Jane Austen once said: "It is absurd to consider only family circumstances in marriage; it is foolish not to consider family circumstances." Family circumstances are not a necessary factor for marriage, but family circumstances are an important factor for marriage. Marriage matte

2024/05/2120:13:33 emotion 1885

Jane Austen once said:

Jane Austen once said: "For marriage, it is absurd to only consider family background; it is foolish not to consider family background."

Family background is not a necessary factor for marriage, but family background is an important factor for marriage. Marriage matters should not be decided hastily, let alone act according to one's own preferences.

Your impulse will bring you endless troubles and burdens. Especially if the other person's parents are interested in your family background but are unwilling to pay an equal dowry, you will undoubtedly become the other person's ATM .

Jane Austen once said:

01. The borrowed 200,000 betrothal gift came back without a dowry

Wu Lin and his wife were in a free love. In order for this free love to bear fruit, Wu Lin finally paid the price of 200,000 betrothal gift. But the parents-in-law were still greedy. After the 200,000 yuan gift came back without a dowry, they went even further and asked for another 200,000 yuan to be deposited for the brother-in-law to buy a wedding house.

After three years of marriage, Wu Lin regretted it for three years. If Wu Lin had not taken care of his young children, he would have divorced his wife and cut his losses. At first, his wife cried and begged him to agree to the 200,000 gift, and she swore that her parents were just going through the motions and that the 200,000 gift would be returned when the wedding was over.

However, one month after the wedding, Wu Lin still hasn't received a penny from his parents-in-law, not even his wife's dowry. Wu Lin was so angry that he quarreled with his wife several times.

But every time the wife said pitifully that the palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh. Her parents had raised her for more than 20 years. Even if her parents did not return her, it was natural and she would just treat her as a filial piety to her parents.

In the end, after numerous arguments, the parents-in-law came back with no dowry, and the wife had no other dowry. The parents were furious, but there was nothing they could do. Seeing that his parents were already very old and still had to work hard to earn money to pay off debts, Wu Lin felt very uncomfortable.

Jane Austen once said:

02. My brother-in-law got married and my mother-in-law asked for another 200,000

. But my wife knew she was in the wrong, so she kept herself down at home to please and honor her parents. The parents' expressions gradually improved. After the wife gave birth to a son, the parents even forgot about the 200,000 yuan gift and no longer pursued it.

Wu Lin felt sorry for his parents. After getting married, he lived frugally and worked hard to help his parents pay off their debts. He finally paid off his debts and saved some savings, but his mother-in-law focused on his 200,000 savings because his brother-in-law was getting married soon.

Although my brother-in-law graduated from college, he has been doing nothing. He spends three days fishing and two days working online without a serious job.

The brother-in-law who is so unmotivated and always nibbling on old age is the favorite of his parents-in-law.

The parents-in-law do not eat or drink, but they still have to respond to the only son's requests. This time when my brother-in-law got married, the parents-in-law agreed to the woman’s request for a wedding room and a gift of 200,000 yuan. But with their ability, it is not easy to buy a house. This is after taking into account the 200,000 gift Wu Lin gave his wife.

The mother-in-law cried and complained to her wife, asking her to find a solution. There is nothing the wife can do and she lets her parents-in-law do what they can. After all, no one stipulates that you cannot get married without a marital home.

Jane Austen once said:

03. Son-in-law: Take your daughter away

But the mother-in-law is not willing to give in. Her daughter knows it herself. When has she not responded to her parents' requests? The mother-in-law found Wu Lin angrily, hoping that Wu Lin could use his 200,000 savings to buy a house for his brother-in-law first.

Wu Lin felt a little funny when he heard his mother-in-law's confident words. When did he become an ATM for his parents-in-law? When my parents-in-law were short of money, they asked him for it. In the past, they were looking for a wife, but since Wu Lin stopped turning in his salary card, his parents-in-law had their eyes on him.

Wu Lin refused and told his mother-in-law: My brother-in-law is not my son. I have no obligation to raise whose son he is. In addition, I will take your daughter away by the way, and the 200,000 yuan gift given at the beginning will be treated as alimony for your daughter, and we will not owe each other anything from now on.

Mother-in-law still seemed unwilling to believe Wu Lin's words, and was still defending herself and her brother-in-law, saying that her daughter had been taking care of the child at home because she gave birth to Wu Lin's child, so how could she have any income? If you can't count on your daughter, you can only count on your son-in-law.

Wu Lin didn't say much, just asked his wife to pack her luggage and go back with her mother-in-law. After all, his temple is small and cannot accommodate the two giant Buddhas of his parents-in-law. He had helped his wife subsidize his parents-in-law all these years, and it was time for him to make a move.

Today’s topic:

What do you think of Wu Lin’s divorce?

Pinxia explanation: Analyze marriage emotions and teach you to understand human nature!

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