Everyone has thought about and experienced it during the ignorant period of youth. They have a crush on someone through a few things or just a glance, but they don’t know what kind of feeling it is. It can’t be expressed in words, it’s just a feeling. a feeling. Each of us has ex

2024/05/2116:42:33 emotion 1177

Everyone has thought about and experienced it during the ignorant period of youth. They have a crush on someone through a few things or just a glance, but they don’t know what kind of feeling it is. It can’t be expressed in words, it’s just a feeling. a feeling. Each of us has ex - DayDayNews

Everyone has thought about and experienced it during the ignorant period of youth. They have a crush on someone through a few things or just a glance, but they don’t know what kind of feeling it is. It can’t be expressed in words. It’s just that A feeling. Each of us has experienced it, but think about it, is this love?

Everyone has thought about and experienced it during the ignorant period of youth. They have a crush on someone through a few things or just a glance, but they don’t know what kind of feeling it is. It can’t be expressed in words, it’s just a feeling. a feeling. Each of us has ex - DayDayNews

We may know that hormonal stimulation makes us fall in love, but this freshness may be eroded by time.

Everyone has thought about and experienced it during the ignorant period of youth. They have a crush on someone through a few things or just a glance, but they don’t know what kind of feeling it is. It can’t be expressed in words, it’s just a feeling. a feeling. Each of us has ex - DayDayNews

When you no longer have feelings for the person in front of you, those memories disappear over time in the vast ocean. Maybe this means that this is not love. We have all heard a saying, only two people who go in both directions. Love is so precious.

No one's hormones will last forever, which proves that love will disappear, but only this love still exists after all that time, and those memories of love exist in one's mind. Even after one's best years, it still won't die.

Everyone has thought about and experienced it during the ignorant period of youth. They have a crush on someone through a few things or just a glance, but they don’t know what kind of feeling it is. It can’t be expressed in words, it’s just a feeling. a feeling. Each of us has ex - DayDayNews

So love is actually not a one-way process of making ends meet, but a two-way reversible process . It will not give positive feedback because of your efforts, but will reach balance through a cyclic process.

I hope you lovers will eventually get married and have two-way love.

Everyone has thought about and experienced it during the ignorant period of youth. They have a crush on someone through a few things or just a glance, but they don’t know what kind of feeling it is. It can’t be expressed in words, it’s just a feeling. a feeling. Each of us has ex - DayDayNews

This article only represents my personal opinion. If you like it, please like, comment and forward it. Thank you for your support

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