A female fan sent me a private message, saying that she had lived a life that she hated, and had become a joke in the eyes of her parents, relatives and friends. She said that she had hardly been in contact with her parents during this period, and she always felt that her parents

2024/05/2711:45:32 emotion 1321

A female fan sent me a private message, saying that she had lived a life that she hated, and had become a joke in the eyes of her parents, relatives and friends. She said that she had hardly been in contact with her parents during this period, and she always felt that her parents - DayDayNews

A female fan sent me a private message, saying that she had lived a life that she hated and had become a joke in the eyes of her parents, relatives and friends. She said that she had hardly contacted her parents during this period and always felt that her parents , and relatives were laughing at him.

He said that since he was a child, his parents had arranged everything. His parents helped him choose all his majors in college. After graduating from college, he wanted to work, but his parents asked him to go to graduate school. In order not to disappoint his parents, he worked hard in a major he didn't like, and even received a lot of bonuses.

A female fan sent me a private message, saying that she had lived a life that she hated, and had become a joke in the eyes of her parents, relatives and friends. She said that she had hardly been in contact with her parents during this period, and she always felt that her parents - DayDayNews

When everyone is happy, they all think that he is promising and a highly educated intellectual. Only he knows that he is doing a job that he does not like, especially when he is a graduate student, he is doing something that he does not like. Academic Research. Living every day is very painful and depressing, and his mentor almost uses them as a handyman.

After graduation, his parents in his hometown hoped that he could work as soon as possible and become self-sufficient. Then, on the recommendation of his teacher, he joined a company to work. In the end, I focused on my work. I am 30 years old this year and have completely turned myself into an older leftover woman. But not long ago, the company's performance was not good and he was laid off, and then he lost his job. He said that finding a job is a matter of minutes for him, but it is difficult to find a job that he likes.

A female fan sent me a private message, saying that she had lived a life that she hated, and had become a joke in the eyes of her parents, relatives and friends. She said that she had hardly been in contact with her parents during this period, and she always felt that her parents - DayDayNews

He said that every time he went home, although his parents didn't show anything strange, he could feel that he was no longer needed at home. His parents also hoped that he could get married early because his brother's sons and daughters were already several years old. Years old. But he said that he looks very average, is not very confident in his external conditions, is not very talkative, and cannot speak well. It is also difficult to find a person that he likes. In his own words,

has always been an obedient and good boy since he was a child. However, now his career and love have failed, and he has finally become a joke in the eyes of his parents, relatives and friends. Why tell this fan story? Because I have found that many older leftover men and women today have many similarities with him. Here is a conclusion: living under the expectations of parents is a kind of suffering!

A female fan sent me a private message, saying that she had lived a life that she hated, and had become a joke in the eyes of her parents, relatives and friends. She said that she had hardly been in contact with her parents during this period, and she always felt that her parents - DayDayNews

Why? You will find that qualified parents have already prepared a house and car for their children when they reach adulthood. Some parents have already arranged jobs for their children before they have graduated, or have prepared the qualifications for studying abroad. If their children want to start a business, they have also left them with a start-up capital. But what we are going to focus on today is children whose native families are not good. What should we do?

It is understandable that the family conditions are not good and they have not prepared anything for their children. Why? To be honest, according to the current level, it is not easy to raise children and graduate from college. It can be said that they have tried their best. But at this time, whether we are parents or children, we have to think about a question. Can we plan a future path for our children with the current poverty-stricken thinking? Especially as a child, if you know that following your parents' wishes is the road of no return, and you will even become a joke in their eyes sooner or later, why not expose their dreams in advance when you have the ability to choose?

A female fan sent me a private message, saying that she had lived a life that she hated, and had become a joke in the eyes of her parents, relatives and friends. She said that she had hardly been in contact with her parents during this period, and she always felt that her parents - DayDayNews

In addition, there are parents whose native families are relatively poor. Have you ever thought about a question? Are your opinions and suggestions to help your children become who they are now? So let go when it's time to let go. At this time, don't point fingers at the child's development path, don't have any expectations for the child, and don't have any restrictions.

Some families have been poor for several generations, and they always hope that their children can soar into the sky. At this time, it can be said to be a bit whimsical. Rather than turning it into a joke in their eyes, it is better to poke their dreams in advance, because looking forward to this thing is a two-way street.

A female fan sent me a private message, saying that she had lived a life that she hated, and had become a joke in the eyes of her parents, relatives and friends. She said that she had hardly been in contact with her parents during this period, and she always felt that her parents - DayDayNews

You will find that some parents with poor family conditions and some teachers who have never seen the world have been teaching us not to compare, to live in hardship and simplicity, and not to be greedy for pleasure. But when the child really goes into society, he discovers that there is no way to deceive people about "feelings". Because everyone can feel "disappointment", which is not a pleasant feeling. There are even many children who are not gregarious because of their shabby status, and this phenomenon may stay with the child throughout his life.

Therefore, many children’s material and mental pressure is brought by their parents. If they cannot realize this, this pressure may accompany them throughout their lives. The most important thing is that they will pass this pressure on to their children. generation. Therefore, a person must first have independent consciousness, and finally you can think independently. At this time, you can correctly recognize your own strengths and weaknesses, and then you can tap your potential.

A female fan sent me a private message, saying that she had lived a life that she hated, and had become a joke in the eyes of her parents, relatives and friends. She said that she had hardly been in contact with her parents during this period, and she always felt that her parents - DayDayNews

As long as you don't live under the constraints and expectations of others, you can gain a new kind of power, which can enable you to face every challenge in life with confidence. I hope this article can give you some thoughts and insights. You can write your insights in the comment area and let’s communicate together.

Note: The article is forwarded by the video, sorry for typos!

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