At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window.

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At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

text | Xiao Zhang

editor | Xiao Zhang

At about 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a chilling tragic incident occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province.

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure next to the window.

She took a closer look and saw that it was the pregnant woman she was preparing to assist in giving birth!

At that time, the pregnant woman was preparing to jump downstairs! The nurse didn't have time to think too much, she rushed forward and was about to reach out.

In an instant, the person disappeared from her eyes.

Looking at the pregnant woman lying in a pool of blood downstairs, the nurse collapsed on the spot.

In the end, the rescue efforts were ineffective, leaving one dead and two dead.

This news spread quickly and attracted everyone's attention.

What is the reason that can push a pregnant woman to such a point that she has to jump off the building to solve it?

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

On August 30, Ma Rongrong, who had finally survived ten months of pregnancy and was about to give birth, went to the hospital for a check-up accompanied by her mother-in-law.

The doctor said she could be hospitalized and she was about to give birth. Then he wrote a hospitalization order for Ma Rongrong and arranged for her to be hospitalized.

After being hospitalized, her husband Yan Zhuangzhuang accompanied his wife to have a prenatal checkup . The doctor told them that the child's head might be a bit big, which might have an impact on delivery, and it was recommended to choose caesarean section .

However, the family members outside the door expressed strong opposition to this matter. They firmly believed that children born naturally are healthier than those born by caesarean section.

The mother-in-law said: "We have checked and it is a girl. How can we have a caesarean section? We will wait until half a year old to wean, and we will have a second child, a boy! Don't we have to wait two years for a caesarean section?"

Doctor After hearing this, I was speechless. I asked the couple for their opinions and suggested again that they choose a caesarean section.

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

But because of his mother-in-law’s strength, after discussing with his wife, he decided to choose natural delivery first. If he really couldn’t give birth, he would have a caesarean section.

Finally, after obtaining the doctor's consent, sign the "Maternal Informed Consent Form" to confirm the requirement for normal delivery.

In the evening, in the ward, while chatting, the husband and mothers-in-law provided psychological counseling to Ma Rongrong.

Her mother-in-law told her:

"A natural birth requires neither surgery nor anesthesia. The baby is smart and can recover faster than your body and will be discharged from the hospital soon. When my mother gave birth to Xiaoyan, she had a natural birth. I was able to get out of bed and walk in two days."

Soon, in the early morning of August 31, Ma Rongrong had prenatal symptoms. They went for another prenatal check-up and the doctor said everything was normal.

Afterwards, Ma Rongrong was asked to enter the delivery room to wait for delivery, while her husband Yan Zhuangzhuang and his family were waiting in the waiting hall of the delivery center.

Because he could not meet in person, Yan Zhuangzhuang encouraged his wife by chatting on his mobile phone from time to time.

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

The husband asked his wife how her current situation was, and Ma Rongrong said: "Everything is fine, but the baby's head is still too big, the cervix is ​​dilating slowly, and the baby is still being labored. It hurts too much."

The husband said to him: "It's normal. "It will definitely hurt to give birth. Everything will go well."

As her cervix opened wider and wider, Ma Rongrong told her husband on her mobile phone more than once that she couldn't bear the pain anymore and wanted to have a caesarean section, but her husband kept letting him do it. Stick to it.

Finally, half a day passed. Ma Rongrong's cervix was nearly intact, but she could not bear the severe pain and asked the midwife for a caesarean section.

However, because the mother signed the "Authorization Letter", she authorized her husband to take full responsibility for signing all relevant documents.

They have no right to change the production method without the authorization of the authorized person without the consent of the authorized person when there is no life-threatening emergency.

So, when the midwife went to seek the opinions of the family members, they were rejected by the family members.

The mother-in-law who was present at the time asked the midwife how the pregnant woman was doing now. The midwife said: "The cervix is ​​relatively completely removed and the labor process is progressing normally. However, the baby's head is too big and it is not smooth, and the pregnant woman is under great pressure.

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

The mother-in-law Said: "Okay, if everything is fine, you can go in, you don't have to worry about it, we don't do caesarean sections." "

The helpless midwifery nurse went back and told Ma Rongrong the news. She tried to calm Ma Rongrong's mood.

Eleven hours passed, and Rongrong couldn't stand it anymore. She became irritable and emotional, and decided to go to her family in person to discuss it.

What she got was the incomprehension of her family and the rejection with cold words again and again.

This scene was recorded by the surveillance at the time.

The surveillance showed:

The first time, around 18:05. Ma Rong Rong walked out of the birth center tremblingly, lay on her husband, and told her something. After nearly a minute, she was supported by her husband and walked towards the stairwell.

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

The second time, 18:08. Ma Rongrong again When she came out and talked with her husband and mother-in-law, Ma Rongrong was very excited. At this time, everyone in the hall was paying attention to them.

Due to the unbearable pain, she slowly knelt down on the ground. Two minutes later , a lady in the stairwell and her husband Yan Zhuangzhuang helped Ma Rongrong up together, but Ma Rongrong immediately leaned against the wall.

The third time, 18:15. Ma Rongrong prepared to kneel down again in the elevator She went down, but her mother-in-law showed no intention of helping her. Two medical staff came over quickly and helped her back to the birth center.

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

All this was seen by midwife Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan said that although she did not go out, she In the delivery room, I heard the voices of Ma Rongrong's family members.

The general content was that Ma Rongrong begged them to perform a caesarean section, but her family members still persuaded her to give her a natural delivery, and even argued several times in the process.

It lasted until 19:30. Around. Due to the operation, there were 3 medical staff and 5 parturient women in the delivery room, and everyone was busy at the time. Just after the medical staff persuaded Ma Rongrong to return to the delivery room for the third time.

Another patient had a sudden attack The situation required urgent treatment. After placing her, the medical staff found that Ma Rongrong was missing again.

Since Ma Rongrong went out to meet with her family members many times, the medical staff thought that Ma Rongrong had gone to consult with her family members again, so they went to the waiting area After asking the family members, what they didn't expect was that they had never seen Ma Rongrong.

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

Since there were many other rooms in the birthing center, they immediately started looking for them one by one. Opposite the delivery room is a spare operating room, which has not yet been used.

However, the door of the operating room can be opened automatically based on induction.

At this time, midwife Liu Li just opened the door of the spare operating room and saw Ma Rongrong who was about to jump from the fifth floor.

Liu Li had no time to react and rushed forward, but her fingers only touched the corner of her clothes. At that moment, the person disappeared from sight.

She looked at Ma Rongrong downstairs, collapsed, and her mind went blank. I don't know how long I stayed there. After

suddenly woke up, he immediately called to report the situation. Later, Ma Rongrong was put on a stretcher and sent to rescue.

But after all, this is the fifth floor. In the end, Ma Rongrong's rescue efforts failed and she lost one body and two lives.

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

Such a heart-wrenching incident made the Yulin Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Government and Provincial Party Committee attach great importance to it and established a special investigation team.

and launched an investigation into the hospital and his family.

As a result, the Suide Campus of Yulin First Hospital issued a statement:

At 15:34 on August 30, maternal Ma Mou was admitted to the hospital with the main complaint of "41+1 weeks of menopause and requesting hospitalization for delivery." "After our examination, we found that the fetal head is too large. Generally, the biparietal diameter of full-term fetuses is about 90mm, and the biparietal diameter of Ma's fetus is 99mm, so the risk of vaginal delivery dystocia is relatively high." Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2, Suide Hospital District Ward director Huo Junwei said in an interview with a reporter from the Chinese Business News that after the examination, the medical staff explained the situation to the mother and her family members and recommended a caesarean section. However, the family members insisted on a natural delivery and signed the "Informed Consent Form for Maternal Hospitalization".

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

The surgical care sheet of Yulin First Hospital showed that at 17:50, the mother asked the medical staff for a caesarean section. When the medical staff went to seek the opinions of the family members, the family members said they understood but refused the operation and continued to observe.

After the birth, the mother was irritable due to pain. She walked out of the birth center three times and told her family that the pain was too much and she wanted to have a caesarean section. But her family was always unwilling and insisted on a caesarean section.

In the end, the mother lost control of her emotions and jumped off the building because of the unbearable pain. Medical staff tried to rescue him in time, but due to the severity of the injury, resuscitation was ineffective.

After investigation, it was decided to suspend the main person in charge of Suide Hospital of Yulin First Hospital and the director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology due to certain omissions in the hospital's management.

Ma Rongrong’s husband, Yan Zhuangzhuang, expressed his extreme disapproval of the statement issued by the hospital.

What is even more unexpected is that the Yan Zhuangzhuang family immediately changed their faces when facing the media. The interview results were completely different from what they said in the hospital.

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

On the morning of September 5, the reporter contacted Yan Zhuangzhuang.

Yan Zhuangzhuang told reporters: "We are eager to be parents, and we are very happy to see that the due date is approaching.

On August 30, 2017, my wife was admitted to the Yulin First People's Hospital, preparing to give birth to a child. After examination, she was in good health. She underwent B ultrasound and everything about the fetus was normal.

My wife entered the delivery room at around 9 a.m. on August 31. At around 6 p.m., she said she was in severe pain and advocated a caesarean section. I agreed without saying a word.

But the doctor said that we would check the situation after the examination. After going in for the examination, said that it was time to give birth soon, and there was no need for a caesarean section. After a while, the nurse came out of the delivery room and took away the bags prepared for the newborn baby from our family members. Clothes, quilts, etc.

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

Probably more than an hour passed, but there was still no news of the birth of the child. At this time, I anxiously called an acquaintance to help find a doctor and asked for a caesarean section.

It took about five minutes after I made the call. , when I saw the nurse coming out, I hurriedly stepped forward to ask about the situation. Unexpectedly, the nurse actually told our family members that "the mother was missing."

A group of us hurriedly searched for it. I went up several floors and couldn't find it. After a while, the doctor He told me that he was on the first floor. I ran to the front of the building without thinking much, but couldn't find it. Then I went around the building to look for it.

Then I went down from the window at the back of the building and saw the medical staff carrying my wife to the building. On a stretcher.

Then I followed the emergency center personnel to send my wife to the emergency room. After they rescued her in the emergency room, the rescue personnel came out and said that the person was dead.

All the family members present had lost the ability to think. The rescue personnel took out a piece of paper. He said, this is the rescue form, please sign it. When I was so frightened and at a loss what to do, I signed my name.

Afterwards, the hospital did not issue a death notification form to our family members, nor did discuss it with our family members. Under the circumstances,

the medical staff pulled the body into the mortuary.

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

What exactly caused you to fall? What happened to my wife during the eleven hours she was in the delivery room?

Why did the doctor refuse a caesarean section? Why did he fall without any clothes on?

If someone who is not even afraid of death would be afraid of pain? How did a 1.61-meter-tall woman who was half dead in pain on the delivery bed with a big belly climb up a 1.31-meter-high and 0.7-meter-wide windowsill and fall?

Even if the mother lost control of her emotions and wanted to commit suicide by jumping off a building, what were the doctors, midwives and nurses doing at that time? Faced with many doubts, we need explanations. "

The hospital responded:"Our hospital expresses deep condolences and sympathy for the unfortunate experience of the mother. It expresses great anger and reserves the right to protect rights according to law against the rumormongers who confuse right and wrong and intend to use the jumping incident to seek improper benefits. "

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

We are very curious about the mood of their family when they issued this statement. Don't they have any feelings for their wives and daughter-in-law?

As this matter broke out, many netizens expressed their concern. This sigh:

"This mother must have been forced to jump off the building! How cruel! "

" Is a wife a tool for childbearing? Why do I have to listen to other people's opinions when I am finally unloading my pregnancy in ten months? "

" Pregnant women clearly have the right to choose! Such a weird family is simply murder! "

It is often not outsiders who can bring us fatal harm, but the people closest to us. What can really drive a woman to death is more likely to be the despair of her husband than the disappointment in the hospital.

If it is Regarding the hospital's problems, the mother will definitely unite with her family to fight with the hospital or change to another hospital.

As long as there is a little hope and a little warmth, a woman will not choose to take such a tragic way with her soon-to-be-born child. Go and die.

The reason for most murders is that they suddenly find that they have nothing to do with the world. The reason why a pregnant woman jumps from a building is mostly due to extreme despair and chill. Because there is no one behind her, no one can understand her.

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

Born A child is the most vulnerable moment in a woman's life, but many men do not realize it.

First of all, women experience extreme cold pain physically. Many women who have given birth to children describe how painful natural childbirth is?

The doctor cuts your vagina with scissors, and no anesthesia is needed. Because the pain of giving birth is far greater than the pain of cutting flesh with scissors. How painful is a caesarean section?

When you come out of the operating room, there is something on your belly A large scar more than ten centimeters long. Once the anesthesia wears off, the slightest movement will cause an explosion of pain, and my legs will tremble when I go to the toilet.

Secondly, I also experienced extreme fear in my heart. On the operating table, shadowless lamp snaps on, and you are given half-body anesthesia, but you are still conscious. You will feel the doctor holding a knife and cutting open your belly layer by layer, cutting open your uterus.

this At that time, women were like a bunch of dismantled machines, waiting to be reassembled.

What they need most is for their husbands to stand unconditionally on their side and understand our sympathy and helplessness, but some husbands do not do this.

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

Someone went to the delivery room of the hospital to observe what the people outside the operating room were doing when his wife was giving birth. However, it was not the same as in the TV series.

My husband was waiting anxiously outside, walking around and probing his head. As long as there was a slight movement, As soon as there was any movement, I immediately rushed to ask the medical staff. Most of them were sitting at the door nervously playing with their mobile phones.

At around 8 pm on August 30, 2017, a heartbreaking tragedy occurred in Suide Hospital, the First Hospital of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On this day, a midwife just opened the door of the spare operating room and suddenly saw a naked figure by the window. - DayDayNews

But in reality, those who do this are the parents of pregnant women. They couldn't sit still for a minute and kept waiting anxiously outside. When waiting for the mother to give birth, the equipment of the family members is also different.

Some men wait for their wives and carry the following items with them: mobile phones, wallets, cigarettes, power banks, and water. The mother is waiting for her daughter: longan, red dates, soup, and meals.

As a result, many women are now afraid of getting married and having children. Especially when meeting a family like Ma Rongrong's mother-in-law.

This is not only a disaster for the family, but also a disaster for society.

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