The man's name was Su Ziqi. Su Ziqi was originally a young woodcutter. Because he was fond of studying, he later obtained a meritorious service. This time he was passing through Dongting. He was just passing by on his way south to Baoqing Mansion for his appointment.

2024/07/0218:05:33 story 1533

In the early days of the Northern Song Dynasty, a man from Meishan, Sichuan, passed through Baling and saw the beautiful scenery of Dongting , so he rented a hotel to stay in Baling City. He wanted to visit all the places of interest and historical sites near Baling.

The man's name was Su Ziqi. Su Ziqi was originally a young woodcutter. He was good at studying and later got a good name. This time he passed through Dongting. He was also passing by on his way south to Baoqing Mansion for his post. Seeing the beautiful scenery of Dongting, I wanted to stay for a few days.

The restaurant where Su Ziqi lives is called "Hao Zailai". It is in the most prosperous area of ​​Baling, with shops on both sides, and there is an endless stream of vendors and goons on the street.

The man's name was Su Ziqi. Su Ziqi was originally a young woodcutter. Because he was fond of studying, he later obtained a meritorious service. This time he was passing through Dongting. He was just passing by on his way south to Baoqing Mansion for his appointment. - DayDayNews


One day, Su Ziqi returned from an outing and was sitting in his room to rest. It was evening, and Su Ziqi heard a man in the guest room adjacent to him yelling and cursing, and from time to time there was the sound of whipping. Su Ziqi felt strange. He went out to take a look and saw that the door of the next door was closed, and the man's shouting and scolding could be heard continuously, mixed with the sound of a whip, as if someone was scolding a child.

Su Ziqi didn't want to meddle in other people's business. He was also a traveler. Travelers always wanted to cause as little trouble as possible, but the sound of whipping in the room was too loud and unbearable to hear. So Su Ziqi called the waiter and asked about the guest room next door. Condition. The waiter at the

store told Su Ziqi that there was a monkey charmer living next door, from Pingshan Mountain in Henan Province, who trained monkeys in the room day and night.

Su Ziqi looked at each other through the opponent's window paper and saw a middle-aged man in the room, holding a whip in one hand and a rope in the other. The other end of the rope was tied to the neck of a yellow-haired monkey, and he was training the monkey. They made various movements, and if the monkey did anything irregularly, the man would raise his whip and whip it hard at the monkey. The monkey was beaten until it rolled all over the ground and fell to the ground. The man then pulled it up from the ground with force. Continue to do the actions set by the man. Under the man's violent reprimand, the yellow-haired monkey could only squeak in pain, but had to endure the pain and obey the middle-aged man.

When Su Ziqi saw him, he felt an indescribable sadness: People in the world only know how to watch monkeys, but don’t they know that the monkeys in the hands of monkey performers are trained in this way! Thinking of this, I saw that the yellow-haired monkey was really pitiful, so I knocked on the door and entered.

When the middle-aged man saw Su Ziqi, he was not surprised and asked: "Brother, what do you want to do?" Su Ziqi explained his purpose and asked to let the monkey go. It was also a living creature and should not be mistreated.

The middle-aged man said: "Let it go, what will I do for a living?" Su Ziqi was speechless, pondered for a moment, and said, "Wouldn't it be better to do something else?" The middle-aged man said: "My family has made a living by playing monkeys for generations. I don't know anything else, and I have no capital." He said sadly.

Su Ziqi understood that some of the monkey tricks were passed down from generation to generation and made a living together. He took another look at the yellow-haired monkey squatting on the ground. When the yellow-haired monkey saw Su Ziqi looking at him, he squeaked and his eyes showed desire, as if he was begging Su Ziqi to let him go. Su Ziqi couldn't bear to look at it anymore and said to the middle-aged man: How much silver does my brother need? Can you sell this monkey to me?

When the middle-aged man saw that Su Ziqi wanted to buy a monkey, he quickly asked: "Seriously?"

Su Ziqi said: "Seriously"!

The middle-aged man said: "Ten taels of silver." Su Ziqi was eager to save the monkey. After hearing this, he returned to his room, took out the only twelve taels of silver he had, and gave it to the middle-aged man to untie the rope around the yellow-haired monkey's neck. This monkey was very smart. He stretched out his neck and asked Su Ziqi to untie the rope around his neck without moving.

The rope around the yellow-haired monkey's neck was untied by Su Ziqi. It did not leave, but bowed to Su Ziqi several times, just like a person who knows how to be grateful. Seeing how cute the monkey was, Su Ziqi knelt down, touched the monkey's head, and said, "Go, you are free!"

The yellow-haired monkey seemed to understand human speech. He stood up and bowed to Su Ziqi again. His eyes seemed to be a little longing and a little tearful. Su Ziqi waved his hand, and the yellow-haired monkey turned around and left the house, jumping up to the rafter. Su Ziqi went out to watch, and saw the yellow-haired monkey squatting on the ridge of the roof, looking towards Su Ziqi.

Seeing the yellow-haired monkey gain freedom, Su Ziqi felt indescribably relieved.At this time, the waiter came over and said to Su Ziqi: The guest has been fooled! Su Ziqi was surprised and asked why. The waiter said: "This middle-aged man specializes in catching monkeys. After he captures them, he trains them with rough methods to arouse the sympathy of the guests who live with him, and then pays to buy them. After he sells them, he goes to capture other monkeys. Many customers have been fooled."

Su Ziqi thought to himself that although he could not stop the middle-aged man, he could help him once, which was a great merit and he did not regret it.

The man's name was Su Ziqi. Su Ziqi was originally a young woodcutter. Because he was fond of studying, he later obtained a meritorious service. This time he was passing through Dongting. He was just passing by on his way south to Baoqing Mansion for his appointment. - DayDayNews


But Su Ziqi spent all his money to save the yellow-haired monkey and could no longer stay in the hotel, so he had to check out the room with the waiter and go to Baoqing Mansion to take up his post. However, he thought again that he had traveled to many places since he came to Baling. There is only Dongting Junshan, which is separated by a lake, that I have not visited yet, which is a big regret in my heart, so I still want to visit Junshan again. When we came to the lake, we saw that the water of Dongting Lake was as level as a mirror, with smoke lingering on the lake surface, and Junshan Mountain looming in the mist. Under the sunlight, the scenery was extremely beautiful.

Su Ziqi was fascinated by this. When he was lost in thought, someone seemed to be tugging at his pants. Su Ziqi lowered his head and saw that it was the yellow-haired monkey he had redeemed from the monkey charmer. The monkey held a flat peach in his hand, which was big and red.

When the yellow-haired monkey saw Su Ziqi looking at him, he raised the peach in his hand and wanted to hand it to Su Ziqi. Because Su Ziqi had no money and hadn't eaten breakfast yet, he was hungry. Now he saw the yellow-haired monkey was so smart. He took the flat peach and ate it without washing it. The yellow-haired monkey squatted quietly aside.

Su Ziqi was in high spirits after eating the flat peaches. The yellow-haired monkey saw Su Ziqi in high spirits, scratching his head and scratching his head. He was very happy. He saw Su Ziqi looking across the lake in a daze. It seemed to be understanding, and it pulled Su Ziqi's sleeve with one hand. Just walked towards the lake.

Su Ziqi didn't know what the yellow-haired monkey meant, but he thought that since it could give him flat peaches to satisfy his hunger, it wouldn't harm him, so he followed him.

Following the yellow-haired monkey to the lake, he saw a small boat rippling on the lake beside the beach. When the yellow-haired monkey saw the boat, he jumped into the boat and waved to Su Ziqi. Su Ziqi was still hesitating, and heard the yellow-haired monkey squeaking, as if urging him to get on the boat. Su Ziqi didn't care so much and got on the boat with him.

When the yellow-haired monkey saw Su Ziqi getting on the boat, he untied the rope on the boat and the boat swung towards the lake. Su Ziqi was horrified and was about to get out of the boat and go ashore. The yellow-haired monkey signaled Su Ziqi not to move. At this time, the boat was at least two or three feet away from the shore, with blue waves rippling all around. Su Ziqi, who had grown up on land since he was a child, dared not move, so he could only let the boat float towards the center of the lake.

Strangely enough, Ye Xiaozhou actually crossed Dongting Lake safely under the control of the yellow-haired monkey. When the boat docked, the yellow-haired monkey jumped out of the boat and called several times toward the forest. Su Ziqi only heard the sounds of monkeys chirping one after another in the mountains and forests on the shore. In the blink of an eye, dozens of monkeys rushed out from the mountains and forests and rushed towards Su Ziqi. Su Ziqi was feeling fear in his heart when he saw a group of monkeys jumping and shouting around the yellow-haired monkey, as if they were cheering for the yellow-haired monkey. This yellow-haired monkey is the king of this group of monkeys. Su Ziqi felt reassured, so he got out of the boat and came to the shore.

This is Junshan, a good place, surrounded by lakes, and the island is in the center of the lake, shrouded in mist, like a fairyland on earth.

Under the leadership of the Yellow-haired Monkey King, Su Ziqi had no worries about eating and drinking. When he was hungry, a group of monkeys picked wild fruits to satisfy his hunger. When he was thirsty, the Monkey King led Su Ziqi to the mountain spring. The clear mountain spring water was cool and delicious. Su Ziqi lives in the mountains and doesn't even think about his return date.

The man's name was Su Ziqi. Su Ziqi was originally a young woodcutter. Because he was fond of studying, he later obtained a meritorious service. This time he was passing through Dongting. He was just passing by on his way south to Baoqing Mansion for his appointment. - DayDayNews


I don’t know how long I have lived in the mountains. Su Ziqi suddenly remembered that he had to go to Baoqing Mansion to take up his post. When he was about to leave, he suddenly saw monkeys in the forest squeaking and jumping up and down, as if he had encountered a monkey. What a frightening thing. Su Ziqi was surprised. This was something he had never encountered since he went up the mountain with the monkeys.

I saw the monkey king next to Su Ziqi also jumped up to the top of the tree, making a squeaking sound from his mouth, as if commanding the monkeys to retreat deep into the forest. Suddenly, all the monkeys disappeared, and the sound stopped. When we heard each other, the mountains and forests were silent.

Su Ziqi was in a state of surprise when suddenly he spotted a figure through the gap between the trees in the forest. He was holding a net bag in one hand and a steel fork in the other. He was setting up a trap there. Dingqing looked again and saw that it turned out to be the figure who lived with him in the past. "A middle-aged man in the inn. Su Ziqi couldn't help but feel angry when he thought of the waiter's words. When the middle-aged man left, Su Ziqi completely destroyed the monkey trap he had set.

Su Ziqi let out a long breath, feeling relieved. Just as he was about to turn around, he saw dozens of monkeys squatting there quietly watching Su Ziqi. Su Ziqi couldn't help but laugh.

The monkeys turned around when they saw Su Ziqi, and jumped and screamed around Su Ziqi, as if cheering for victory.


Su Ziqi understood that destroying the monkey trap of the middle-aged Hebei man was only temporary, and he would come again eventually. He had to think of a way to stop the Hebei man from catching monkeys, so he thought of a strategy and used tree branches to trap the monkeys at the edge of the forest. He wrote eight big characters on the beach, "Everyone has a responsibility to protect monkeys" and asked the monkeys to prepare some branches and sticks.

The next day, the middle-aged man appeared at the edge of the woods at dawn. He was furious when he saw that the trap he had set was destroyed. He saw the eight big characters on the beach and swept them away with his feet. He lowered his head and wanted to set up a monkey trap again. Su Ziqi caught a glimpse under the shade of a tree and knew that the middle-aged man had not given up yet and his viciousness was hard to change, so he made a gesture to the tree. I saw a group of monkeys that had been ambushing on the treetops for a long time. Because they had been with Su Ziqi for many days, they already knew what Su Ziqi meant. When Su Ziqi gave the order, they all jumped down from the treetops, picked up the prepared branches and sticks, and struck out like Thousands of troops rushed towards the middle-aged man who was catching monkeys.

A middle-aged man was lowering his head to set up a monkey trap. He suddenly saw several monkeys running out of the forest. He felt happy. He also saw more and more monkeys coming out of the forest, holding branches and sticks, and they all rushed towards him. He was surprised. , he was about to escape, but a group of monkeys were approaching. How could he win, but he was beaten by the monkeys. The middle-aged man was attacked by a group of monkeys and was beaten until his eyes flashed with stars. He was bitten and scratched in many places on his body by the monkeys. He was in unbearable pain all over his body. He no longer cared about catching the monkey and ran down the mountain with the mouse in his arms. With this unforgettable experience, this middle-aged man never dared to catch monkeys again.

When Su Ziqi saw the middle-aged man running away in pain, he also came to say goodbye to the monkeys. When the monkeys saw Su Ziqi, they also wanted to go down the mountain. They picked countless wild fruits and gave them to Su Ziqi. Su Ziqi accepted them one by one, bid farewell to the monkeys with tears in his eyes, took the small boat in which he came, and returned to the Dongting.

The man's name was Su Ziqi. Su Ziqi was originally a young woodcutter. Because he was fond of studying, he later obtained a meritorious service. This time he was passing through Dongting. He was just passing by on his way south to Baoqing Mansion for his appointment. - DayDayNews


Later, Su Ziqi returned to Junshan after completing his term in Baoqing Mansion. He saw that Junshan had green trees and shady trees. There were monkeys fetching water by the lake from time to time. Knowing that the monkeys' situation had greatly improved, he was about to leave. , I saw a yellow-haired monkey squatting beside me.

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