Introduction: Hello everyone, I am Super School Overlord 009, a high-quality story blogger. I interpret all aspects of life and read bizarre stories. If the blogger’s views are deeply rooted in your heart, please follow the blogger, collect, forward, and leave a message. your com

2024/07/0205:44:33 story 1512

Introduction: Hello everyone, I am Super School Overlord 009, a high-quality story blogger. I interpret all aspects of life and read bizarre stories. If the blogger’s views are deeply rooted in your heart, please follow the blogger, collect, forward, and leave a comment. Leave your comment. Friends who have the conditions to click on the three dots in the upper right corner to give the author a dime, thank you! (Please read to the end)

"Brother Snake, we are all in the same village. I don't want to see you when you look up. How about you give me a way today? Can you?"

Recently, a man was walking in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province at night. While walking home at night, I met a super "gentle" cobra .

Introduction: Hello everyone, I am Super School Overlord 009, a high-quality story blogger. I interpret all aspects of life and read bizarre stories. If the blogger’s views are deeply rooted in your heart, please follow the blogger, collect, forward, and leave a message. your com - DayDayNews

The man was thinking, as the saying goes, how wonderful it is to have friends come from afar?

After all, isn't it a unique fate for me and him to meet each other in the vast sea of ​​people? Since we meet each other, we are destined to meet each other. Moreover, this person is obviously "lucky to meet each other too late"...

Meeting a close friend on the road, meeting an old friend in a foreign land, isn't this the greatest fate in the world?

However, it was precisely out of the curiosity of "seeing each other late" that the man picked up his flashlight and pointed it at a cobra that he must pass on the way back to the village. That is, the black and white "super spicy noodles" that we often call in the countryside, a group of five people, a table of ten people, and a gentle "greeting"!

One person and one snake. At the beginning, everyone was a little uneasy and more or less nervous!

As we all know, in terms of experience and vision, each other is one of the best "big guys" in various fields. They truly "know heroes and value heroes. Therefore, the etiquette and etiquette of meeting in the early stage are almost achieved." Everyone is in an impeccable situation..."

Introduction: Hello everyone, I am Super School Overlord 009, a high-quality story blogger. I interpret all aspects of life and read bizarre stories. If the blogger’s views are deeply rooted in your heart, please follow the blogger, collect, forward, and leave a message. your com - DayDayNews

In addition, neither side dares to be careless or look down on others. After all, it is a matter of life and death. A decision can be made and the whole body can be affected...

After all, in Before discovering the other party's true intention of blocking the road, both parties naturally dare not let down their guard, so they can only find out the other party's true thoughts through a small part of "probing"!

Whether it is "strike first to gain advantage" or "strike last and suffer disaster", reality does not allow them to relax at all...

Then, the cobra, the snake brother, gently squirmed his black and white body, He straightened his waist and launched the first "greeting" attack...

Immediately afterwards, the man also used his flashlight to shine into the eyes of the oversized cobra from time to time, and teased it from time to time. It tests the Cobra's reaction speed and exit sensitivity!

Even, he specially took out the Huawei mobile phone with the highest configuration that he bought a few months ago, and specially blocked the way for this "unique", who may also have been drinking at night, "Brother Snake" took a picture It can be called the most professional close-up.

Introduction: Hello everyone, I am Super School Overlord 009, a high-quality story blogger. I interpret all aspects of life and read bizarre stories. If the blogger’s views are deeply rooted in your heart, please follow the blogger, collect, forward, and leave a message. your com - DayDayNews

In fact, looking at the man’s final product display, this photography technique would have been impossible to capture without decades of experience.

After all, being able to take such a clear picture of the lines on the body of such a Snake Brother must not be possible for ordinary people. This requires at least the most professional skills, and there cannot be any deviation. If you are not careful, you may even fall directly into a situation where there is no recovery.

Moreover, this shooting requires super high psychological quality and excellent avoidance instinct. These three are often indispensable, otherwise it would be impossible to shoot such an extremely perfect album...

Finally, the man also specialized I shot a short video of the Cobra that lasted for more than ten seconds and shared it on social networks for everyone to appreciate and appreciate this "road tyrant" blocking the road in the countryside. The super-large Cobra's perfect figure and agile exit movements.

To be honest, this is indeed the first time that the editor has seen such a "gentle", "cute", "tall" and "sexy" cobra in this world.However, I still have to remind everyone here that if you really meet this "good friend" on the way back to the village in the future, you must not be as curious and naughty as this old brother, or even... I also need to take a special photo of Brother Snake and make a short video to share Brother Snake’s sexy figure.

Introduction: Hello everyone, I am Super School Overlord 009, a high-quality story blogger. I interpret all aspects of life and read bizarre stories. If the blogger’s views are deeply rooted in your heart, please follow the blogger, collect, forward, and leave a message. your com - DayDayNews

After all, there is something wrong with being so enthusiastic about Brother Snake. What if someone doesn’t want to become an Internet celebrity and gets really angry? What should I do?

Moreover, if this snake brother is a bit thinner than other snakes, and he doesn’t want to really go online and appear on the scene to “become an Internet celebrity”, wouldn’t it mean that he is really using a lantern to go to the toilet with his mother, and get into trouble?

In fact, this is indeed the case. This brother who was in a hurry to return to the village encountered such an embarrassing thing. Originally he was just being nice and persuasive, and discussed with Brother Snake to take photos, shoot videos, and make an album.

However, the snake brother opposite may not have eaten dinner today, and he happened to be blocked on his way home. The most important thing is that the old brother in front of him, who does not have much "quality", also wants to take a very eye-catching photo of himself. album.

This time, is it tolerable? Which one is intolerable? Isn't it? Isn’t this a complete violation of what humans often call their “image rights”?

Moreover, the man in front of him not only violated his own portrait rights, but also showed such an evil smile to himself. Most importantly, he did not receive any compensation, which completely made this snake brother angry. Got it!

So, it was no surprise that it got angry this time. It was on the opposite side of the road, its neck was bulging with anger, and the black and white lines under its neck were all angry, and the white and black lines were clear and pitiful. This is simple. It is God’s most beautiful “masterpiece”.

In terms of appearance, to be honest, it’s really not bad. The figure of this unique cobra is already comparable to the famous Hong Kong sister.

Introduction: Hello everyone, I am Super School Overlord 009, a high-quality story blogger. I interpret all aspects of life and read bizarre stories. If the blogger’s views are deeply rooted in your heart, please follow the blogger, collect, forward, and leave a message. your com - DayDayNews

I just don’t know whether this snake brother is male or female. Even if he is angry, in the eyes of this man, he still looks so cute today!

Later, under the man's constant teasing with the flashlight, the snake brother was really going crazy.

Its standing body seemed to be forced to sway due to extreme shame and anger. It kept squirming, spitting out black words in its mouth, and meal after meal at the man who was openly blocking its way. Crazy output.

However, although he opened his bloody mouth many times, this snake brother, like Saburo, twisted his body and attacked again and again, as if he was playing house on this man, without any trace of it. He no longer has the accuracy that he used to "hit with one hit" on other prey.

Therefore, every time when the snake brother was about to attack the man, he could always miss the mark and dodge the cobra's attack with ease and ease.

Yes! correct! An expert will know if there is one as soon as he takes action!

Introduction: Hello everyone, I am Super School Overlord 009, a high-quality story blogger. I interpret all aspects of life and read bizarre stories. If the blogger’s views are deeply rooted in your heart, please follow the blogger, collect, forward, and leave a message. your com - DayDayNews

I have to say that with such agility, proficiency in dodging, and even such precise control of angles and directions, this man must be a proper practitioner. Even if

is in the world, he will definitely not be an unknown person. Maybe it was an out-of-this-world expert hidden deep in the mountains and old forests, a peerless master who could possess such skill, magnanimity, and courage just now.

In the end, after many attacks to no avail, Brother Snake naturally began to calm down a little, and just wanted to go home for dinner and solve his internal organs temple.

Before leaving, he looked back at the man fiercely and thought to himself: "Small, this time, you are lucky! Don't let me see you on the road again next time.

After all, I can make countless mistakes, but you can only make one mistake! Next time I see you, let’s see if I, the old snake , don’t bite off your legs and feet, hum! "

In the end, this king cobra ran away angrily. After all, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!

If you see a really rude and unqualified man again in the future, why don't you give him a blow with a hammer?

So, in just a blink of an eye, this cobra, the most famous "spicy snake" in the countryside, hid in the grass next to the road...

And the man saw this "Brother Snake" "I left so simply and without leaving a word for myself. Although I felt a little disappointed at first. However, in the blink of an eye, I not only succeeded in getting the other party to give way to me on the only way back to the village. Lu, and even played with this "brother snake" for a while. When

said goodbye, he even took advantage of it and took some sexy and cute photos and videos. , I guess it can also be used to make a Cobra album to earn some pocket money. At first thought, I am quite satisfied...

Introduction: Hello everyone, I am Super School Overlord 009, a high-quality story blogger. I interpret all aspects of life and read bizarre stories. If the blogger’s views are deeply rooted in your heart, please follow the blogger, collect, forward, and leave a message. your com - DayDayNews

Finally, the editor gives a warm reminder: "If, on the way back to the village in the future, you also meet someone with This man is in the same situation.

No matter how enthusiastic you are, or how curious you are, or even the so-called meeting etiquette and etiquette.

I suggest that you can throw away all these things. At the moment you meet, no matter how familiar you are, please run away as fast as possible!

After all, compared to all fate and etiquette, saving one's life is the most important thing in this world...

Dear veterans, what is your opinion on this relationship between this man and "Brother Snake"? What do you think of the touching short story?

Finally, welcome to leave your opinions and valuable comments!

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Introduction: Hello everyone, I am Super School Overlord 009, a high-quality story blogger. I interpret all aspects of life and read bizarre stories. If the blogger’s views are deeply rooted in your heart, please follow the blogger, collect, forward, and leave a message. your com - DayDayNews

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