't think about playing hard to get. Not only will this not make her feel for you, but it will also speed up her desire to escape from you.

If you want a woman to be attracted to you, "sincerity" and "intention" are the real tricks.

In the

A boy once left a message saying:

Recently, he was chasing a girl. She was his colleague’s best friend. By chance, the two of them added WeChat, but every time he chatted with her, the girl was a little bit fond of him. Ignore her, and he uses the same tactics: compliments, sweet words, treat her to a meal, watch a movie, and deliver all kinds of milk tea and snacks to the girl's office... However, the girl doesn't seem to be moved at all.

The boy asked, I really don’t know what to do, maybe she just doesn’t have feelings for me.

Actually, the reason is very simple.

Boys feel that they have used all kinds of tricks, but they have no effect. In the eyes of girls, they are used to this kind of pursuit, and she can see through you at a glance.

Boys are just "chasing", but not "carefully", just "usual", but not "enthusiastic".

However, loving someone requires sincerity and attentiveness.

When we were studying, there was a very familiar term called "template".

When doing math questions or quiz questions, you can use the template and answer them step by step, and you will most likely be able to find ideas for solving the problem.

However, if you also simplify your pursuit of girls into a template in love, then a girl with a little bit of love experience will understand your intentions immediately.

Moreover, if her last relationship was not that beautiful, then most likely, if you pursue her in the same way as her last relationship, she will immediately feel repelled by you in her heart.

After all, no one wants to step into the same river twice.

So, when chasing girls, use snacks!

In the

once saw a piece of news.

A pair of lovers broke up after many years of dating. The man asked the woman to return the money spent on their relationship over the years. What is scary is that the bill actually included the woman’s post-abortion care expenses, and even some ten-year expenses. A few bucks for daily expenses.

Of course, the boys’ lawsuit was ultimately dismissed.

However, it can also be seen that love, in today's impetuous day, is so fragile and vulnerable.

Therefore, many girls will be careful when they are in love.

If you accidentally meet such a man, not only will you not get married after many years of love, but you will also be asked to return the cost of the abortion after the breakup. How sad.

Therefore, if a man continues to use the hard-to-get method of "hot and cold" to pursue a woman, what the woman is probably thinking is: What should you do, go ahead and do it.

When most women are looking for a partner nowadays, even if they don’t say it with their mouths, they will stick to one principle in their hearts: His attitude towards me should be that I have to do it, rather than trying his luck, and he should be serious, not just for fun. .

If you always want to do things step by step, scheme against women, and play tricks on women, women will also doubt your character.

What’s more, some men’s attitude towards pursuing women is “don’t let the hawk catch the rabbit before sight”, which means that he will only give it a try if he sees that a woman is also interested in him.

When encountering such a man, smart women will avoid him.

In the

Love should respect each other.

There is a saying: Since ancient times, deep love cannot be retained, only routines can win people's hearts.

However, for someone who truly loves you, even if he knows all the tricks in the world to chase women, he will be reluctant to use them on you.

In life, how many women think they have met true love because of a man's words, a look, an action, or an encounter.

is like Wang Manni in "Thirty Only". On the cruise ship, Liang Zhengxian wore suits and ties, and spent a lot of money, which immediately made her confused and obsessed. And he gave her another period of hot and cold ambiguity, and suddenly appeared in the luxury store where she worked, giving her face, and she seemed to fall in love instantly.

And in fact?

is just a common trick used by men to chase women.

You must know that if a man really falls in love with a woman, he will not be so shrewd, methodical, and without any sense of tension. Even if he is calm on the surface, you will feel the panic in his eyes.

Because, true love must hide these two words: wandering.

In the

In "Fifty First Dates", the male protagonist Henry fell in love with the female protagonist at first sight. After striking up a conversation, unexpectedly when they had breakfast together the next day, the female protagonist Ruth no longer recognized him.

After asking around, he found out that the girl had short-term amnesia due to a car accident. She only remembered what happened before the car accident every day, and she would forget new people and things she met the next day.

In order for the girl to remember every moment of their time together, he would insist on video recording every day, arousing her love again and again.

It can be seen that the so-called routine has no effect on this girl.

Being sincere is the way to make her feel for you.

Every day is the "first time" they meet, and they fall in love with each other repeatedly every day.

Love, that's it.

Only if you hold your sincerity, respect her more than possessiveness, and care for her more than tricks, then she will see your "goodness" and feel from the bottom of her heart that she has met the right person.

True love is never about being cool, but even if you are nervous, even if you are incoherent, you will still worry that your words and deeds will give her a bad impression of you.

I know all the tricks about love, but I just want to love you with my heart and pursue you sincerely.

Finally, I wish that every woman can meet a husband who will not "play hard to get" with you and want to cherish you.

In the

author, calm fox

picture, network

I hope you can find the deep affection in the ordinary years in my words! Thanks for attention!

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