6-month-old babies are hospitalized due to complementary food, and they are under 2 years old. Do not give this soup to the child

2021/10/1120:17:02 baby 1739

After the baby is 4-6 months old, he needs to add supplementary food one after another.

What kind of complementary food do you choose at this time? How much to feed the baby? It has become a problem for everyone.

sisters come to the door must be vigilant : Many elderly or novice parents are likely to hear that they give their babies food that they cannot eat at this month's age, which affects their spleen and stomach functions.

After some babies add supplementary food, they become thinner and get sicker as they eat more.

Lele is a 6-month-old baby girl. She was found to have impaired gastrointestinal function by the hospital some time ago and was treated in the hospital.

The reason is that after the baby starts to eat the complementary food, in order to make the baby's complementary food porridge more nutritious, grandma often puts bone soup into the porridge.

I want my child to develop better and supplement more nutrition. Lele eats very fragrantly.

However, the child is getting thinner and thinner. It was not until he went to the hospital to find out that the child had taken too much fat for a long time, which seriously affected the gastrointestinal function.

6-month-old babies are hospitalized due to complementary food, and they are under 2 years old. Do not give this soup to the child - DayDayNews

Which six foods should not be eaten if you are less than two years old

1. Honey

For adults, honey is a good thing.But for children, honey contains botulinum toxin .

Regular consumption is likely to cause poisoning, and the baby's gastrointestinal function is weaker, and it is likely to be harmed.

6-month-old babies are hospitalized due to complementary food, and they are under 2 years old. Do not give this soup to the child - DayDayNews

2. Seasonings such as salt

Many people mistakenly think that using seasonings can make children eat more, but in fact, eating salt too early is likely to harm your children. Affect your eating habits.

and it is prone to cardiovascular problems, which burden the liver.

6-month-old babies are hospitalized due to complementary food, and they are under 2 years old. Do not give this soup to the child - DayDayNews

3. Nuts

Younger children are best not to eat nuts, because they are relatively hard, the whole swallowing is likely to cause choking in the throat of span_1span span2span.

can grind nuts and put them in complementary foods, but many children will are allergic to nuts , so be careful.

4. Peanuts

Many children eat peanuts are allergic , can easily cause asthma, eczema and other problems.

5. Rice soup

Although rice soup does not have a great impact on the stomach, but rice soup porridge does not have rich nutrition, it is difficult to supplement the child's needs.

6-month-old babies are hospitalized due to complementary food, and they are under 2 years old. Do not give this soup to the child - DayDayNews

Drinking rice soup only will take up the child's stomach capacity , affects the absorption of other nutrients , the thinner the child is likely to eat.

6. Egg white

Many children are allergic to egg white because the protein molecules in egg white are relatively small, which can easily cause allergic reactions.

Young babies should not eat egg whites, they can eat some crushed egg yolks.

6-month-old babies are hospitalized due to complementary food, and they are under 2 years old. Do not give this soup to the child - DayDayNews

What are the common misunderstandings in feeding complementary foods

1. Always drink broth instead of meat

should be more easily absorbed by children. Actually it is wrong.

Most of the nutrients are contained in the meat, not in the soup. I often drink broth. Because has a lot of fat in the soup, ,After the child drinks it, it will affect the digestion.

When making supplementary food, you can add some meat to it , make the meat more delicate .

6-month-old babies are hospitalized due to complementary food, and they are under 2 years old. Do not give this soup to the child - DayDayNews

2. Use fruit juice instead of fruit

Some people think that fruit juice is easier for babies to accept than fruit, and it can help babies absorb nutrients. This is actually a wrong view.

Because squeezes the fruit into juice , will cause the dietary fiber and vitamin to be greatly reduced .

6-month-old babies are hospitalized due to complementary food, and they are under 2 years old. Do not give this soup to the child - DayDayNews

Even if I drink a lot of fruit juice, there is no way to add enough nutrients.

advocates to mash the fruit into puree for children to eat. When the child is a little older, the fruit can be cut into fruit pieces, which can exercise the child's chewing ability and preserve the nutrition of the fruit.

6-month-old babies are hospitalized due to complementary food, and they are under 2 years old. Do not give this soup to the child - DayDayNews

3. Eat whole grains

adults eat whole grains is too high in fiber, but this kind of coarse food is too high in span1 _spanFor young children, their stomach cannot accept .

will only cause damage to the stomach and intestines , .

What are the tips for making complementary foods for children?

1. Regulate the spleen and stomach, scorching gizzard spines

If your child has indigestion, you may wish to add to the food supplement to help your child adapt to new foods and promote digestion. Absorption, can help the spleen and stomach develop, reduces constipation and other problems.

6-month-old babies are hospitalized due to complementary food, and they are under 2 years old. Do not give this soup to the child - DayDayNews

2. Water to mud

Don’t give children freshly squeezed juices and bone broth. You may wish to change them to meat puree and fruit puree to retain the original nutrients. Otherwise, if the child eats too much, there is no way to absorb it.

Yue sister has something to say:

There are many misunderstandings hidden in children's complementary foods. You can learn more about complementary foods, conduct scientific feeding, and choose foods that are suitable for your children.


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