Please get rid of this idea: showing off/bragging/lying/bragging = good social interaction. Real social interaction relies on wisdom, not these little tricks. 2. Convert a concept: Convert "promotion" to "display". Selling is “selling me to you” and presenting is “showing me to y

2024/05/2501:42:33 emotion 1867

Please get rid of this idea: showing off/bragging/lying/bragging = good social interaction. Real social interaction relies on wisdom, not these little tricks. 2. Convert a concept: Convert

Please throw away this idea: showing off/bragging/lying/bragging = good social interaction.

Real social interaction relies on wisdom, not these little tricks.

2. Convert a concept: convert "promotion" into "display".

Sales is "sell me to you", presentation is "show me to you". The focus of the two is different: the former is on others (what you like), the latter is on yourself (what I have).

3. True social winners possess these qualities: humility, honesty, kindness, and integrity.

If you have it, please cherish it and persist bravely. These qualities will eventually earn you friends and clients.

4. In social networking, 80% shows "ability" and 20% shows "achievement".

Use your words and deeds to show your business skills, communication skills, listening skills, and expression skills. In the middle, mention the achievements you are proud of, such as the school you graduated from, the awards you received, the customers you served, etc. If the proportions are reversed, it will look very deliberate and may easily arouse other people's resentment.

5. Remember a social magic weapon: give first, then receive.

Think more about "what can I do for him/her" rather than "what can I get from him/her". What is given must be rewarded, but the order cannot be wrong.

6. Build yourself into a strong person who can bring "benefits" to others. The basis of

social networking is win-win benefits. I am dating you because you can bring me "benefits". "Benefits" include money, resources, connections, vision, and moral support. When you become stronger, you will naturally attract others.

7. Observe what others are interested in in social networking, and flexibly present yourself according to their interests.

For example, if the other person likes sports, if you also have the habit of exercising, you can naturally say that you insist on running in the morning every day. This will bring you closer together and will also add points to your personal brand.

8. Focus on the customer's needs during the conversation and tell them what you can do for them.

Good marketing must be based on meeting customer needs and giving them what they want, rather than just telling them how awesome you are.

9. On the basis of professionalism and decency, show your true temperament appropriately.

can show your happiness, appreciation, care, and understanding, which will make people feel that you are a real person and willing to get close to you.

10. If you are going for a simple style, then carry this style to the end.

Establish a personal brand image of "telling the truth and doing practical things", which will make people think that you are reliable and willing to trust you.

Many successful sales gurus have this style.

11. Don’t be too modest.

We don’t brag, but don’t cover yourself with a cloak.

Confidently tell others your excellence and let your light shine freely.

12. Tear off the "labels" you put on your peers or friends.

If you regard all self-expression as showing off and bragging, you will look down on others and at the same time block yourself.

13. Use WeChat less and read more.

books will broaden your horizons and settle your mind. Chatting with friends or clients about the books they have read recently is a more advanced way of socializing.

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