Three sentences from the Tao Te Ching, teach you to be yourself and live this life well

2021/10/0722:15:02 emotion 1989

Whether life is fortunate or not, there is actually no uniform standard answer. Because everyone's inner expectations and pursuits are different. Therefore, nothing is the best. Only the choices and results that suit you, you truly approve, and meet your inner expectations, are truly the best and the most perfect.

Because only you are the real protagonist in your world, and have nothing to do with others. The most rare thing in life is to live out of yourself and live out your true self. Only in this way can you be regarded as a person who is truly alive.

Therefore, the direction you need to work hard is to find a way to be yourself, and not to be taken away by people or things from outside. Once you lose yourself, your life will become bleak. Below are three sentences from " Daodejing ", we might as well go over it again, I believe you will be very rewarding.

Three sentences from the Tao Te Ching, teach you to be yourself and live this life well - DayDayNews

"Knowing others is wisdom, knowing oneself knows." In life, you want to know others, learn knowledge and skills from others, and get along with others better. It can be said to be a kind of wisdom. . Able to better integrate into the team, into the society, and gain development.

However, in the final analysis, the most difficult person to understand is yourself. Sometimes we know what's going on deep in our hearts, but what we say and what we do runs counter to our own hearts. Although sometimes the willows are unintentionally planted, but in most cases, the final result is not so ideal. In this way, the impact of ideals and reality makes our hearts become anxious, depressed, and worried, producing endless troubles, and even want to escape.

So,In addition to learning to understand and get along with others, you also need to understand yourself and learn to get along well with yourself. Understand your true needs, and then work hard for them to narrow the gap between your ideals and reality. You will be more content and happier than you are now.

Three sentences from the Tao Te Ching, teach you to be yourself and live this life well - DayDayNews

The second sentence: "The winner is strong, and the self-winner is strong." In today's society, competition in all walks of life is great, as if only to crush and overwhelm others. I have a chance to win. Of course, those who can win must be those with strong abilities in all aspects, and their competitiveness will not be bad.

But the person who can truly be called the strong is not to defeat others, but to defeat himself. Have the courage to challenge your own weaknesses, overcome your desires, and eliminate inner worries, so that you can get true comfort and happiness.

Three sentences from the Tao Te Ching, teach you to be yourself and live this life well - DayDayNews

The third sentence: "A saint knows but does not see himself, loves not himself." A true saint knows himself, understands his own advantages, and does not regard it as an advantage. And if you show it off everywhere, you won't be complacent or arrogant because of it.

At the same time, they also understand their shortcomings, and ashamed of it, they are determined to work hard to correct it. They will love themselves very much and pay attention to their own growth, but at the same time they are not attached to themselves, and they don't think how noble and remarkable they are.

true saints, they see that all ordinary people are saints, and only themselves are ordinary people. This shows that if someone tells you how great he is,Please be cautious when you have done what a brilliant career, what a great achievement, and are complacent. You are worried about the fame and avoid being confused by him.

Three sentences from the Tao Te Ching, teach you to be yourself and live this life well - DayDayNews


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