Huata Primary School actively builds a clean school. The school has set up a clean book bar, a clean calligraphy and painting room, a clean teacher's office, a clean government bulletin board, and a clean canteen. The innovative design of the clean school creates a strong atmosph

2024/06/2913:32:32 education 1599

Huata Primary School actively builds a clean school. The school has set up a clean book bar, a clean calligraphy and painting room, a clean teacher's office, a clean government bulletin board, and a clean canteen. The innovative design of the clean school creates a strong atmosph - DayDayNews

Huata Primary School actively creates a clean school. The school has set up a clean book bar, a clean calligraphy and painting room, a clean teacher's office, a clean government bulletin board, and a clean canteen. The innovative design of the clean school creates a strong atmosphere.

Our school is adhering to the leadership of party building and using the party style to guide the breeze; promoting the rectification of outstanding problems and building a clean campus cafeteria; remediating unhealthy classes and creating a clean and honest teaching style; implementing cultural construction and paying attention to the atmosphere; innovating student activities and building a fresh academic style, etc. In five aspects, we actively create the characteristics of a "corrupt school" and innovatively carry out anti-corruption activities in schools.

Huata Primary School actively builds a clean school. The school has set up a clean book bar, a clean calligraphy and painting room, a clean teacher's office, a clean government bulletin board, and a clean canteen. The innovative design of the clean school creates a strong atmosph - DayDayNews

In terms of organizational leadership, the school formulated a plan for creating a "clean school" around the four aspects of "clear political style, clean school style, clean teaching style, and fresh study style", and created a task list and scoring rules for creating a clean school. Establish a leading group to coordinate and promote the establishment of a clean school.

In terms of cultural construction, Huata Primary School has cleaned up the school culture and infiltrated the idea of ​​integrity into the school's educational philosophy, school-running ideas and daily behavioral norms of teachers and students. Create a publicity board for the construction of a clean school, post clean calligraphy and painting works, arrange a cultural corridor, and open a clean column on the school radio station to let the clean culture "speak". Red culture, party history, anti-corruption calligraphy and painting works, anti-corruption stories, teachers’ integrity conventions and other contents create cultural walls and probity forests, making integrity integrated with the campus environment and green ecology.

Huata Primary School actively builds a clean school. The school has set up a clean book bar, a clean calligraphy and painting room, a clean teacher's office, a clean government bulletin board, and a clean canteen. The innovative design of the clean school creates a strong atmosph - DayDayNews

Huata Primary School actively builds a clean school. The school has set up a clean book bar, a clean calligraphy and painting room, a clean teacher's office, a clean government bulletin board, and a clean canteen. The innovative design of the clean school creates a strong atmosph - DayDayNews

In terms of activity development, based on the actual situation of our school, we innovated and launched a series of special activities. Integrated with the establishment of a clean school, give full play to the pioneering role of Huata Primary School party members and cadres, and select teachers' moral models and clean models; our school takes patriotism education as the main line and focuses on the red resources of Jinyuan District to promote red culture, Integrity culture integrates art into the culture of incorruptibility. Activities such as incorruption paper-cutting, incorruption singing and dancing, incorruption instrumental music, incorruption calligraphy and painting, etc. have various highlights and unique characteristics.

Huata Primary School actively builds a clean school. The school has set up a clean book bar, a clean calligraphy and painting room, a clean teacher's office, a clean government bulletin board, and a clean canteen. The innovative design of the clean school creates a strong atmosph - DayDayNews

In terms of problem rectification, since the mobilization meeting for the establishment of a clean school, our school has conducted self-examinations to find integrity risk points, implemented appropriate measures, formulated and improved teacher integrity conventions by category, signed a letter of commitment to teach with integrity, and strictly implemented the double reduction of , , and make-up classes for violations. , canteen management, financial management, project management and other work. Among them, special classes were organized for in-depth inspections on the rectification of illegal make-up classes.

Huata Primary School actively builds a clean school. The school has set up a clean book bar, a clean calligraphy and painting room, a clean teacher's office, a clean government bulletin board, and a clean canteen. The innovative design of the clean school creates a strong atmosph - DayDayNews

Huata Primary School actively builds a clean school. The school has set up a clean book bar, a clean calligraphy and painting room, a clean teacher's office, a clean government bulletin board, and a clean canteen. The innovative design of the clean school creates a strong atmosph - DayDayNews

In the next step, our school will take a further step in establishing a ‘clean school’ and give full play to the school’s main role.

Huata Primary School actively builds a clean school. The school has set up a clean book bar, a clean calligraphy and painting room, a clean teacher's office, a clean government bulletin board, and a clean canteen. The innovative design of the clean school creates a strong atmosph - DayDayNews

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