Before the age of 30, please force yourself to remember these 8 life truths

2021/10/1118:14:17 emotion 1015

I am Xiang Nuan. Click "Follow" at the top to share with you the dry goods of self-media operation and growth every day.

Before the age of 30, please force yourself to remember these 8 life truths - DayDayNews

A teacher once said to me: When no one says "no" to you, you are not grown up.

This sentence has a great influence on me. I used to be very repulsive to hear the opposite opinion. I thought it was a provocation and distrust of myself. I didn’t understand until I heard this sentence. loyal advice against ear meaning.

Since then, I have slowly learned to listen to different voices. These different perspectives have also laid the foundation for my current writing and taught me to think diversified.

Have you ever noticed that there are always many people in our lives that will inadvertently affect us, and a certain word they say will even change our life~~ _strong48_strongp _sp2p

In this process, all we have to do is to embrace an open mind.

Today Xiang Nuan also summed up some of his own growth experience, 8 life truths that you must force yourself to remember before the age of 30 , I hope you like and collect them, and read them slowly.

People often say: "choice is more important than effort", and the premise of choosing is that you know there are "many options" _strong48 Add one more choice for you.

Before the age of 30, please force yourself to remember these 8 life truths - DayDayNews

1. enjoy solitude

I say 'alone is met to start their own ", you agree ?

We more or less pretend to be in front of others. Your own bad mood, your own little emotions, your own preferences, your own different opinions, your own fatigue, sadness, and sadness.

Sometimes it’s not that we don’t want to be honest,It's just really inappropriate.

Only when we are alone can we have the opportunity to let go of all our worries, remove the armor, and be completely ourselves.

So being alone does not mean loneliness, but a kind of enjoyment of body and mind. Don't be stingy with yourself. Give yourself more time alone and be with yourself.

2. Quit thinking too much




Too many messy thoughts trap you in a black hole that you can't get out of, and consume yourself infinitely.

Xiang Nuan has read a very interesting theory before, called the 3p principle, which may help you solve this problem:

1p 15span strong span, my strong span

15spanIt's about your business;

Your business, it's my business;


span15 p Does it make sense~

Some things are beyond our own discretion, so instead of thinking too much, we should let go and enjoy the moment.

next cranky, remember the principle of meditation 3p ah ~

Before the age of 30, please force yourself to remember these 8 life truths - DayDayNews

3. accept their occasional little lazy

People’s mood is the same as the ups and downs of the mountains.There are peaks and troughs.

When you are in a bad mood, it is normal for you to not want to do anything, but just want to be in a daze. Please do not blame yourself for this. Please allow yourself to stop and stand still.

you just need to remember:

will do it. "It’s okay to pick it up, and it’s okay.

I'm afraid that I can't do it, I'm afraid it's too difficult, I'm afraid I can't do it.

Because I'm afraid, I don't move, so I don't have to bear unknown consequences.

There is a saying that has always inspired me,Every time I want to procrastinate, I will take a look at it and share it with you today:

I want to be a problem, and do it.

Do you feel empowered?

Only when we take the first step, we will know the result. So, don't let procrastination bring you down, who has infinite possibilities.

Before the age of 30, please force yourself to remember these 8 life truths - DayDayNews

5. know how to cut costs

economic independence is the biggest girls of confidence, so we must learn Plan your income and expenditure reasonably.

strive to open source,Build multiple revenue pipeline, such as:

looking for a part-time;

develop a sideline;

learn rational investment;

enhance their Ability, seize opportunities for promotion and salary increase;

reasonably cut expenditures and reduce unnecessary expenses, such as: _spanspan

spanspan15 span17

spanspansp Affordable luxury;

No price comparison, direct orders, spent the money;

span 15span We usually don’t pay for these small amounts of . is actually our breakthrough point for saving money.

Because this part of the consumption is just needed, you will definitely spend this part of the money, but how to spend it is another matter.

Remember, spending money is as important as making money.

6. Quit meddling _p45strong 15 People's fault.

Time is limited. Putting your mind on yourself, on important people, and less touching things that consume yourself will make your mood and life easier.

Before the age of 30, please force yourself to remember these 8 life truths - DayDayNews

7. reading for half an hour a day

I almost 80% of my articles have referred to the "reading" this matter,It's not because I have nothing to write and make up the word count, but because reading is really important!

So I want to give you Amway over and over again.

Learning knowledge in the book is just the tip of the iceberg of many benefits.

is more of a life experience, inner peace, calmness in encounters, and unlimited possibilities.

I wrote an article two days ago and shared my gains from two years of reading. If you are interested, you can also read When an ordinary girl keeps reading for two years , How will her life change?

8. If you feel uncomfortable, please immediately break away from any relationship between us. To maintain; there is no one in the world, worthy of our consumption to cherish.

Life is alive, happiness is great, and the rest are things outside the body.

So, don’t force yourself to accept a relationship that makes you uncomfortable. It’s impossible and unnecessary. is truly loving yourself if you stay away from being consumed.

Okay, the above is what Xiang Nuan wants to share with you today. "8 life facts" , I hope you can keep it in your heart. Life in the future will be easier and happier~~

I am Xiang Nuan, a slash writer who is striving for freedom, focusing on self-media operations and personal growth. Together, we become more Be good with yourself~

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