Marriage is short of money. Lack of money is just a current state. Now I am short of money. Can I be short of money all my life? I was short of money when I was 20 years old, and I was short of money when I was 30 years old. Can I still be short of money when I am 40 years old? A

2024/06/2411:14:33 emotion 1274

Marriage is short of money, lack of money is just the current state

I am short of money now, can I be short of money all my life? I was short of money when I was 20 years old, and I was short of money when I was 30 years old. Can I still be short of money when I am 40 years old? Am I still short of money at 50? Your vision is too short-sighted, and you are not responsible for your life.

① Appreciation ② Heartbeat, these two are fresh and indispensable in marriage

It can be inclusive in future life, both men and women are the same. Don't say I'm a man and I'm a woman, men and women are the same

If you don't have this appreciation, you don't have this heartbeat, you are not tolerant of the other person, you will explode when you encounter the smallest thing, and you will make a fuss. , I just can’t stand it, because you don’t appreciate him at all, you don’t like him at all, and you dislike him from the bottom of your heart. First, ask yourself if you didn’t like that person at all and had no feelings for that person at all. But you still married him, because your mother insisted on letting you marry him.

Marriage is short of money. Lack of money is just a current state. Now I am short of money. Can I be short of money all my life? I was short of money when I was 20 years old, and I was short of money when I was 30 years old. Can I still be short of money when I am 40 years old? A - DayDayNews

You said that you have been in love for three years, and you know each other well enough. You have done a lot for him. Oh, forget it, just marry him. Are you doing it for your own happiness?

If you encounter a little problem in your marriage, you will find faults in all kinds of ways. Even if it is a small problem, you will exaggerate it

because you can't look down on that person

because you don't have it. Tolerance

Because he doesn't make your heart tempt

You didn't appreciate him before you got married. I want to ask, are you tolerant of him after you get married? After marriage, it is all firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, which exposes the shortcomings of the other party.

If there is no original heartbeat

If there is no original love, I would like to ask, without this kind of tolerance, then your marriage will not break up after a quarrel. , Cold War, go back to your parents’ home?

beat a good hand to pieces, what should we do?

’s original positioning was not clear, but now he is married, what should I do? If you are already married, then you have to live on. You can't divorce because of this. You have to think carefully about the cost of your divorce. Is the price of divorce high? You have to think carefully about how you can divorce just by saying divorce. Then We are two families with children. You can divorce them if you want. Do you think you can divorce them?

So we say that the choice before marriage is really important.

He is good to you, and you have to know that it is the mobilization of hormones.

He is good to you, and you have to know that it is freshness.

He cannot be good to you like this all his life. , don’t say he is rich, you can endure it for money, but can you endure being with someone you don’t like for the rest of your life? Have you ever thought about it?

When you see a person and you don’t have any feelings for him, do you think you will be happy with him for the rest of your life? You say that marriage is short of money. Lack of money is just a current state. I am short of money now. Can I be short of money for the rest of my life? I was short of money when I was 20 years old, and I was short of money when I was 30 years old. Can I still be short of money when I am 40 years old? Am I still short of money at 50? Your vision is too short-sighted, and you are irresponsible for your life.

You think I am poor now, I can just find a rich man.

If you are with someone you don't like every day, he will not treat you well every day. I don’t like you, I dislike you in every way, do you think you will be happy? Will you be happy holding money? Because you are lacking, you will say, you can do it, you can do it.

But if you can make money by your own ability, tell me whether it hurts? You said he can give me money. I want to ask you, if you don't like him and you don't have the ability to make money, how much money can you guarantee he can give you? How many years can he support you? How many years can he look up to you? answer me! ! !

You will always be a hand-to-hand person, asking others for money with your palms upward. I want to ask you, when he liked you at the beginning, he could support you in one year, two years and three years. When you are in your 30s and 40s, and you are old and yellow, I want to ask you, can he support you for a lifetime? There is no guarantee that he will not dislike you one day.

A rich man, let me tell you, he has too many choices. If you don’t grow and you don’t improve, you will always maintain the status quo. You only grow older, not If you have a long brain, it will be a matter of time before you are abandoned by others. Tell me in the comment section whether you agree or not! ! Don't tell me that you live best alone. You can say that now that you are young.

Marriage is short of money. Lack of money is just a current state. Now I am short of money. Can I be short of money all my life? I was short of money when I was 20 years old, and I was short of money when I was 30 years old. Can I still be short of money when I am 40 years old? A - DayDayNews

shares a heart-warming true story:

When I was crossing the road that day, I saw an old man and an old lady. Their hair was already gray. They must be over 70 years old. You know when they were crossing the road, the old man’s hands were He held the old woman's hand and walked on the crosswalk. As a result, an electric car came from behind. You know that the old man subconsciously pulled the old woman into his arms. He was afraid that the electric car would hit him. My wife

When I saw that scene, my heart was filled with emotion. I thought what is happiness? This is happiness. My family will wait for us when we are in our sixties, seventies, 70s, and 80s. We have already When we are faltering, we still have someone who can hold our hands. Can you imagine that old man and that old lady, being able to help each other like that pair of elderly people? As we go on in this life, that old man will hold the old lady's heart and feel that way. , that kind of worry for me, in my eyes, it is really full of happiness, full of touching, I feel that marriage is at this moment

Marriage is short of money. Lack of money is just a current state. Now I am short of money. Can I be short of money all my life? I was short of money when I was 20 years old, and I was short of money when I was 30 years old. Can I still be short of money when I am 40 years old? A - DayDayNews

When I saw that scene, I felt that that is the true meaning of marriage, I I saw it, I saw that when the hair was gray and the teeth had fallen out, there was still someone who could hold your hand tightly, who could hold your hand tightly, for fear that you would make any mistakes.

I think this is the case. Companionship can really warm the heart of each of us. When I saw that picture, wow, I was really moved inside. So I said why we should manage our marriage, for our significant other. Have a sense of awe, and at the same time constantly improve and optimize ourselves. When we are better, we will definitely be worthy of better people

Marriage is short of money. Lack of money is just a current state. Now I am short of money. Can I be short of money all my life? I was short of money when I was 20 years old, and I was short of money when I was 30 years old. Can I still be short of money when I am 40 years old? A - DayDayNews

Marriage is short of money. Lack of money is just a current state. Now I am short of money. Can I be short of money all my life? I was short of money when I was 20 years old, and I was short of money when I was 30 years old. Can I still be short of money when I am 40 years old? A - DayDayNews

shares a heart-warming true story:

When I was crossing the road that day, I saw an old man and an old lady. Their hair was already gray. They must be over 70 years old. You know when they were crossing the road, the old man’s hands were He held the old woman's hand and walked on the crosswalk. As a result, an electric car came from behind. You know that the old man subconsciously pulled the old woman into his arms. He was afraid that the electric car would hit him. My wife

When I saw that scene, my heart was filled with emotion. I thought what is happiness? This is happiness. My family will wait for us when we are in our sixties, seventies, 70s, and 80s. We have already When we are faltering, we still have someone who can hold our hands. Can you imagine that old man and that old lady, being able to help each other like that pair of elderly people? As we go on in this life, that old man will hold the old lady's heart and feel that way. , that kind of worry for me, in my eyes, it is really full of happiness, full of touching, I feel that marriage is at this moment

Marriage is short of money. Lack of money is just a current state. Now I am short of money. Can I be short of money all my life? I was short of money when I was 20 years old, and I was short of money when I was 30 years old. Can I still be short of money when I am 40 years old? A - DayDayNews

When I saw that scene, I felt that that is the true meaning of marriage, I I saw it, I saw that when the hair was gray and the teeth had fallen out, there was still someone who could hold your hand tightly, who could hold your hand tightly, for fear that you would make any mistakes.

I think this is the case. Companionship can really warm the heart of each of us. When I saw that picture, wow, I was really moved inside. So I said why we should manage our marriage, for our significant other. Have a sense of awe, and at the same time constantly improve and optimize ourselves. When we are better, we will definitely be worthy of better people

Marriage is short of money. Lack of money is just a current state. Now I am short of money. Can I be short of money all my life? I was short of money when I was 20 years old, and I was short of money when I was 30 years old. Can I still be short of money when I am 40 years old? A - DayDayNews

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