01 Professor Zeng Shiqiang put forward this point of view: "It is better to succeed later than to succeed early. It is better to suffer early than to suffer late." The younger a person is, the more he has to suffer. Even if he reaches a certain age, he must be willing to accept i

2024/05/1702:17:33 emotion 1001

01 Professor Zeng Shiqiang put forward this point of view:


Professor Zeng Shiqiang put forward this point of view: "It is better to succeed later than to succeed early. It is better to suffer early than to suffer late."

The younger a person is, the more he has to suffer. Even if he reaches a certain age, he must be willing to do so. accept the misfortunes of life. This is to accumulate blessings for the rest of your life.

people, if you want to pursue success, it is better to pursue "late blooming". Premature success is not a good thing, but the beginning of great misfortune.

Talking about the issue of "suffering", why does Professor Zeng Shiqiang think that it is beneficial to suffer early?

Many people think that suffering is not good and suffering is misfortune. However, from the perspective of life, the suffering you suffer is the disaster you endure. How many disasters a person can overcome will lead to great achievements.

Flowers in the wild will not wither due to violent storms. Only the flowers in the greenhouse will become weak and unable to withstand the rain, snow, wind and frost of life because the greenhouse is too well protected.

Mencius said that when Heaven is about to assign a great responsibility to a person, he must first strain his mind, strain his muscles and bones, and starve his body.

You must firmly believe that the sufferings you endure are actually sent by God to "save" you.

01 Professor Zeng Shiqiang put forward this point of view:


If you encounter the situation of "backfire", that is a good thing.

A Zen master once said that people cannot get what they want because life is impermanent. But if you really get what you want, be careful. There may be a huge trap waiting for you ahead.

We all think that "getting what you want" is a blessing, but we have all forgotten one thing. In this world, if everyone gets what they want, wouldn't the world be in chaos?

For example, if a class of students all aspires to be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, can they all "get what they want"?

To put it bluntly, some people want to go to Qingbei , some people want to go to prestigious schools, some people want to go to more ordinary schools, and some people can only go to college. These are everyone's life trends.

Because everyone comes to this world with his own unique mission, he will eventually get back on track. God lets you go against your wishes, but the essence is to make you get back on track. This is your great blessing.

Everyone performs his or her own duties, goes his own way, and completes his or her own mission. Only in this way can the world be orderly and stable.

01 Professor Zeng Shiqiang put forward this point of view:


If you suddenly encounter a "block", that's a good thing.

There is a saying that "all roads lead to Rome."

You have been walking on this road for a long time and find that you can't reach the end. At this time, you will encounter some levels and obstacles. So, I had no choice but to find another way out, and finally reached the "Rome" in my heart through stumbling.

When you are 20 years old, you will think that "obstacles" are bad things and will affect your studies or career development.

When you are 30 years old, you will feel that "obstacles" are actually good and bad, but you are still a little uneasy and unwilling to accept obstacles.

When you are 40 or 50 years old, you will look back on the first half of your life and realize that all the "obstacles" were to pave the way for today. All "obstacles" are not bad things, but good things.

A philosopher once said, The moment you look at something dialectically, you will find that what you experience is inevitable. Chance contains necessity.

Don’t think “obstacles” are bad. Maybe the obstacles you encounter are here to “save” you.

01 Professor Zeng Shiqiang put forward this point of view:


Everything you "lost" will make you happy.

Buddha said: "Clench your fists and you will get nothing.Open your hands and you will have the whole world. ”

You always look away from certain things and can’t let go of certain people, so what will you get in the end? Maybe nothing, maybe it’s all in vain, maybe only the pain of “can’t let go” is left.

You Hold a rose that does not belong to you in your hands, and eventually you will find that the thorns of the rose will hurt your palms, and you will be hurt both physically and mentally.

However, if You suddenly see clearly, immediately abandon the roses that do not belong to you, and choose the peonies that truly belong to you. Then you will feel that your "heart" is relaxed and you will be happy.

Losing something is not a bad thing, it is exactly the right thing. The more you live, the easier it will be. The more you live, the more interesting it will be.

You must know that everyone is carrying a big package on their backs. If you always put debris in the package and don't know how to throw it away, then your life will be ruined. The package will become heavier and heavier. In the end, it will crush you.

01 Professor Zeng Shiqiang put forward this point of view:


This is God’s protection for you.

, simply, is this a good thing?

Young people look down on mediocrity and always feel that this kind of "bland as water" life is not good, but a "fire-like" life is better.

You can live this kind of life for five years. Years, or ten years, then you will feel that if is too "hot as fire", you will eventually be burned and your whole body will be scarred.

When we reach middle age, we will be scarred and live a "bland as water" life. "for the rest of our lives. At that moment, our feelings changed, from burning pain to nourishing warmth.

In this world, there are too many people who have "good fortune" but do not enjoy it and complain. God is not good to him. Such "being in the midst of blessings and not knowing the blessings" will not lead to good results after all.

So, if you live a plain and ordinary life, like water, then God will protect you. Cherish it!

text/Shushan Youlu

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