Some people say that most people want to put someone to death. What I want to say is that his body is not bad, but maggots can grow on it. Have you ever seen someone get sick when someone wants to?

2024/05/1514:46:32 emotion 1709

Some people say that most people want to put someone to death. What I want to say is that his body is not bad, but maggots can grow on it. Stop talking about what you want to do to so-and-so. It was on him that there was an incurable bed.

Some people say that most people want to put someone to death. What I want to say is that his body is not bad, but maggots can grow on it. Have you ever seen someone get sick when someone wants to? - DayDayNews

Have you ever seen someone get sick when someone wants to? People who are sick do not necessarily have unhealthy bodies. You are a good person, why do people have to say you are a bad person. That's because you have a source of criticism.

Those who say this should think about it yourself. Why do most people look at a person like a beast? If only he had never done anything like the beasts. Why do people have to tell the story of what the beast can do and where he used to be?

Some people say that most people want to put someone to death. What I want to say is that his body is not bad, but maggots can grow on it. Have you ever seen someone get sick when someone wants to? - DayDayNews

Have you ever thought about whether what you want to protect is worth it? Is there any basis for it to last forever? I can only say how great he is and how many years it will take for such a capable person to appear. How great is he? He's really that amazing. The common people don't recognize it, why are many literate people also vegetarians?

If you have a little bit of talent, go ahead and do it. Is there any country in the world where people don’t love their own country? Yes, you only know how bad your country is, but don’t know how good it is? Is it someone else who wants to put a shit basin on him? He didn't know how to pay attention when he spoke!

Some people say that most people want to put someone to death. What I want to say is that his body is not bad, but maggots can grow on it. Have you ever seen someone get sick when someone wants to? - DayDayNews

didn’t say that others meant to harm him. He didn't understand that he had been tricked by someone else, and he had been tricked into it. What he says himself is not what others want him to say, right? Just say that you have achieved some results, can you not forget about it? You can speak so casually and there are no limits on your mouth.

Have you ever thought about what you are saying? Who are you speaking for? Is there a culture of one’s own country that does not serve the interests of one’s own country? He is a person who does not know how to love his own country, but only knows how to smear and slander his own country. Will most people support him?

Some people say that most people want to put someone to death. What I want to say is that his body is not bad, but maggots can grow on it. Have you ever seen someone get sick when someone wants to? - DayDayNews

If nothing else, literature is not just for singing praises. Then it is not always just to scold one's own motherland. Just to expose the dark side of their own country and show it to Westerners. Is this still called prejudice? I think this has helped me achieve something, and I no longer know how high-minded and arrogant I am. Can you say that someone else wanted to put him to death? Isn’t he seeking death himself?

Stop talking about what other people think, okay? Aren't you waiting to see how the country will judge him? In fact, the country has already done so. It’s just that our understanding is not enough and we can’t see through it.

Some people say that most people want to put someone to death. What I want to say is that his body is not bad, but maggots can grow on it. Have you ever seen someone get sick when someone wants to? - DayDayNews

First, it is his award-winning work, which is not among the 100 famous works of modern China. It has already been explained that this work of his has been rejected. The second is that after winning such a big award, I was not allowed to become the chairman of the Chinese Writers Association. He also asked an old writer to continue to fight against the banner. Doesn't this also mean that he is nothing special. I have used others to explain this clearly to you. Can you have some discernment yourself?

Are these just ordinary people? What should I do to them? They are no longer young and old, so they don’t have this ability to understand. What a great person he is. Is it because you shout every day how great and great he is? I don’t know, is this the rule of convincing people by reason?

Some people say that most people want to put someone to death. What I want to say is that his body is not bad, but maggots can grow on it. Have you ever seen someone get sick when someone wants to? - DayDayNews

acts like an idiot every day, shouting that he is Wenquxing, he is Wenquxing. People don't say you are crazy. He also said that you guys are nonsense. (amateur)

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