A woman knelt on the ground, tugged on the man's trousers, and cried: "Please, please save her. She is only 26 years old, still very young. The doctor said that if she has surgery, she can do more." How many years to live.”

2024/06/3016:16:32 story 1405

A woman knelt on the ground, pulled the man's trousers, and cried: "Please, please save her. She is only 26 years old, still very young. The doctor said that if she undergoes surgery, she can still do it." A few more years to live."

A woman knelt on the ground, tugged on the man's trousers, and cried:

The woman burst into tears, but the man was expressionless. The woman repeatedly asked the man to save her sister, but the man did not speak, but later signed the form to give up treatment.

My elder sister and sister-in-law went to the ward to visit my younger sister and told her the bad news in tears. My younger sister suddenly fell to her knees with a plop and begged her sister-in-law and elder sister to save her. She still could be saved and didn’t want to leave this beautiful world so early.

A woman knelt on the ground, tugged on the man's trousers, and cried:

My sister-in-law and sister were helpless and could only cry.

A woman knelt on the ground, tugged on the man's trousers, and cried:

My sister-in-law and my sister could only continue to beg her husband Wang Liang, but Wang Liang said that his wife had cheated on him. He said that he had been married to his wife for four years, but her wife had never been able to conceive a child, and later she could only do test-tube baby , I did it last time and spent all my savings, but it didn't work.

Just when I had nothing and was still in debt, my wife fell ill again, and it was cancer . Treatment only extended her life by a few years, and it was not curable at all.

A woman knelt on the ground, tugged on the man's trousers, and cried:

He also said that his wife had already been married once, but she divorced because she could not have children. When she married him, she did not say that she could not have children. He kept everything in the dark. If he knew that she could not have children, it would be He will never marry her. The whole family is waiting for his child.

A woman knelt on the ground, tugged on the man's trousers, and cried:

A woman knelt on the ground, tugged on the man's trousers, and cried:

My sister was very angry. She said that her sister had never been married to anyone else. Marrying Wang Liang was her first marriage, and it was written in the household registration book.

Moreover, my sister also wanted to give birth to a child for Wang Liang, so she endured the severe pain to do in vitro fertilization. As a result, she ended up like this. I really felt worthless for my sister.

A woman knelt on the ground, tugged on the man's trousers, and cried:

After hearing this, Wang Liang burst into tears: "It's not that I don't care, but that I don't have the ability to take care of it at all. I've borrowed all the places I can. Surgery costs money. I don't have any money. I can't afford it." Now that the money has come, what can I do?"

A woman knelt on the ground, tugged on the man's trousers, and cried:

Fortunately, all the cadres in the village where the incident happened knew about it, and they promised to find a way to get Zhou Yuping treated first.

In fact, it is not easy for this man. He definitely hopes that his wife can survive, but it is difficult for a man without money, so what can he do?

In order to have a child, he went bankrupt and his wife was terminally ill. He was also under a lot of pressure. Seeing how thin he was, he was worried a lot.

A woman knelt on the ground, tugged on the man's trousers, and cried:

Being in vitro fertilized is very harmful to the body, and it takes a long time to recover. Children are destined to have children, so since there is no such fate, just let nature take its course.

If you don’t have children, you can adopt one if you are a loving couple, or you don’t have to have children. Two people can love each other for the rest of their lives. Don’t force yourself, but it will bring disaster to yourself. This man is still a good man. I hope women If they can get better, the couple can live a good life.

A woman knelt on the ground, tugged on the man's trousers, and cried:

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