On the day of the opening ceremony, it was a clear day with no clouds in the sky. The large square in front of the Emperor's Palace was crowded with people. Everyone hoped that creating rain from the sky would become a reality. Therefore, they came to the meeting today, all carry

2024/07/0115:09:33 story 1943

After the sky-creating rainfall project was completed, King Pan immediately held a "sky-opening rainfall ceremony" to strive for early rainfall to relieve the severe drought in the world. On the day of the opening ceremony, it was a clear day with no clouds in the sky. The large square in front of the Emperor's Palace was crowded with people. Everyone hoped that creating rain from the sky would become a reality. And Xia Geng, Dashan, Wang Xiaoxu, Zuzhuang, Libai, Shebi, etc., headed by the Xingtian clan, are planning to coax the emperor and his brothers away once the rain fails. Tell them to go back to Kunlun Mountain ! If the rain succeeds, he will rush to the stage during the heavy rain to kill the emperor. Therefore, they came to the meeting today, all carrying weapons and secretly spreading the rumor among the crowd that "it is a lie that the emperor made the sky rain, but it is true to defraud him of the throne." After everyone heard this, they seemed to believe it but not believe it, and their thoughts were confused. Just when they were confusing the public with their rumors, there was a sudden sound of heavenly music in the sky. Everyone looked up and saw that it was the Tianzun of the Daluo Mountain Laozi , the Kunlun Mountain Chanjiao Yuanshi Tianzun, and the Penglai Mountain Jiejiao Tongtian Tianzun. They all came to participate in the rain ceremony, so the venue became lively again. Sitting on the rostrum today are: King Pan, Emperor, Ji Ling, Dajiu, Changren, Gongsun, Haoxiong, Yuan Zheng, Dan Tao, Zeng Feng, Xingtian, etc.

On the day of the opening ceremony, it was a clear day with no clouds in the sky. The large square in front of the Emperor's Palace was crowded with people. Everyone hoped that creating rain from the sky would become a reality. Therefore, they came to the meeting today, all carry - DayDayNews

The conference was hosted by Ji Lingshi. He first expressed his welcome and gratitude to Laozi Tianzun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian Tianzun who had attended the opening ceremony of rain on behalf of King Pan and all living beings in the world! After the Heavenly Band played "The Opening of Heaven", King Pan walked out amidst the applause of the crowd and said enthusiastically: "Dear living beings: The long-awaited day for the success of creating rain from the sky has arrived! Now, I order the creation of the sky. The emperor, the commander-in-chief of the rainfall project, started to rain! After that, everyone burst into fierce applause and cheers.

The emperor, with Pingyi , Feilian, and Fenglong, came together. When he walked to the stage, he bowed to everyone in the audience, then turned around and bowed to King Pan and the Heavenly Lord of the Three Religions, and immediately rose into the sky. At this moment, the Emperor took everyone's heart away, and everyone looked up at Wanli Wuyun. The blue sky. They all looked eagerly to see how it would rain. What would it look like? Waiting and waiting, their necks became sore. Xia Geng and others said among the crowd: scam! The emperor had long since escaped secretly in the sky! "Prince Wang Ziye and the Dako family also laughed at the emperor. Suddenly they saw the wind and clouds surging in the sky. Suddenly, a flash of lightning illuminated the sky, followed by a thunderbolt that shook the mountains and the earth. In an instant, sand and rocks flew, and dark clouds rolled in. Above, raindrops were falling all over the sky and the earth, and they were falling more and more. At this moment, everyone felt the coolness of the raindrops, and immediately jumped and cheered, "Long live the Emperor!" "Long live King Pan!" "The lightning was flashing and the thunder was roaring. King Pan, like the people, danced and cheered with joy! This was the first time since the beginning of the world that people saw the spectacular sight of rain from the sky. While everyone was reveling, King Pan suddenly shouted loudly After laughing a few times, he suddenly fell to the ground. Xing Tianxian noticed it and immediately beckoned Xia Geng to rush to the stage. He carried King Pan on his back and sent him to the Emperor's Mansion for rescue. He entered the Emperor's Mansion and put him on the bed. King Pan opened his mouth a few times and then died. Xia Geng asked what King Pan said. Xia Geng understood everything after hearing this, and then said to the Ji Ling family, Dajiu family, Chang Ren family, Gongsun family and others who came to visit: "Pan Wang has no hope of resurrection." King Pan's last words were to ask Vice Emperor Xingtian to succeed to the throne! Please go in and have a look. "Everyone went in and saw that Xing Tianshi was holding Pan Wang's head and crying loudly. Seeing that Pan Wang could not be saved, Ji Ling hurried back to inform the gods of the three religions. When the gods heard that Pan Wang had died, they expressed their deep condolences and made an appointment for seven days. Later, he attended the funeral of King Pangu. After that, he came to visit King Pangu and then left.

Xia Geng quickly came to the stage and took advantage of Ji Ling's opportunity to entertain the three religious gods and announced to everyone: "Tell everyone something. Sad news, the great King Pangu died suddenly! The last will and testament he left behind was to ask the Vice-Emperor Xingtian to inherit the throne of the world! "The meeting place immediately became chaotic. Taking advantage of the chaos, Xia Geng asked Wang Ziye to organize Da Hong and Wang Xiaoxu. Zu Zhuang and others were ready to assassinate the emperor who was about to return.He was also called Li Bai, She Bi, Wang Rao, etc., and followed him to the Emperor's Mansion to keep vigil for King Pan, in order to obey the command of the deputy emperor Xing Tianshi. When they arrived at the Emperor's Mansion, Xing Tian and Xia Geng conspired. If the assassination of the Emperor failed, they would try to drive the Emperor and his brothers away and ask them to return to Kunlun Mountain. They also conspired to hold a ceremony for King Xing's succession to the throne first, and then bury King Pan...

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