There is a story in "Aesop's Fables": A shepherd found that a lion had stepped on a thorn and it was painful to walk. He bravely helped the lion pull out the thorn. Soon the shepherd was framed and sentenced to be fed to the lions. The lion was very grateful and did not eat the s

2024/06/2913:48:32 story 1242

There is a story in

There is such a story in " Aesop's Fables ":

A shepherd found that the lion had stepped on a thorn and it was painful to walk. He bravely helped the lion pull out the thorn.

Soon the shepherd was framed and sentenced to be fed to the lions.

The lion was very grateful and did not eat the shepherd;

The king was very moved after hearing this and pardoned the shepherd.

This story tells people that good deeds are rewarded;

But people's hearts are complicated, and no one knows what kind of things your friends who sincerely help, relatives who are kind to you, and friendly classmates will do to you in the future;

In this sinister society, there have been many examples of good people not being rewarded;

it can be seen that people cannot be blindly good, but must stick to their own principles and bottom lines, and when encountering critical things, do not be timid or shrink back, and have the courage to fight for them;

In interpersonal interactions, please let kindness grow its claws and not be bound and bound by kindness;

Remember, no matter how kind you are, don't give in when encountering the following three things.

There is a story in

You should have fairness and benefits, don’t give in.

has a thought-provoking story:

The state of Lu has a law that if someone from the state of Lu becomes a slave abroad, as long as someone can redeem them, they can go to the treasury. Reimburse ransom.

One of Confucius's disciples, Zigong, , ransomed a man from Lu, but unexpectedly refused to receive the compensation he deserved.

After learning about it, Confucius commented that he had done something wrong, because receiving compensation from the state was a legitimate act and would not damage his character;

But if he did not receive the compensation, no one in the state of Lu would redeem him. His own compatriots who were killed.

The story is full of philosophy and meaningful. It illustrates the fairness and interests that people should have without making concessions;

It is like when we go out to work and sell the knowledge and skills we have learned, it is natural that the company pays us wages and remuneration. ;

We rely on our hard-working hands to obtain rewards openly, and there is no problem at all. There is no need to refuse and feel that you are not worthy. You think you should be particularly grateful for the platform and opportunities given by the company;

Remember, employment opportunities are not given to you by the company, but by the company. It is "created" by social needs. It is only natural that everyone makes money based on their own abilities.

If someone dares to make you suffer and deprive you of your legitimate rights and interests, please remember to fight back and resist.

Otherwise, if you pay but do not receive due fairness and benefits, this will be the greatest damage to the fairness of this society.

There is a story in

allows you to give up your bottom line and engage in heresy. You must learn to refuse

writer Feng Tang said:

You should do things as if you are facing an abyss and walk on thin ice. As a human being, you should learn to be in awe and do something and not do something.

Kind people, if they don't know how to stick to their own bottom line, can easily be used and deceived by people with ulterior motives;

The other party often plays the "emotional card" with the kind-hearted you, trying to kidnap you morally , sell anxiety, and talk about you You should consider the future quality of life for your family, or if you cannot be responsible for your family's happiness, you do not deserve to live comfortably.

They even want to impress you with tears in their eyes, to influence you, and make you take the risk of breaking the law, abandon the bottom line and engage in some heresy, but in fact they are all for their own benefit;

At this time, please be clear-headed and be a sincere person. When someone who is good to you advises you to do something, he will consider both the benefits and the risks, and will not see you putting yourself in danger.

We choose to be kind, but we must also learn to uphold justice. Please decisively refuse any help or help that forces you, tries to seduce you, or pull you into trouble.

There is a story in

Dare to fight back against those who maliciously harm you.

There is a very interesting phenomenon in interpersonal communication, that is, the less you know a person, the less you dare to offend easily or be presumptuous in front of him;

On the contrary, The more familiar you are with a person, the more you dare to judge him and hurt him boldly and without scruples.

Everyone has self-esteem, and they must understand equality and respect when getting along. This is a healthy relationship;

There are some people who think that kindness means being weak and can be bullied, so they treat these people as fools and attack and hurt them at will.

When you surpass them and live a happier life than them, these people will feel unbalanced and do some excessive things secretly or in person;

Kind people cannot retreat blindly from such direct humiliation and provocation. , because actor Zhou Jie once said:

In this society, no matter how much blame you bear, don’t tolerate it, because they will not let you go if you tolerate it.

Kind people cannot imagine how bad evil people are, and your tolerance and tolerance will make them push forward;

Therefore, we must learn to fight back, because if we bear this kind of innocent pain, it will make those who truly love us sad.

There is a story in

In this life, the most important thing is to have a clear conscience and let your kindness be a little sharp. Only then can you filter out who you can treat sincerely and who you must stay away from;

Some people are not worthy of your kindness and kindness. Enthusiasm, so please don’t waste your kindness; if you encounter the above three things, don’t give in!


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