The little black dog, holding a piece of meat in its mouth, walked proudly by the pond. Look at the water, there is a black dog, also holding a piece of meat. He jumped into the pond with a "plop" sound, trying to grab the piece of meat in the water.

2024/07/0120:08:33 story 1930

1. Little black dog

Little black dog, holding a piece of meat in his mouth, walking proudly by the pond.

Looking at the water, there was a black dog, which also had a piece of meat in its mouth.

jumped into the pond with a "plop" to grab the piece of meat in the water.

just opened his mouth, but instead of grabbing it, he lost the meat in his mouth. ​​​​

Little black dog, are you ashamed? Just gain weight without using your brain.

Children, laugh out loud, don’t be greedy and a drowned dog.

2.Wanda and the dog

Wanda is lonely and looking for friends everywhere.

The white cat eagle and the flower dog make friends with him.

One day I went hunting and met a big roaring bear.

The cat climbed up the tree, the eagle flew away, and only the little flower dog was left beside him.

Wanda was knocked down, and Hua Gou tried her best to save her.

rushed forward, bit the bear's throat, and refused to let go until it was beaten to death.

Wanda turned over and fired, hitting the bear in the head.

is the most loyal, a flower dog, who saves friends in times of crisis.

3. A blockbuster

In the past, Chu State was very weak.

King Zhuang had been in power for three years, and his political performance was not good.

Someone asked King Zhuang, "There is a bird on the mountain.

It has not flown or screamed for three years. What kind of bird is it?"

King Zhuang said: Don’t fly for three years in order to grow feathers.

If you don’t bark for three years, your voice will get louder.

From then on, King Zhuang held court meetings every day.

Reform the old system, eliminate corrupt officials, and the people will be safe and the country will be prosperous and strong.

Soaring into the sky and becoming a blockbuster,

there is a goulun bird in the state of Chu.

4. Uncle Tao and the Bear

Uncle Tao lives in a ravine and makes friends with bears.

tells stories every day, making the little bear happy.

Uncle Tao was taking a nap, and Little Bear was watching beside him.

The flies were making noise, so they waved their hands and broke the uncle's head. ​​​​

5. Lion bullfighting

red bull, black bull and scalper, three good friends, brothers.

A yellow lion came running by the forest, opening its mouth wide and trying to bite the cow.

Three brothers, majestic, walking in circles around the lion.

Red Bull took the opportunity to challenge the lion, causing it to fall and fight.

The lion was defeated and plotted to instigate brothers to turn against each other.

"You can't do it, you're not as good as me!" "You trembled in the battle that day."

was not convinced and came to a duel, fighting from the east to the west.

The three cows were too tired to move, and the lion easily ate the beef.

The little black dog, holding a piece of meat in its mouth, walked proudly by the pond. Look at the water, there is a black dog, also holding a piece of meat. He jumped into the pond with a

6. Wolf and Fox

The gray wolf and the fox have become great enemies.

gets angry whenever they meet, often fighting and biting their skin.

The lion always gives gifts when he is sick, but the fox is the last one to show up.

The big bad wolf said to the king: "You are not seen in the fox's eyes."

The little fox said carefully that he was late to see the miracle doctor.

To cure diseases, use wolf skin. The wolf was skinned by the lion king.

7. The fox and the crow

The crow picked up a piece of meat and held it in its mouth.

The fox said hello under the tree, but the crow did not open its mouth.

"Good morning, King Bird", " Magpie says you are ugly".

The crow was so angry that it trembled and screamed, losing the meat in its mouth. ​​​​

8. The Stubborn Eagle

In the big forest, the birds are chirping, and the flowers are blooming in spring.

The pines roar, the willow branches sway, the oak tree Grandpa is the tallest.

Mr. and Mrs. Eagle have just arrived and built their new home in the oak tree.

little field mouse , shouting loudly: The oak tree will fall over due to rotten roots.

The eagle said that it will not fall, and the tree is big enough to hatch babies.

A strong wind blew, oak trees fell, and babies were killed.

The eagle regrets, and his heart is tormented. He should have listened to the field mouse's early advice.

Children, remember that it is not good to be stubborn.

9. Big yellow dog

Big yellow dog, with high abilities, has made great achievements in guarding the door and preventing thieves.

My friends were happy, my neighbors praised me, and I became very proud from then on.

It bites strangers when it sees it, which can hurt many friends.

The master hung exquisite ornaments on it, and people gave way when they heard it.

The big yellow dog is even more proud, shaking his head as he walks.

shook his head and spoke loudly, thinking that doing evil is good.

Author: Gao Yangbo, whose online name is Hanyang Swordsman, is from Wuhan. He has an on-the-job postgraduate degree from the Central Party School. He is the former director of the Party History Research Office of the Dongxihu District Committee of the Communist Party of China. He is the author of "The Collection of Waves" ( Changjiang Press ); the editor-in-chief of "The History of Dongxihu District of the Communist Party of China", "Dongxihu District Chronicles" and " Dongxihu District". "Jianzhi " and other works.

The little black dog, holding a piece of meat in its mouth, walked proudly by the pond. Look at the water, there is a black dog, also holding a piece of meat. He jumped into the pond with a

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